Altoona bryozoan-coral-stromatoporoid reef, uppermost Silurian, Pennsylvania - 1989
An Ostrea bioherm in the Cretaceous Notikewin Member, British Columbia - 1989
An Upper Triassic reefal limestone, southern Vancouver Island, B.C. - 1989
Coral/stromatoporoid reef complex, Lower Devonian, southwest Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. - 1989
Earliest Cretaceous sponge reef mounds, Nova Scotia Shelf (Shell Demascotia) - 1989
Early Cambrian patch reefs, southern Labrador - 1989
Favositid patch reef, Early Silurian, Allenwood, Pennsylvania. U.S.A. - 1989
Fore-slope receptaculitid mounds from the Frasnian of the Rocky Mountains, Alberta - 1989
Honora Bay bryozoan bioherms, Lower Silurian, Manitoulin Island, Ontario - 1989
Lithistid sponge bioherms, early Middle Ordovician, western Newfoundland - 1989
Lock Haven coral-bryozoan reef, Middle Silurian, Pennsylvania - 1989
Lower Devonian reefs of the Coeymans Formation in the northern Appalachian basin - 1989
Lower Jurassic Gryphea bank, northern Yukon - 1989
Lower Permian palaeoaplysinid mound, northern Yukon, Canada - 1989
Middle Ordovician (Chazyan) bioherms and biostromes of the Mingan Islands, Quebec - 1989
Middle Ordovician coral reefs; western Newfoundland - 1989
Patch reefs in Ordovician limestones, St.-Honoré, Quebec - 1989
Upper Jurassic shallow water reefs of offshore Nova Scotia - 1989