Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

Insectivores, bats and rodents from the Early Pleistocene bone breccia of Podlesice near Kroczyce (Poland) - 1956

On Peregrinella multicarinata (Lamarck) (Brachiopoda) - 1957

On the Trilobite Family Staurocephalidae - 1957

Baranogale helbingi Kormos and other Mustelidae from the bone breccia in Podlesice near Kroczyce (Poland) - 1959

<i>Glarichelys knorri</i> (GRAY) - A Cheloniid From Carpathian Menilitic Shales (POLAND) - 1959

Pliocene insectivores from Weze. Study on the Tertiary bone breccia fauna from Weze near Dzialoszyn in Poland. Part XI. - 1959

Szczatki ryb z wapieni mioceilskich Pinczowa (Les restes de poissons des calcaires miocenes a Lithothamnium de Pinczow) - 1960

Supplementary studies on the insectivores from Weze 1 (Poland). - 1962

Hexacoralla des Couches de Grodziszcze (Neocomien, Carpathes) [Hexacorals from the Grodziszcze Beds (Neocomian, Carpathians)] - 1964

Middle Devonian Atrypacea (Brachiopoda) from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 1964

On two Oligocene Hyaenodontidae from Erghilyin-Dzo (Mongolian People’s Republic) - 1964

Devonian bryozoans of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Part I. Ctenostomata - 1965

A contribution to the knowledge of Miocene Elasmobranchii from Pinczow (Poland) - 1965

Upper Ordovician-Brachiopods from Poland and Britain - 1965

Entelodon orientalis n.sp. (Suiformes) from the Oligocene of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia - 1965

Siliceous sponges from the Upper Cretaceous of Poland, part 1: Tetraxonia - 1966

Les Madreporaires du Jurassic superieur de la bordure des Monts de Sainte-Croix, Pologne [Upper Jurassic Scleractinia from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland] - 1966

Some holothurian sclerites from the Polish Jurassic - 1967

Morphology and palaeoecology of the productid Horridonia horrida (Sowerby) from Zechstein of Poland - 1967

Siliceous sponges from the Upper Cretaceous of Poland, part II: Monaxonia and Triaxonia - 1968

Two new trilobites from the Treskelodden bed of Hornsund (Vestspitsbergen) - 1968

Some Decapod Crustaceans from the Lower Cretaceous of Poland and England - 1969

Upper Jurassic Rudistae of the margin of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 1969

The first multituberculate from the uppermost Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert (Mongolia) - 1969

On a new pygasterid (Echinoidea) from the Jurassic (middle Lias) of Nevada, U.S.A. - 1970

Scleractinia from the Upper Portlandian of Tisbury, Wiltshire, England - 1970

Hexacorallia et Octocorallia du Cretace Inferieur de Rarau (Carpathes Orientales Roumaines) [Early Cretaceous hexacorals and octocorals from Rarau (Eastern Carpathians, Romania)] - 1971

Triassic Holothurian sclerites from Tatra mountains - 1971

Morphology and paleoecology of Givetian brachiopods from Jurkowice-Budy (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland) - 1973

Redescription of tetracorals described by E. Eichwald in "Palaeontology of Russia" - 1973

Studies on the Lepidoptera from fossil resins. Part II. Epiborkausenites obscurotrimaculatus gen. et sp. nov. (Oecophoridae) and a tineid-moth discovered in the Baltic amber - 1973

Tentaculites of the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of Poland - 1974

Calcispongea from the Jurassic of Poland - 1975

Neocomian oysters from central Poland - 1975

Contribution to the systematics and phylogeny of Amphiastraeina (Scleractinia) - 1976

Trigoniidae of the Dogger of Leczyca (central Poland) - 1976

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Genus Ammonicrinus Crinoidea, from the Middle Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 1977

Upper Eocene foraminifera of East Poland and their paleogeographical meaning - 1977

Pelecypods from the Upper Eocene of East Poland - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Tarsioid primate from the Early Tertiary of the Mongolian People’s Republic - 1977

Inarticulate brachiopods from the Lower Ordovician of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 1978

Triassic microfossils from the Korytnica limestones at Liptovska (Slovakia, CSSR) and their stratigraphic significance - 1978

New Late Cretaceous mammal locality in Mongolia and a description of a new multituberculate - 1978

Jurassic pelecypods from Cuba - 1978

Brachiopods from the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary of Rogoznik and Czorsztyn in the Pieniny Klippen Belt - 1979

Arguimus khosbajari gen. n, sp. n (Peramuridae, Eupantotheria) from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1979

Some terebratulid populations from the Lower Kimmeridgian of Poland and their relations to the biotic environment - 1979

Morphology and microstructure of oligolamellar teeth in Paleozoic echinoids. Part I. Teeth of some early lepidocentrid echinoids - 1979

Catopsalis (Multituberculata) from Asia and North America and the problem of taeniolabidid dispersal in the Late Cretaceous - 1979

Upper Jurassic nerineacean gastropods from the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) - 1979

Remarks on Oligocene amber spiders of the family Salticidae - 1980

The psychrospheric coral fauna from the Lower Pliocene of northern Italy - 1980

Segnosauria, a new infraorder of carnivorous dinosaurs - 1980

The coral banks of the Danian of Denmark - 1980

Ecology and morphology of the Caribbean Mio-Pliocene reef-coral Siderastrea - 1980

Late Jurassic Scleractinia of the western Uzbekistan - 1980

Cranial morphology of the Cretaceous eutherian mammal Barunlestes - 1980

Natural Assemblages of Palmatolepis from the Upper Devonian of the Northern Urals - 1981

Fauna and stratigraphy of the uppermost Triassic and the Toarcian and Aalenian deposits in the Sassenfjorden, Spitsbergen - 1981

Origin of the Cephalopoda - 1981

A new occurence of Late Cretaceous eutherian mammal Zalambdalestes - 1981

First lambeosaurine dinosaur from the Nemegt Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Mongolia - 1981

Bivalve nature of Huene's dinosaur Succinodon - 1981


On microstructures of columnals of some Paleozoic crinoids - 1982

Permian sponges from brachiopod cherts at Hornsund, Spitsbergen - 1982

Goyocephale lattimorei gen. et sp. n., a new flat-headed pachycephalosaur (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1982

Lower Lias ostracodes of the Tatra Mts (West Carpathians) - 1983

Mesozoic vertebrates from Thailand: a review - 1983

Hadrosaur trackways from the Lower Cretaceous of Canada - 1983

A quasi-mammal from Lesotho - 1983

Fossil amiids (Pisces) of China and their biostrtigraphic significance - 1983

Phylogeny and evolutionary stages of Dinosauria - 1983

Priscagaminae, a new subfamily of the Agamidae (Sauria) from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert - 1984

Fossil Flabellum (Scleractinia) of Antarctica - 1985

Carolinidae, a new family of xenosaurid-like lizards from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1985

Diffingiina, a new suborder of the rugose corals from SW Texas - 1985

On ornithischian phylogeny - 1985

Bivalvia of the polish middle jurassic and remarks on their paleoecology - 1986

On a new troodontid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1987

Carusia, a new name for the Late Cretaceous lizard Carolina Borsuk-Bialynicka, 1985 - 1987

Early Cretaceous multituberculates from Mongolia and a comparison with Late Jurassic forms - 1987

Scleractinian corals from the middle Miocene salt deposits in Carpathian Foredeep, Poland - 1987

Borogovia gracilicrus gen. et sp. n., a new troodontid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1987

Boring and nestling organisms from upper Jurassic coral colonies from northern Poland - 1987

Correction of homonymy of the generic name Etallonia Roniewicz, 1966 into Etallonasteria nom.n. (Scleractinia) - 1987

Pliocene and Pleistocene bats of Poland - 1987

Red algae from the Pinczow limestones (middle Miocene, Swietokrzyskie mountains, Poland) - 1988

Globaura venusta gen. et sp. n. and Eoxanta lacertifrons gen. et sp. n. - non-teiid lacertoids from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1988

Middle Triassic scleractinia from the Cracow-Silesia region, Poland - 1988

Trace fossils in the Lower Cambrian sequence in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains, Central Poland - 1989

Middle Miocene rhodoliths from the Korytnica Basin (southern Poland): environmental significance and paleontology - 1989

Les Radiolaires du Campanien Inferieur de Cracovie (Pologne) [Lower Campanian radiolarians from Krakow (Poland)] - 1989

Postcranial skeleton of a Cretaceous multituberculate mammal - 1989

On some Oligocene carnivorous mammals from Central Asia - 1989

On Cretaceous Stephanocyathus (Scleractinia) from the Tatra Mountains - 1990

Gobekko cretacicus gen. et sp. n., a new gekkonid lizard from the Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert - 1990

The ammonite Acrochordiceras in the Triassic of Silesia - 1990

On a new stylophyllid genus, Pamirophyllum (Scleractinia, Upper Triassic) - 1990

Revision of the genus Cladophyllia and description of Apocladophyllia gen. n. (Cladophylliidae fam. n., Scleractinia) - 1990

Tochisaurus nemegtensis gen. et sp. n., a new troodontid dinosaur (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from Mongolia - 1991

Classification of fossil eggshells of amniotic vertebrates - 1991

First Asiatic 'iguanid' lizards in the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1991

Correction of homonymy of generic name Cyclophyllia Roniewicz, 1989 (Scleractinia) inlo Cycliphyllia nom. n. - 1991

Upper Cretaceous amniotic eggs from the Gobi Desert - 1991

Givetian and Frasnian ostracod associations from the Holy Cross Mountains - 1992

Tabulate corals from the Givetian and Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains and Silesian Upland - 1992

Evolution of the bank to reef complex in the Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains - 1992

Brachiopod assemblages in the Devonian Kowala Formation of the Holy Cross Mountains - 1992

Trilobites from the Givetian and Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains - 1992

Multituberculate mammals from the Cretaceous of Uzbekistan - 1992

Rugose corals from the Devonian Kowala Formation of the Holy Cross Mountains - 1992

Crinoid assemblages in the Polish Givetian and Frasnian - 1993

Tentaculites from the Givetian and Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains - 1993

An ostracod assemblage from late Visean shales of the Cracow area - 1993

Early Eocene mimotonids of Kyrgyzstan and the problem of Mixodontia - 1994

Evolution of ‘small shelly fossils’ assemblages - 1994

A new generic name for the multituberculate mammal 'Djadochtatherium ' catopsaloides - 1994

Monstroseris, a new Upper Triassic Scleractinian Coral from Iran - 1994

Middle Carboniferous to Early Permian bryozoans from Spitsbergen - 1994

First Jurassic mammals from Kyrgyzstan - 1994

Silurian aphrosalpingid sphinctozoans from Alaska and Russia - 1994

Relationships of the Devonian Strobilepis and related Pennsylvanian problematica - 1995

Earliest Silurian articulate brachiopods from central Kazakhstan - 1995

Two possibly aquatic triconodont mammals from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco - 1995

Reassessment of the late Triassic symmetrodont mammal Woutersia - 1995

The multituberculate Catopsalis from the early Paleocene of the Crazy Mountains Basin in Montana - 1995

Late Cretaceous anomurans and brachyurans from the Maastrichtian type area - 1995

An unusual theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Nemegt Formation of Mongolia - 1996

Middle Cambrian lingulate brachiopods from the Tarbagatay Range, Kazakhstan - 1996

Succession of coral associations during a Givetian transgressive-regressive cycle in Queensland - 1996

Cretaceous Radiolaria from Niedzica Succession of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Polish Carpathians - 1996

The Late Cretaceous lizard Pleurodontagama and the origin of tooth permanancy in Lepidosauria - 1996

An arctomorph carnivoran skull from the Phosphorites du Quercy and the origin of procyonids - 1996

Late Cretaceous swimming crabs: radiation, migration, competition, and extinction - 1996

Evolution of the Goniatitaceae and Viséan-Namurian biogeography - 1997

Siphuncular structure in Ordovician endocerid cephalopods - 1997

Gobiosuchus kielanae (Protosuchia) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia: anatomy and relationships - 1997

New Late Cretaceous mammals of southern Kazakhstan - 1997

A new generic name Gobiotheriodon for a symmetrodont mammal Gobiodon Trofimov, 1980 - 1997

An Early Jurassic insect fauna in the Holy Cross Mountains - 1997

Brachiopod-bivalve assemblages of the middle Triassic Terebratula Beds, Upper Siesia, Poland - 1997

Djadochtatheria - a new suborder of multituberculate mammals - 1997

Oster life positions and shell beds from the Upper Jurassic of Poland - 1998

A possible omomyid (Primates: Omomyidae ) periotic bone from the Eocene deposits at Hordle, Hampshire - 1998

Mammalian periotic bones from the Eocene deposits at Hordle, Hampshire - 1998

Upper Bathonian and lower Callovian ammonites from Chacay Melehué (Argentina) - 1998

Early Jurassic selachians from the Hasle Formation on Bornholm, Denmark - 1998

A stem-group frog from the Early Triassic of Poland - 1998

Late Frasnian Atrypida (Brachiopoda) from the South Urals, South Timan and Kuznetsk Basin (Russia) - 1998

Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Upper Cretaceous of Middle Asia - 1998

Late Frasnian Athyridida (Brachiopoda) from Poland and the Late Devonian biotic turnover - 1998

A new genus of small boid snake from the Upper Eocene of Hordle Cliff, Hampshire, England - 1998

New multituberculate-like teeth from the Middle Jurassic of England - 1998

Early Cretaceous amphilestid ('triconodont') mammals from Mongolia - 1998

Marsupials from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan - 1999

A new species of multituberculate mammal. Uzbekbaatar from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan - 1999

Brachiopods and conodonts from the Early Carboniferous of South China - 1999

The skull of Velociraptor (Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 1999

A microvertebrate assemblage from the Early Triassic of Poland - 1999

Late Devonian - Early Permian chondrichthyans of the Russian Arctic - 1999

The first European pit viper from the Miocene of Ukraine - 1999

Trilobite-like arthropod from the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform - 1999

Silicified shallow-water ostracodes from the Early Carboniferous of South China - 1999

Revised classification and terminology of Palaeozoic stromatoporoids - 1999

Review of the early allotherian mammals - 2000

A new Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) neoselachian shark fauna from southern Sweden - 2000

Teeth of multituberculate mammals from the Late Cretaceous of Romania - 2000

Shell microstructures in Early Cambrian molluscs - 2000

Revised taxonomy of albanerpetontid amphibians - 2000

Late Cretaceous nautilids from northern Cantabria, Spain - 2000

A new oviraptorosaur (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from Mongolia: the first dinosaur with a pygostyle - 2000

Earliest eutherian mammal skull, from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian) of Uzbekistan - 2000

Palaeoenvironment and palaeoecology of three Cretaceous snakes: Pachyophis, Pachyrhachis, and Dinilysia. - 2001

Primitive boreosphenidan mammal (?Deltatheroida) from the Early Cretaceous of Oklahoma - 2001

Monotreme nature of the Australian Early Cretaceous mammal Teinolophos - 2001

New data on the lindholmemydid turtle Lindholmemys from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 2001

First evidence of a neonate dentition in pareiasaurs from the Upper Permian of Russia - 2001

Docodont nature of Cyrtlatherium, an upper Bathonian mammal from England - 2001

Multituberculate mammals from near the Early-Late Cretaceous boundary, Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah - 2001

A new genus and species for the largest specimen of Archaeopteryx - 2001

Antiquity of the scleractinian-sipunculan symbiosis - 2001

Femur of a morganucodontid mammal from the Middle Jurassic of Central Russia - 2001

A new genus of eutherian mammal from the Early Cretaceous of Transbaikalia, Russia - 2001

Revision of the late Ordovician trilobite Holotrachelus punctillosus (Törnquist, 1884) from Dalarna, Sweden - 2001

Paranyctoides and allies from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Asia - 2001

A new short-legged landbird from the early Eocene of Wyoming and contemporaneous European sites - 2001

Gigantic footprint of a theropod dinosaur in the Early Jurassic of Poland - 2001

The integument of Cambrian chancelloriids - 2001

Crinoids from the Famennian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 2002

The Late Devonian Upper Kellwasser Event and entomozoacean ostracods in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 2002

Lingulate brachiopods from Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc) chalcedonites, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 2002

New data on the Paleocene monotreme Monotrematum sudamericanum, and the convergent evolution of triangulate molars - 2002

Ostracods and fore-reef sedimentology of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary beds in Kielce (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland) - 2002

The oldest known Miocene snake fauna from Central Europe: Merkur-North locality, Czech Republic - 2002

Middle Miocene rodents from Paalar, Anatolia, Turkey - 2002

Comodon Kretzoi and Kretzoi, 2000 replaces Phascolodon Simpson, 1925 (Mammalia), not Phascolodon Stein, 1859 - 2002

Gradual evolution of the Early Cretaceous marine gastropod Rissoina lineage in central Poland - 2002

New data on anatomy of the Late Cretaceous multituberculate mammal Catopsbaatar - 2002

New earliest Tiffanian (late Paleocene) mammals from Cochrane 2, southwestern Alberta, Canada - 2002

Post-extinction survivor fauna from the lowermost Famennian of eastern North America - 2002

Frasnian-Famennian extinction and recovery of rhynchonellid brachiopods from the East European Platform - 2002

Agastograptus, a synonym of Plectograptus (Retiolitidae, Graptolithina) - 2002

Microstructural diversity of the stylophyllid (Scleractinia) skeleton - 2002

Trilobites from the latest Frasnian Kellwasser Crisis in North Africa (Mrirt, central Moroccan Meseta) - 2002

Frasnian gastropod synecology and bio-events in the Dyminy reef complex of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 2002

Early Cretaceous “symmetrodont” mammal Gobiotheriodon from Mongolia and the classification of “Symmetrodonta - 2002

Rugose corals and brachiopods across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in central Hunan, South China - 2002

Species discrimination of the Late Triassic temnospondyl amphibian Metoposaurus diagnosticus - 2002

Avialan status for Oviraptorosauria - 2002

Frasnian-Famennian brachiopod extinction and recovery in southern Poland - 2002

A new large mammal from the Ypresian of Morocco: evidence of surprising diversity of early proboscideans - 2002

A skull of a new pelecaniform bird from the Middle Eocene of Messel, Germany - 2002

A sauropod foot from the Early Cretaceous of western Siberia, Russia - 2002

A probable stegosaurian track from the Late Jurassic of Poland - 2002

Multi snail infestation of Devonian crinoids and the nature of platyceratid crinoid interactions - 2002

Taxonomic notes on “Phoebodus heslerorum” and Symmorium reniforme (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) - 2002

Connecting ring structure and its significance for classification of the orthoceratid cephalopods - 2002

Systematic relationships of the blind phacopine trilobite Trimerocephalus, with a new species from Causses-et-Veyran, Montagne Noire - 2003

A new deinopoid spider from Cretaceous Lebanese amber - 2003

A new gobiconodontid mammal from the Early Cretaceous of Spain and its palaeogeographic implications - 2003

A new ornithomimid dinosaur with gregarious habits from the Late Cretaceous of China - 2003

New Late Cretaceous mammals from the Intertrappean beds of Rangapur, India and paleobiogeographic framework - 2003

Redescription of neoceratopsian dinosaur <i>Archaeoceratops</i> and early evolution of Neoceratopsia - 2003

Skull structure and evolution in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs - 2003

Palaeobiogeographic and evolutionary meaning of an early Late Tournaisian ammonoid fauna from the Tafilalt of Morocco - 2003

An aberrant amphicyonid mammal from the latest Eocene of the Bose Basin, Guangxi, China - 2003

Moles (Talpidae) from the late Middle Miocene of South Germany. - 2003

Early Carboniferous chondrichthyan Thrinacodus from Ireland, and a reconstruction of jaw apparatus - 2003

A Cretaceous mammal from Tanzania - 2003

Lower Devonian (Emsian) rugose corals from the Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain - 2003

New brachiopods from the Lower-Middle Ordovician (Billingen-Volkhov stages) of the East Baltic - 2003

Neoselachian remains (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Jurassic of SW Germany and NW Poland - 2003

The bivalve Pinna cretacea (Schlotheim, 1813)from the Cretaceous of Brazil - 2003

Docodonts from the British Mesozoic - 2003

Phosphate replicated and replaced microstructure of molluscan shells from the earliest Cambrian of China - 2003

Campanian and Maastrichtian mosasaurid reptiles from central Poland - 2003

The Early Cambrian (Botomian) stem group brachiopod Mickwitzia from Northeast Greenland - 2003

A new Middle Devonian heterocoral from Spain - 2003

New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco and Middle Jurassic of England - 2003

New artiodactyl ruminant mammal from the late Oligocene of Pakistan - 2003

Placental nature of the alleged marsupial from the Cretaceous of Madagascar - 2003

New multituberculate teeth from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco - 2003

Upper Cambrian trilobite biostratigraphy and taphonomy at Kakeled on Kinnekulle, Västergötland, Sweden - 2003

A Cooksonia-type flora from the Upper Silurian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 2003

A new helmeted frog of the genus Thaumastosaurus from the Eocene of England - 2003

Late Ordovician brachiopods from the Selety river basin, north Central Kazakhstan - 2003

New frogs from the latest Cretaceous of Haeg Basin, Romania - 2003

A basal archosauriform from the Early Triassic of Poland - 2003

Giant theropod dinosaurs from Asia and North America: skulls of Tarbosaurus bataar and Tyrannosaurus rex compared - 2003

Campanian (Late Cretaceous) nautiloids from Sakhalin, Far East Russia - 2003

New data on the age of the bone breccia from the locality Czatkowice 1 (Cracow Upland, Poland) - 2003

An extended range of the multituberculate Kryptobaatar and the distribution of mammals in the Upper Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert - 2003

Softtissue attachment structures and taphonomy of the Middle Triassic nautiloid Germanonautilus - 2004

Cambrian microfossils from glacial erratics of King George Island, Antarctica - 2004

Cretaceous Canadian amber spider and the palpimanoidean nature of lagonomegopids - 2004

Ammonite biozonation and litho-/chronostratigraphy of the Cretaceous in Sakhalin and adjacent territories of Far East Russia - 2004

Presence of the Asian horse Sinohippus in the Miocene of Europe - 2004

Chondrichthyan genus Lissodus from the Lower Carboniferous of Ireland - 2004

Early ontogeny and palaeoecology of the MidMiocene rissoid gastropods of the Central Paratethys - 2004

New largebodied mammals from the late Oligocene site of Chilga, Ethiopia. - 2004

New lizards and rhynchocephalians from the Lower Cretaceous of southern Italy - 2004

The first record of the mosasaur Clidastes from Europe and its palaeogeographical implications - 2004

Hyoliths and small shelly fossils from the Lower Cambrian of NorthEast Greenland - 2004

A model for furcate septal increase in a Triassic scleractiniamorph - 2004

The Early Eocene bird Gallinuloides wyomingensis — a stem group representative of Galliformes - 2004

First complete heterosoricine shrew: A new genus and species from the Miocene of China - 2004

The lambeosaurine dinosaur Amurosaurus riabinini, from the Maastrichtian of Far Eastern Russia - 2004

A eutherian mammal in the latest Cretaceous of Vitrolles, southern France - 2004

Strophomenide and orthotetide Silurian brachiopods from the Baltic region, with particular reference to Lithuanian boreholes - 2004

Monospecific rugosan assemblage from the Emsian hydrothermal vents of Morocco - 2004

A new diplodocoid sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Montana, USA - 2004

New Early Jurassic sawflies from Luxembourg: the oldest record of Tenthredinoidea (Hymenoptera: “Symphyta”) - 2004

Revision of Middle Ordovician orthoceratacean nautiloids from Baltoscandia - 2004

New Early Cretaceous spalacotheriid "symmetrodont" mammal from Japan - 2004

Pinnocaris and the origin of scaphopods - 2004

Anatomy and phylogeny of the gavialoid crocodylian Eosuchus lerichei from the Paleocene of Europe - 2005

A new dyrosaurid crocodyliform from the Palaeocene of Morocco and a phylogenetic analysis of Dyrosauridae - 2005

A primitive cephalomyid hystricognath rodent from the early Miocene of northern Patagonia, Argentina - 2005

Caudipteryx as a non-avian theropod rather than a flightless bird - 2005

Middle Eocene ungulate mammals from Myanmar: A review with description of new specimens - 2005

The brachiopod Lingula in the Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys - 2005

Capybaras, size, shape and time: A model kit - 2005

A new kentriodontine from the middle Miocene of Portugal - 2005

First postMesozoic record of Crocodyliformes from Chile - 2005

The Early Cretaceous lizard Dalinghosaurus from China - 2005

Phosphatised olenid trilobites and associated fauna from the Upper Cambrian of Vastergotland, Sweeden - 2005

The first dsungaripterid pterosaur from the Kimmeridgian of Germany and the biomechanics of pterosaur long bones - 2005

Basicranial morphology and phylogenetic position of the upper Eocene carnivoramorphan Quercygale - 2005

First Cenomanian dinosaur from Central Europe (Czech Republic) - 2005

A new apheliscine "condylarth" mammal from the late Paleocene of Montana and Alberta and the phylogeny of "hyopsodontids" - 2005

Turtle tracks from the Late Jurassic of Asturias, Spain - 2005

New lissamphibians and squamates from the Maastrichtian of Hateg Basin, Romania - 2005

Brachiopods from the Middle Orodvician Shihtzupu Formation of Yunnan Province, China - 2005

Two bone fragments of ornithocheiroid pterosaurs from the Cenomanian of Volgograd Region, southern Russia - 2005

A new Paleocene nyctitheriid insectivore from Inner Mongolia (China) and the origin of Asian nyctitheriids - 2005

A new discosauriscid seymouriamorph tetrapod from the Lower Permian of Moravia, Czech Republic - 2005

First evidence of azhdarchid pterosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Hungary - 2005

Discovery of Middle Jurassic mammals from Siberia - 2005

Late Miocene large mammals from Yulafli, Thrace region, Turkey, and their biogeographic implications - 2005

Ailurid carnivoran mammal Simocyon from the late Miocene of Spain and the systematics of the genus. - 2005

New teeth of allotherian mammals from the English Bathonian, including the earliest multituberculates - 2005

First palaeanodont (?pholidotan) mammal from the Eocene of Europe. - 2005

A new Early Triassic gastropod genus and the recovery of gastropods from the Permian/Triassic extinction - 2005

A new docodont mammal from the Late Jurassic of the Junggar Basin in Northwest China - 2005

Systematic paleontology, in Post-extinction brachiopod faunas from the Late Permian Wuchiapingian coal series of South China - 2005

The revision of "Cladodus" occidentalis, a late Palaeozoic ctenacanthiform shark - 2005

Osteology of the sauropod embryos from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia - 2005

Post-extinction brachiopod faunas from the Late Permian Wuchiapingian coal series of South China - 2005

Cranial morphology of the PlioPleistocene giant madtsoiid snake Wonambi naracoortensis - 2005

New cupedid beetles from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and the palaeogeography of the family - 2006

Dental and tarsal morphology of the European Paleocene/Eocene “condylarth” mammal Microhyus - 2006

A new ant genus from the late Eocene European amber - 2006

Gastropod succession across the Early–Middle Frasnian transition in the Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland - 2006

A partial skeleton of an enantiornithine bird from the Early Cretaceous of northwestern China - 2006

Late Carboniferous bryozoans from La Hermida, Spain - 2006

New genus of dimeropygid trilobites from the earliest Ordovician of Laurentia - 2006

A large xenusiid lobopod with complex appendages from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte - 2006

A new short-bodied salamander from the Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous of China - 2006

Revision of a pretribosphenic mammal Arguimus from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia - 2006

Late Cretaceous asioryctitherian eutherian mammals from Uzbekistan and phylogenetic analysis of Asioryctitheria - 2006

Late Eocene scyliorhinid sharks from the TransUrals, Russia - 2006

Late Eocene scyliorhinid sharks from the TransUrals, Russia - 2006

Stagodontid marsupials from the Late Cretaceous of Canada and their systematic and functional implications - 2006

New specimens of the earliest European passeriform bird - 2006

New specimens of the multituberculate mammal Uzbekbaatar from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan - 2006

Earliest Laurasian sauropod eggshells - 2006

An enigmatic chondrichthyan with Paleozoic affinities from the Lower Triassic of western Canada - 2006

The dinosaur Hadrosaurus foulkii, from the Campanian of the East Coast of North America, with a reevaluation of the genus - 2006

New data on the anatomy and relationships of the Paleocene crocodylian Akanthosuchus langstoni - 2006

A basal eucryptodiran turtle “Sinemys” efremovi (= Wuguia efremovi) from the Early Cretaceous of China - 2006

Molluscs from the Early Frasnian Goniatite Level at Kostomoty in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland - 2006

A herpetotheriid marsupial from the Oligocene of Bugti Hills, Balochistan, Pakistan. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica - 2007

New Barremian rhynchonellide brachiopod genus from Serbia and the shell microstructure of Tetrarhynchiidae - 2007

The cranial anatomy of the Early Jurassic turtle Kayentachelys aprix - 2007

The earliest known Kinnella, an orthide brachiopod from the Upper Ordovician of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada - 2007

A revision of “pediomyid” marsupials from the Late Cretaceous of North America - 2007

Concentrations of juvenile and small adult cephalopods in the Hirnantian cherts (Late Ordovician) of Porkuni, Estonia - 2007

Microconchid tubeworms from the Jurassic of England and France - 2007

Anatomy and relationships of the Triassic temnospondyl Sclerothorax - 2007

Theropod tooth assemblages from the Late Cretaceous Maevarano Formation and the possible presence of dromaeosaurids in Madagascar - 2007

New and unusual upper Llandovery graptolites from Arctic Canada - 2007

New psittacosaurid highlights skull enlargement in horned dinosaurs - 2007

A new species of mesonychian mammal from the lower Eocene of Mongolia and its phylogenetic relationships - 2007

A new tritylodontid synapsid from Mongolia - 2007

Kielantherium, a basal tribosphenic mammal from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia, with new data on the aegialodontian dentition - 2007

Small shelly fossils from the argillaceous facies of the Lower Cambrian Forteau Formation of western Newfoundland - 2007

The oldest fossil record of the extant penguin genus Spheniscus--a new species from the Miocene of Peru - 2007

The choristoderan reptile Monjurosuchus from the Early Cretaceous of Japan - 2007

New specimens of albanerpetontid amphibians from the Upper Cretaceous of Uzbekistan - 2007

A new Miocene penguin from Patagonia and its phylogenetic relationships - 2007

The oldest fossil record of the extant penguin genus Spheniscus-- a new species from the Miocene of Peru - 2007

The Middle Triassic scleractinia-like coral Furcophyllia from the Pamir Mountains - 2007

Trunk ornament on the palaeoscolecid worms Cricocosmia and Tabelliscolex from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits of China - 2007

A review of Neusibatrachus wilferti, an Early Cretaceous frog from the Montsec Range, northeastern Spain - 2007

Aspects of life mode among Ordovician asteroids: Implications of new specimens from Baltica - 2007

The halobiid bivalve genus Enteropleura and a new species from the Middle Anisian of Guangxi, southern China - 2007

Phylogenetic position of the crocodylian Megadontosuchus arduini and tomistomine palaeobiogeography - 2007

Anatomy of a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic Hanson Formation of Antarctica - 2007

First cimolodontan multituberculate mammal from South America - 2007

A low diversity shallow water lingulid brachiopodgastropod association from the Upper Ordovician of Kyrgyz Range - 2007

Cranial morphology, systematics and succession of beavers from the middle Miocene Valentine Formation of Nebraska, USA - 2008

A giant skull of the temnospondyl Xenotosuchus africanus from the Middle Triassic of South Africa and its ontogenetic implications - 2008

Novocrania turbinata (Brachiopoda) from the Early Pliocene of the Azores (Portugal) - 2008

A diverse snake fauna from the early Eocene of Vastan Lignite Mine, Gujarat, India - 2008

The description and phylogenetic position of a new nanhsiungchelyid turtle from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia - 2008

A new genus of middle Tremadocian orthoceratoids and the Early Ordovician origin of orthoceratoid cephalopods - 2008

An ailuravine rodent from the lower Eocene Cambay Formation at Vastan, western India, and its palaeobiogeographic implications - 2008

Mud-trapped herd captures evidence of distinctive dinosaur sociality - 2008

New midle Eocene formicid species from Germany and the evolution of weaver ants - 2008

The brachyopoid Hadrokkosaurus bradyi from the early Middle Triassic of Arizona, and a phylogenetic analysis of lower jaw characters in temnospondyl amphibians - 2008

A dicynodont-theropod association in the latest Triassic of Poland - 2008

Early Cretaceous multituberculate mammals from the Kuwajima Formation (Tetori Group), central Japan - 2008

New blattarians and a review of dictyopteran assemblages from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia - 2008

Preservation of armoured scale insects on angiosperm leaves from the Eocene of Germany - 2008

A new talpid from the late Eocene of North America - 2008

Basal abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid theropods from the Lower Cretaceous Elrhaz Formation of Niger - 2008

New hadrosaurid dinosaurs from the uppermost Cretaceous of northeastern China - 2008

New data on cranial anatomy of the ceratopsian dinosaur Psittacosaurus major - 2008

A new Middle Cambrian stem-group echinoderm from Spain: Palaeobiological implications of a highly asymmetric cinctan - 2008

New Middle Jurassic tangleveined flies from Inner Mongolia, China - 2008

Bradoriid arthropods from the lower–middle Cambrian of Scania, Sweden - 2008

Crouching theropod and Navahopus sauropodomorph tracks from the Early Jurassic Navaho Sandstone of USA - 2008

Taxonomic names, in New Middle Jurassic tangle-veined flies from Inner Mongolia, China - 2008

Postcranial skeleton of a Cretaceous multituberculate mammal Catopsbaatar - 2008

The Gashatan (late Paleocene) mammal fauna from Subeng, Inner Mongolia - 2008

A new genus of Late Ordovician-Early Silurian pentameride brachiopods and its phylogenetic relationships - 2008

A new dragonfly family from the Upper Cretaceous of France - 2008

Gastroliths in an ornithopod dinosaur - 2008

Bivalves from Cretaceous cold-seep deposits on Hokkaido, Japan - 2008

First record of an extinct marabou stork in the Neogene of South America - 2008

Jurassic and Cretaceous Gastropods from Hydrocarbon Seeps in Forearc Basin and Accretionary Prism Settings, California - 2008

The earliest annelids: Lower Cambrian polychaetes from the Sirius Passet Lagerstätte, Peary Land, North Greenland - 2008

The stem crustacean Oelandocaris oelandica re-visited - 2008

Tooth histology of the parareptile Soturnia caliodon from the Upper Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 2009

Phylogeny and biogeography of pholadid Bivalve Barnea (Anchomasa) with considerations on the phylogeny of Pholadoidea - 2009

Taxonomic Implications of the Residual Colour Patterns of Ampullinid Gastropods and Their Contribution to the Discrimination from Naticids - 2009

Lower Permian bryozoans from southern and central Spitsbergen, Svalbard - 2009

A review of the endocerid cephalopod Protocyptendoceras from the Floian (Lower Ordovician)of the Eastern Cordillera, Argentina - 2009

An Australian multituberculate and its palaeobiogeographic implications - 2009

Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - 2009

New mammalian remains from the Late Cretaceous La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina - 2009

First record of a Jurassic mammal (?"Peramura") from Ethiopia - 2009

New sauropod trackways from the Middle Jurassic of Portugal - 2009

A New Genus of Lungfish from the Givetian (Middle Devonian) of Central Australia - 2009

The tommotiid Camenella reticulosa from the early Cambrian of South Australia: Morphology, scleritome reconstruction, and phylogeny - 2009

Reassessment of the generic attribution of Numidotherium savagei and the homologies of lower incisors in proboscideans - 2009

Silicified Anisian (Middle Triassic) spiriferinid brachiopods from Guizhou, South China - 2009

On the presence of a pustulated temnospondyl in the Lower Triassic of southern Brazil - 2009

A new species of the plagiaulacoid multituberculate mammal Eobaatar from the Early Cretaceous of southern Britain - 2009

The pustulated temnospondyl revisited — a plagiosternine plagiosaurid from the Lower Triassic of Brazil - 2009

A new Miocene sirenian from Kutch, India - 2009

First tillodont from India: Additional evidence for an early Eocene faunal connection between Europe and India? - 2009

Two new primitive ant genera from the late Eocene European ambers - 2009

A new fossil lacewing genus and species from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China - 2009

Cosmopolitan Early Jurassic marine gastropods from westcentral Patagonia, Argentina - 2009

The first discovery of pterosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia - 2009

A new tritylodontid from the Upper Jurassic of Xinjiang, China - 2009

Late Famennian stromatoporoids from Debnik Anticline, southern Poland - 2009

Early Cambrian "soft-shelled" brachiopods as possible stem-group phoronids - 2009

Early Pennsylvanian Xenacanth Chondrichthyans from the Swisshelm Mountains, Arizona, USA - 2009

Middle Cambrian gogiid echinoderms from Northeast Spain: Taxonomy, palaeoecology, and palaeogeographic implications - 2009

Cranial anatomy of the iguanodontoid ornithopod dinosaur Jinzhousaurus yangi from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China - 2009

A new species of the sauropsid reptile Nothosaurus from the Lower Muschelkalk of the western Germanic Basin, Winterswijk, The Netherlands - 2009

Plesiosoricids from early Oligocene fissure fillings in South Germany, with remarks on plesiosoricid phylogeny - 2009

The taxonomy and anatomy of rauisuchian archosaurs from the Late Triassic of Germany and Poland - 2009

New basal synapsid supports Laurasian origin for therapsids - 2009

The phylogenetic position of Stenopelix valdensis from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany and the early fossil record of Pachycephalosauria - 2009

The oldest African eucryptodiran turtle from the Cretaceous of Angola - 2009

A new large-bodied theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Warwickshire, United Kingdom - 2010

A new tannuolinid problematic from the lower Cambrian of the Sukharikha River in northern Siberia - 2010

Silurian synziphosurine horseshoe crab Pasternakevia revisited - 2010

Orthid brachiopods from the Middle Ordovician of the Central Iberian Zone, Spain - 2010

A new troodontid theropod from the Late Cretaceous of central China, and the radiation of Asian troodontids - 2010

The oldest and youngest records of afrosoricid placentals from the Fayum Depression of northern Egypt - 2010

A new genus tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya - 2010

A second Cretaceous ornithuromorph bird from the Changma Basin, Gansu Province, northwestern China - 2010

A new genus of "miacid" carnivoran from the earliest Eocene of Europe and North America - 2010

A New Family of Ceraphronoid Wasps form Early Cretaceous Álava Amber - 2010

Reappraisal of the South American Miocene snakes of the genus Colombophis, with description of a new species - 2010

The appendicular skeleton of Neuquensaurus, a Late Cretaceous saltasaurine sauropod from Patagonia, Argentina - 2010

Presence of the elasmosaurid plesiosaur Mauisaurus in the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) of central Chile - 2010

A monospecific assemblage of terebratulide brachiopods in the Upper Cretaceous seep deposits of Omagari, Hokkaido, Japan - 2010

New fossil non-cyclostome braconid wasps from the lowermost Eocene amber of Paris Basin - 2010

A euenantiornithine bird from the Late Cretaceous Haeg Basin of Romania - 2011

New Middle Jurassic kempynin osmylid lacewings from China - 2011

A new capitosaur from the Middle Triassic of Spain and the relationships within the Capitosauria - 2011

The first giant titanosaurian sauropod from the Upper Cretaceous of North America - 2011

Early Norian (Triassic) corals from the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, and the intra-Norian faunal turnover - 2011

A new early Paleocene (Puercan) hyopsodontid “condylarth” from New Mexico - 2011

An unusual early primate from the Paleocene Paskapoo Formation, Alberta, Canada - 2011

An Elaphrocnemuslike landbird and other avian remains from the late Paleocene of Brazil - 2011

A new microconchid tubeworm from the Lower Permian (Artinskian) of central Texas, USA - 2011

A reassessment of Kelmayisaurus petrolicus, a large theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of China - 2011

New Saurichthyid Actinopterygian Fishes from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Southwestern China - 2011

A new basal sphenacodontid synapsid from the Late Carboniferous of the SaarNahe Basin, Germany - 2011

Earliest Jurassic patellogastropod, vetigastropod, and neritimorph gastropods from Luxembourg with considerations on the Triassic–Jurassic faunal turnover - 2011

Taxonomic implications of the residual colour patterns of ampullinid gastropods and their contribution to the discrimination from naticids - 2011

Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the titanosaurian sauropod Bonitasaura salgadoi - 2011

A new Chinese Mesozoic stick insect - 2011

New dryolestidan mammal from the Hauterivian–Barremian transition of the Iberian Peninsula - 2011

A new didolodontid mammal from the late Paleocene–earliest Eocene of Laguna Umayo, Peru - 2011

A Late Triassic dinosaur-dominated ichnofauna from the Tomanová Formation of the Tatra Mountains, Central Europe - 2011

Reappraisal of the tribosphenidan mammals from the Trinity Group (Aptian-Albian) of Texas and Oklahoma - 2011

The teeth of the unenlagiine theropod Buitreraptor from the Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina, and the unusual dentition of the Gondwanan dromaeosaurids - 2011

Anatomy of the Early Cretaceous enantiornithine bird Rapaxavis pani - 2011

A new large capitosaur temnospondyl amphibian from the Early Triassic of Poland - 2011

A huge caseid pelycosaur from northwestern Sardinia and its bearing on European Permian stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography - 2011

Taxonomy, nomenclature, and evolution of the early schubertellid fusulinids - 2011

The oldest aphid insect from the Middle Triassic of the Vosges, France - 2011

Braincase anatomy of the titanosaurian sauropod Lirainosaurus astibiae from the Late Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula - 2011

Aspects of diversity in early Antarctic penguins - 2011

Note added in proof, in The oldest aphid insect from the Middle Triassic of the Vosges, France - 2011

A new centrosaurine from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada, and the evolution of parietal ornamentation in horned dinosaurs - 2011

A new sauropod dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA - 2011

A new titanosaur sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of North Patagonia, Argentina - 2011

Demandasaurus darwini, a new rebbachisaurid sauropod from the Early Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula - 2011

New information on Tupandactylus imperator, with comments on the relationships of Tapejaridae (Pterosauria) - 2011

Paoliida, a putative stem-group of winged insects: Morphology of new taxa from the Upper Carboniferous of Poland - 2012

New data on the ichthyosaur Platypterygius hercynicus and its implications for the validity of the genus - 2012

Palaeoecological implications of neoselachian shark teeth from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays atnGnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland - 2012

Revision in the marsupial diprotodontid genus Neohelos: systematics and biostratigraphy - 2012

A new genus of basal actinopterygian fish from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Luoping, Yunnan Province, Southwest China - 2012

Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of echinoderm assemblages from Bathonian ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn (Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland) - 2012

A Small Camelid Hemiauchenia from the Late Pleistocene of Hidalgo, Central Mexico - 2012

New Late Jurassic symmetrical hermit crabs from the southern Polish Uplands and early paguroid diversification - 2012

New large leptictid insectivore from the Late Paleogene of South Dakota, USA - 2012

Filling the ceratosaur gap: A new ceratosaurian theropod from the Early Cretaceous of Spain - 2012

Evidence of a new carcharodontosaurid from the Upper Cretaceous of Morocco - 2012

A new salamander from the late Paleocene–early Eocene of Ukraine - 2012

New early Eocene tapiromorph perissodactyls from the Ghazij Formation of Pakistan, with implications for mammalian biochronology in Asia - 2012

A new plesiosauroid from the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of Alhadas, Portugal - 2012

Terminal Maastrichtian ammonites from Turkmenistan, central Asia - 2012

Tapirs from the Pleistocene of Venezuela - 2012

Diversity of the adapisoriculid mammals from the early Palaeocene of Hainin, Belgium - 2012

An ankylosaurid dinosaur from Mongolia with in situ armour and keratinous scale impressions - 2012

A new eutherian mammal from the Late Cretaceous of Kazakhstan - 2012

A new freshwater basal eucryptodiran turtle from the Early Cretaceous of Spain - 2012

Boine snake Bavarioboa from the Oligocene/Miocene of eastern Turkey with comments on connections between European and Asiatic snake faunas - 2012

The brachiopod succession through the Silurian–Devonian boundary beds at Dnistrove, Podolia, Ukraine - 2012

Jurassic rhynchonellide brachiopods from the Jordan Valley - 2012

Faunal dynamics of Gastropods in the Bathoninan (Middle Jurrasic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Krakow-Silesia Homocline, Poland - 2012

Cretaceous braconid wasps from the Magadan Province of Russia - 2012

Faunal dynamics of bivalves and scaphopods in the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland - 2012

The European Lower Cretaceous Chitracephalus dumonii (Testudines: Cryptodira) and the diversity of a poorly known lineage of turtles - 2012

A new Maastrichtian species of the centrosaurine ceratopsid Pachyrhinosaurus from the North Slope of Alaska - 2012

The first basal dinosauriform (Silesauridae) from the Late Triassic of Morocco - 2012

Acanthodian jaw bones from Lower Devonian deposits of Podolia, Ukraine - 2012

Taxonomic names, in Fossil thrips of the family Uzelothripidae suggest 53 million years of morphological and ecological stability - 2013

Coelacanths from the Middle Triassic Luoping Biota, Yunnan, South China, with the earliest evidence of ovoviviparity - 2013

A re-evaluation of goniopholidid crocodylomorph material from Central Asia: Biogeographic and phylogenetic implications - 2013

A new basal eusauropod from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan, China, and faunal compositions and transitions of Asian sauropodomorph dinosaurs - 2013

First record of the fossil dragonfly family Eumorbaeschnidae from the Upper Jurassic of Poland - 2013

A peculiar faunivorous metatherian from the early Eocene of Australia - 2013

Palaeoecology of the Spathian Virgin Formation (Utah, USA) and its implications for the Early Triassic recovery - 2013

The ammonoid recovery after the endPermian mass extinction: Evidence from the IranTranscaucasia area, Siberia, Primorye, and Kazakhstan - 2013

An articulated pes from a small parvicursorine alvarezsauroid dinosaur from Inner Mongolia, China - 2013

Palaeoecological significance of coralencrusting foraminiferan associations: A casestudy from the Upper Eocene of northern Italy - 2013

The oldest Brazilian snakes from the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) - 2013

The systematics of Late Jurassic tyrannosauroid theropods from Europe and North America - 2013

Deep- water fossorial shrimps from the Oligocene Kiscell Clay of Hungary: Taxonomy and Paleoecology - 2013

A new species of saurolophine hadrosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast of North America - 2013

A termite from the late Oligocene of northern Ethiopia - 2013

Systematic and biostratigraphic significance of a chinchillid rodent from tre Pliocene of eastern Argentina - 2013

New Early Jurassic gastropods from westcentral Patagonia, Argentina - 2013

Taxonomic names, in Biodiversity evolution through the Permian–Triassic boundary event: Ostracods from the Bükk Mountains, Hungary - 2013

Taxonomic names, in Biodiversity evolution through the Permian–Triassic boundary event: Ostracods from the Bükk Mountains, Hungary - 2013

An early Cambrian fauna of skeletal fossils from the Emyaksin Formation, northern Siberia - 2013

A Triassic spider from Italy - 2013

Biodiversity evolution through the Permian–Triassic boundary event: Ostracods from the Bükk Mountains, Hungary - 2013

The first report of South American edrioasteroids and the paleoecology and ontogeny of rhenopyrgid echinoderms - 2013

Early Miocene dispersal of the lizard Varanus into Europe: Reassessment of vertebral material from Spain - 2013

The titanosaur sauropods from the late Campanian-early Maastrichtian Allen Formation of Salitral Moreno, Rio Negro, Argentina - 2013

The postcranial skeleton of the Early Triassic parareptile Sauropareion anoplus, with a discussion of possible life history - 2013

First evidence of a mamenchisaurid dinosaur from the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Phu Kradung Formation of Thailand - 2013

A new albanerpetontid amphibian from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, southern England - 2013

The oldest brachiopods from the lower Cambrian of South Australia - 2013

Africanacetus from the subAntarctic region: The southernmost record of fossil beaked whales - 2013

A new monofenestratan pterosaur from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Kimmeridgian, Upper Jurassic) of Dorset, England - 2013

Deep-Water Chondrichthyans from the Early Miocene of the Vienna Basin (Central Paratethys, Slovakia) - 2013

An ankylosaurid dinosaur from Mongolia with in situ armour and keartinous scale impressions - 2013

Evolution and classification of Mesozoic mathildoid gastropods - 2013

A new pleurocystitid blastozoan from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel (Germany) and its phylogenetic importance - 2013

A new pliosaurid from the Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) of Normandy (Northern France) - 2013

New material and reinterpretation of the Late Cretaceous eutherian mammal Paranyctoides from Uzbekistan - 2013

Evolution and classification of Mesozoic mathildoid gastropods - 2013

Fossil thrips of the family Uzelothripidae suggest 53 million years of morphological and ecological stability - 2013

Wasp mimicry among Palaeocene reduviid bug from Svalbard - 2013

Crural bases position as a structural criterion for supraspecific diagnosis of Early Jurassic zeilleriid brachiopods - 2014

A new cnemidolestodean stem-orthopteran insect from the Late Carboniferous of China - 2014

First tyrannosaurid remains from the Upper Cretaceous "El Gallo" Formation of Baja California, Mexico - 2014

A new ankylosaurid from the late Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana, USA - 2014

New nodosaurid teeth (Dinosauria, Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of southern England - 2014

A new species of Brodiechelys (Testudines, Pan-Cryptodira) from the Early Cretaceous of Spain: Systematic and palaeobiogeographic implications - 2014

Reinterpretation of the Spanish Late Jurassic “Hispaniachelys prebetica” as an indeterminate plesiochelyid turtle (Testudines, Pancryptodira) - 2014

A pliosaurid (Reptilia, Plesiosauria) from the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation of Italy - 2014

Palaeoecology of corals and stromatoporoids in an Upper Silurian Biostrome in Estonia - 2014

Earliest Cretaceous mammals from the western United States - 2014

A new placodont sauropterygian from the Middle Triassic of the Netherlands - 2014

Taxonomic names, in First fossil record of polypore fungus beetles from Lower Cretaceous amber of France - 2014

First fossil record of polypore fungus beetles from Lower Cretaceous amber of France - 2014

The Jiyuan tetrapod Fauna of the Upper Permian of China—1. New pareiasaur material and the reestablishment of Honania complicidentata - 2014

A new enigmatic ant genus from late Eocene Danish Amber and its evolutionary and zoogeographic significance - 2014

Taxonomy and palaeobiogeography of the Cenozoic Euro-Mediterranean rissoid gastropod Galeodinopsis and its relationship with close genera - 2014

The first non-avian theropod from the Czech Republic - 2014

Tomographic reconstruction of the exceptionally preserved trigonotarbid arachnid Eophrynus prestvicii - 2014

The anatomy of the Late Miocene baleen whale Cetotherium riabinini from Ukraine - 2014

A new basal osmylid neuropteran insect from the Middle Jurassic of China linking Osmylidae to the Permian–Triassic Archeosmylidae - 2014

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

Globicephaline whales from the Mio-Pliocene Purisima Formation of central California, USA - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

Out of the Pacific: A second fossil porpoise from the Pliocene of the North Sea Basin - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

A new softshelled trionychid turtle of the genus Khunnuchelys from the Upper Cretaceous Bostobe Formation of Kazakhstan - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

A new, morphologically diverse Permian trilobite fauna from Oman - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

A new coral with simplified morphology from the oldest known Hettangian (Early Jurassic) reef in southern France - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

The Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) brachiopod fauna of the East Baltic: Taxonomy of the key species - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

The new stem-group brachiopod Oymurania from the lower Cambrian of Siberia - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

New specimens of the multituberculate mammalian Sphenopsalis from the Paleocene of Inner Mongolia, China: implications for phylogeny and biology of taeniolabidoid multituberculates - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

A sebecosuchian in a middle Eocene karst with comments on the dorsal shield in Crocodylomorpha - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

A new bernissartiid crocodyliform from the Lower Cretaceous Wessex Formation (Wealden Group, Barremian) of the Isle of Wight, southern England - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

Early Jurassic anoxia triggered the evolution of the oldest holoplanktonic gastropod Coelodiscus minutus by means of heterochrony - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

Theropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of the South Pyrenees Basin of Spain - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

Vertebral fusion in two Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaurs from the Lufeng Formation of Yunnan, China - 2015

New dental elements of the oldest proviverrine mammal from the early Eocene of Southern France support possible African origin of the subfamily - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

On a New Stereospondylomorph Temnospondyl from the Middle—Late Permian of Southern Brazil - 2015

Systematic palaeontology, in New Jurassic tettigarctid cicadas from China with a novel example of disruptive coloration - 2016

New Jurassic tettigarctid cicadas from China with a novel example of disruptive coloration - 2016

Earliest true moth lacewing from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China - 2016

A new pentatomoid bug from the Ypresian of Patagonia, Argentina - 2016

Middle Miocene conoidean gastropods from western Ukraine (Paratethys): Integrative taxonomy, palaeo-climatogical and palaeobiogeographical implications - 2016

Systematic palaeontology, in New Jurassic tettigarctid cicadas from China with a novel example of disruptive coloration - 2016

Middle Miocene conoidean gastropods from western Ukraine (Paratethys): Integrative taxonomy, palaeo-climatogical and palaeobiogeographical implications - 2016

New Jurassic tettigarctid cicadas from China with a novel example of disruptive coloration - 2016

Earliest true moth lacewing from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China - 2016

Fossil Cenozoic crassatelline bivalves from Peru: New species and generic insights - 2016

A new pentatomoid bug from the Ypresian of Patagonia, Argentina - 2016

Revision of the enigmatic insect family Anthracoptilidae enlightens the evolution of Palaeozoic stem-dictyopterans - 2016

Dwarfism and feeding behaviours in Oligo-Miocene crocodiles from Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland, Australia - 2016

Middle Miocene carnivorans from the Monarch Mill Formation, Nevada - 2016

A Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) bivalve-dominated molluscan fauna from the Stairway Sandstone, Amadeus Basin, central Australia - 2016

Small mammal fauna from Wulanhuxiu (Nei Mongol, China) implies the Irdinmanhan–Sharamurunian (Eocene) faunal turnover - 2016

A new Beneziphius beaked whale from the ocean floor off Galicia, Spain and biostratigraphic reassessment of the type species - 2017

Tarsal morphology of the pleuraspidotheriid mammal Hilalia from the middle Eocene of Turkey - 2017