Thunder-Lizards: The Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington

Age-related characteristics found in a partial pelvis of a Camarasaurus - 2005

Between Gondwana and Laurasia: Cretaceous sauropods in an intraoceanic carbonate platform - 2005

Evolution in the hyposphene-hypantrum complex within Sauropoda - 2005

Evolution of the titanosaur metacarpus - 2005

First articulated manus of Diplodocus carnegii - 2005

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) nests, eggs, and dung mass (coprolites) of sauropods (titanosaurs) from India - 2005

Neuroanatomy and dentition of Camarasaurus lentus - 2005

New adult specimens of Camarasaurus lentus highlight ontogenetic variation within the species - 2005

New juvenile sauropod material from western Colorado, and the record of juvenile sauropods from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation - 2005

Observations on Cretaceous sauropods from Australia - 2005

Ontogenetic variation and isometric growth in the forelimb of the Early Cretaceous sauropod Venenosaurus - 2005

Osteology of Ampelosaurus atacis (Titanosauria) from southern France - 2005

Postcranial anatomy of referred specimens of the sauropodomorph dinosaur Melanorosaurus from the Upper Triassic of South Africa - 2005

Reassessment of the Early Cretaceous sauropod Astrodon johnstoni Leidy 1865 (Titanosauriformes) - 2005

Sauropods of Patagonia: systematic update and notes on global sauropod evolution - 2005

The genus Barosaurus Marsh (Sauropoda, Diplodocidae) - 2005

Variation in the appendicular skeleton of North American sauropod dinosaurs: taxonomic implications - 2005