Books beginning with B

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Badatier, Feissat & Demoudry eds, Marseille.

Barbaret, Vernon

Basin Analysis and Paleontology of the Paleocene and Eocene Goler Formation, El Paso Mountains, California

Beiträge zur Araneologie

Beiträge zur Araneologie

Beiträge zur Geologie von Kamerun. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart

Beiträge zur Geologischen Kenntniss der Östlichen Alpen

Beiträge zur Palaeontologie und Geognosie von Oberösterreich und Salzburg.

Beitrage zur Palaontologie der Cetaceen Perus

Beitrage zur Palaontologie der cetaceen Perus

Beiträge zur Paläontologie der Cetaceen und Pinnipedier der Pisco Formation Perus

Beitrage zur Petrefactenkunde von Dr. Wissmann und Graf Münster unter Mitwirkung des Dr. Braun miv XIV, nach der Nature gezeichneten Tafeln

Bellairs, A. d'A., editor, Morphology and biology of reptiles, Linnean Society Symposium Series

Beringia in the Cenozoic Era (ed. V. L. Kontrimavicius)

Berliner Paläobiologische Abhandlungen

Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 181

Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems

Beschreibung der Naturalien-Sammlung der Universitaet zu Rostock, Abteilung 3. Gedruckt bey Adlers Erben, Rostock

Bibliographia Palaeonthologica Animalium Systematica. O Homothalami

Biogeograficheskoe raionirovanie Evropeiskogo Severa SSSR (permii trias). Akademia Nauk SSSR, Leningrad

Biogeography and Ecology in Madagascar

Biogeography and Geological Evolution of SE Asia. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden

Biogeography of the West Indies

Biological Investigations in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas

Biology of the Vipers. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain

Biology, Evolution, and Conservation of River Dolphins within South America and Asia

Biology, Phylogeny and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A Crowson

Biostratigraficheskie i Paleobiofalsialnie Issledovaniya i ikh Prakticheskoe Znachenie [Biostratigraphical and Paleobiofacial Investigations and their practical significance]

Biostratigrafiya pogranichnkh otlozhenii silura i devona [Biostratigraphy of Silurian-Devonian Boundary deposits]

Biostratigrafiya pogranichnykh otlozhenii nizhnego i srednego devona. Trudy pdolevoi sessii Mezhdunarodnoi podkomissii po stratigrafii devona [Biostratigraphy of Lower and Middle Devonian boundary deposits. Proceedings I Field Symposium of the International Subcommission on the Devonian Stratigraphy]

Biostratigraphic data for a Mid-Carboniferous boundary

Biostratigraphiya i Brakhiopody Permi Verkhoyaniya

Biostratigraphiya i paleontologiya nizhnego kembriya Europy i severnoj Azii

Biostratigraphy and fauna of the Lower Devonian of the eastern slope of the Urals]

Biostratigraphy of the Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup). South African Committee for Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphic Series

Biostratigraphy of the Yangtze Gorge Area

Biotic and Geological Development of the Paleo-Tethys in China

Biotic interactions in recent and fossil benthic communities

Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany,Lucknow.

Birds in Archaeology: Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Icaz Bird Working Group Meetings

Body Size in Mammalian Paleobiology

Borkin, Lev Ya. , editor, Reptilii gornykh i aridnykh territoriy; Sistematika i rasprostraneniye, St. Petersburg : Nauka, Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta,

Bosquejo de Paleontología Colombiana. Suplemento de la "Revista de Las Indias," Numero 3

Botanical Institute. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Trudy. Series 8. Paleobotanica

Brachiopodes (Articules) et Mollusques (Bivalves, Rostroconches, Monoplacophores, Gastropodes) de L'Ordovicien Inferieur (Tremadocien - Arenigien) de la Montagne Noire (France Meridionale)


Brachiopods Past and Present

Brachiopods through time

Brachiopods. Proceedings of the Third International Brachiopod Congress

Brachiopods: Past and Present. Proceedings of the 4th International Brachiopod Congress

Brachiopods: proceedings of the third International Brachiopod Symposium. Rotterdam (Balkema)


Brigham Young University Geology Studies

Brigham Young Universoty Geology Studies

British Association Advancement of Science, Report

British Association for the Advancement of Science

British Geological Survey

British Museum (Natural History)

British Museum (Natural History) London. .

British Museum (Natural History), London

British Museum of Nartural History

British Museum of Natural History

British Museum of Natural History, Catalogue of Cainozoic Plants in the Dept. of Geology

British Palaeozoic Fossils, Part II. Palaeontology

British Palaeozoic Fossils, Part II. Palaeontology

British Palaeozoic Fossils, Part II. Palaeontology

British Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy

Bryozoa: Present and Past

Bryozoa: Present and Past. Western Washington University, Bellingham

Bryozoan Studies 2004

BSRG/BGRG SE Spain Field Meeting Guide Book

Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, crinoidea

Bulletin de la Société Géologique et Minéralogique Bretagne, n. s.

Bulletin Mayenne-Sciences 1982-1984

Bulletin Mensuel (Mémoires) de la Société des Sciences de Nancy

Bulletin of American Paleontology

Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology

Bulletin of Kanagawa Prefectural Museam Natural Science Special Issue

Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Canada

Bureau of Economic Geology Guidebook