First Clarkforkian Equivalent Land Mammal Age in the Latest Paleocene Basal Sparnacian Facies of Europe: Fauna, Flora, Paleoenvironment and (Bio)stratigraphy

T. Smith, F. Quesnel, G. De Plöeg, D. De Franceschi, G. Métais, E. De Bast, F. Solé, A. Folie, A. Boura, J. Claude, C. Dupuis, C. Gagnaison, A. Iakovleva, J. Martin, F. Maubert, J. Prieur, E. Roche, J.-Y. Storme, R. Thomas, H. Tong, J. Yans, and E. Buffetaut



PLoS ONE 9(1):e86229:1

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