Books beginning with E

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E. Barnáldez, E. Mayoral, & A. Guerreiro dos Santos (eds.), XXI Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología. Gestión e Investigación de la Paleontología en el Siglo XXI. Sevilla, Spain

E. Buffetaut & J.-M. Mazin (eds.), Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs, Geological Society Special Publication

E. Buffetaut and J.-M. Mazin, eds., Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs. Geological Society, London, Special Publications

E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart

E.M. Harper, J.D. Taylor, J.A. Crame, The evolutionary biology of the Bivalvia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Early Hominids of Africa

Early ontogeny of the glyptocystitid rhombiferan Lepadocystis moorei

Early Vertebrates and related Problems of Evolutionary Biology

Earth Science, summer 1985


Echinides du département de la Sarthe, considérés au point de vue zoologique et stratigraphique; JB Baillière et Fils, Paris

Echinides du département de la Sarthe, considérés au point de vue zoologique et stratigraphique; JB Baillière et Fils, Paris

Echinides du département de la Sarthe, considérés d'un point de vue zoologique et stratigraphique; JB Baillière et Fils, Paris

Echinides du département de la Sarthe, considérés d'un point de vue zoologique et stratigraphique; JB Baillière et Fils, Paris

Echinoderm Biology

Echinoderm biology, Proceedings 6th International Echinoderm Conference, Victoria

Echinoderm Faunas from the Bromide Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Oklahoma. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Monograph

Echinoderm Nutrition

Echinoderm nutrition, A A Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam

Echinoderm nutrition, A A Balkema, Rotterdam

Echinoderm phylogeny and evolutionary biology

Echinoderm Research 1998

Echinodermata Article 1, University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

Echinodermata, Proceedings of the Fifth international Echinoderm conference Galway

Echinodermata, Proceedings of the Fifth International Echinoderm Conference Galway (1984)

Échinodermes in Revue Critique Paléozoologie et de Paleophytologie, Organe Trimestriel



Echinoderms through time

Echinoderms through time (Echinoderms Dijon)

Echinoderms. Present and Past

Echinoderms. Present and past

Echinoderms: München. Taylor & Francis Group, London

Echinoderms: present and past

Echinoderms: Proceedings of the International Conference

Echinoderms: Proceedings of the International Conference, Tampa Bay

Echinoderms: San Francisco, R. Mooi & M. Telford (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam

Ecology and Biology of Mammal-like Reptiles

Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australasian Instistute of Mining and Metallurgy, Monograph Series

Edited by V. T. Schreiber, Texas Christian University Press, Fort Worth, TX,

Editions du Centre Natcional de la Recherche Scientifique

Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Institut

Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituut

Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituut

Ein Handbuch fur Palaontologen und Zoologen

Ein Handbuch fur Palaontologen und Zoologen

Eine Festschrift seiner Schüler

El Paso Geologic Society Symposium on the Stratigraphy and Structure of the Franklin Mountains

El Paso Geological Society and University of Texas at El Paso

El Sistema Cambrico, su paleogeografia y el pro- blema de su base

Eluta looduse Kaitse

Elwyn Simons: A Search for Origins

Encyclopaedia Metropolitana: or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge

Encyclopedia Britannica, 8th ed.

Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs

Encyclopedia of Marine Mammal Evolution

Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals

Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Second edition

Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology

Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology

Encyclopedia of Paleontology

English Wealden fossils

Entomologia Parisiensis; Sive Catalogus Insectorum Quae in Agro Parisiensi Reperiuntur; Secundam Methodam Geoffroeanam in Sectiones, Genera & Species Distributus: Cui Addita Sunt Nomina Trivialia & Fere Trecentae Novae Species. Pars Prima

Entomologische Versuche


Environment des hominides au Plio-Pleistocene

Eocene Biodiversity: Unusual Occurrences and Rarely Sampled Habitats

Eocene biodiversity: unusual occurrences and rarely sampled habitats (ed. G. F. Gunnell)

Eocene biodiversity: unusual occurrences and rarely sampled habitats (G. F. Gunnell, ed.)

Eosti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituut

Essay on the Theory of the Earth

Essays presented to John Randal Baker F.R.S.

Estudios geológicos y paleontológicos sobre la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia 2. Departamento Minas y Petróleos, Ministerio de Industria y Trabajo de la Republica Colombia

Estudos, Ensaios e Documentos

Etudes de paléontologie tunisienne. 1. Céphalopodes des terrains secondaires. Carte Géologique de la Tunisie

Études des Gîtes Minéraux de la France, Colonies Françaises

European Arachnology 2008

European Fossil Reef Models. SEPM Special Publication

European fossil reef models. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication

Evolution and Biogeography of Australasian Vertebrates

Evolution and Biosystematics of Aphids. Proceedings of the International Aphidological Symposium at Jablonna

Evolution and Palaeobiology of Early Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs, Special Papers in Palaeontology

Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs, Geological Society of London, Special Publications

Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs, Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs. Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Evolution of African Mammals

Evolution of African Mammals. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Evolution of Meso- and Cenozoic decapod crustaceans and their role in former ecosystems

Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America

Evolution of Tertiary mammals of North America

Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America

Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America

Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America, Volume II

Evolution of the latest Permian biota: Dzhulfian and Dorashamian regional stages in the USSR

Evolution of the latest Permian biota: Midian regional stage in the USSR

Evolutionary paleobiology

Evolutionary Trends

Exceptional fossil preservation, a unqiue view on the evolution of marine life

Excursions in Geology and History: Field Trips in the Middle Atlantic States. Geological Society of America Field Guide

Explanatory text of the Naybandan Quadrangle Map 1:250,000

Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. U. S. 32nd Congress Special Session, S. Ex. Doc.

Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in the year 1852, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, House Ex. Document

Exploration Scientifique de la Tunisie, Masson, Paris

Explorations in Turkestan, Expedition of 1904: Prehistoric Civilizations of Anau, Origins Growth, and Influence on the Environment