The receptaculitid Soanites from the Early Ordovician of China - 1983
Early Devonian echinoderms from Victoria (Rhombifera, Blastoidea and Ophiocistoidea) - 1983
Morphological and phylogenetic characteristics of Late Permian rugose corals in Iran - 1989
Imperiospira, a new Western Australian Permian Spiriferidae (Brachiopoda) - 1993
Early Permian cladid crinoids from the Gharif Formation of Oman - 1993
Ufimian (early Late Permian) brachiopods from the Perth Basin, Western Australia - 1995
Silicified Early Devonian (Lochkovian) gastropods from Windellama, south-eastern Australia - 2002
Wuaniid trilobites of Australia - 2004
Late Cambrian trilobites from the Dolodrook River limestones, eastern Victoria, Australia - 2004
Late Ordovician trilobites from Tasmania: Styginidae, Asaphidae and Lichidae - 2007
First skeletal microfauna from the Cambrian Series 3 of the Jordan Rift Valley (Middle East) - 2011