Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists

The receptaculitid Soanites from the Early Ordovician of China - 1983

Early Devonian echinoderms from Victoria (Rhombifera, Blastoidea and Ophiocistoidea) - 1983

Invertebrates, mainly insects, from the freshwater, Lower Cretaceous, Koonwarra Fossil Bed (Korumburra Group), South Gippsland, Victoria - 1986

Morphological and phylogenetic characteristics of Late Permian rugose corals in Iran - 1989

Imperiospira, a new Western Australian Permian Spiriferidae (Brachiopoda) - 1993

Emsian (Early Devonian) brachiopods from the Ukalunda Beds and Douglas Creek, north Queensland - 1993

Early Permian cladid crinoids from the Gharif Formation of Oman - 1993

Ufimian (early Late Permian) brachiopods from the Perth Basin, Western Australia - 1995

Silicified Early Devonian (Lochkovian) gastropods from Windellama, south-eastern Australia - 2002

Wuaniid trilobites of Australia - 2004

A new species of Tannuella (Helcionellida, Mollusca) from the Early Cambrian of South Australia - 2004

Cambrian paterinid brachiopods from the Dolodrook River limestones, eastern Victoria, Australia - 2004

Late Cambrian trilobites from the Dolodrook River limestones, eastern Victoria, Australia - 2004

Bivalved arthropods from the Lower Cambrian Mernmerna Formation, Arrowie Basin, South Australia, and their implications for identification of Cambrian ‘small shelly fossils’ - 2006

Taxonomic assignment of the Cambrian trilobite Tonkinella Mansuy, 1916 (Corynexochida), with a new species from California - 2006

The hystricurid trilobite Metabowmania in the Lower Ordovician (Ibexian; Stairsian) of the Great Basin, Utah and Idaho, USA - 2007

Palaeobiology, taphonomy and stratigraphic significance of the trilobite Buenellus from the Sirius Passet Biota, Cambrian of North Greenland - 2007

Late Ordovician trilobites from Tasmania: Styginidae, Asaphidae and Lichidae - 2007

Fallotaspidoid trilobite assemblage (Lower Cambrian ) from the Esmeralda Basin (western Nevada, USA): The oldest trilobites from Laurentia - 2007

Brachiopods from the Lower-Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation of the Cantabrian Mountains, Northwest Spain - 2007

On a new species of Shergoldia Zhang and Jell, 1987 (Trilobita), the family Tsinaniidae and the order Asaphida - 2007

Shelly fossils from the lower Cambrian Pararaia bunyerooensis Zone, Flinders Ranges, South Australia - 2009

Stenoloron (Stenoloron) boucoti, a new gastropod species from the Lower Devonian of the Royal Creek area, Yukon Territory, Canada - 2010

First skeletal microfauna from the Cambrian Series 3 of the Jordan Rift Valley (Middle East) - 2011