Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society

The Namurian of the north-west quarter of the Askrigg Block - 1957

Pre-Cambrian fossils from Charnwood Forest - 1958

The Yoredale Series of Upper Wensleydale and adjacent parts of North-West Yorkshire - 1958

The stratigraphy of the Caradoc series in the Cross Fell Inlier - 1959

Trinucleid trilobites from the higher Dufton shales of the Caradoc series in the Cross Fell inlier - 1961

The Jet Rock Series and the Alum Shale Series of the Yorkshire coast - 1962

The Marl Slate and basal Permian breccia at Middridge, Co. Durham - 1979

A new revision of the Pleistocene mammalian fauna of Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire - 1981

Marine reptiles from the Upper Lias (Lower Toarcian, Lower Jurassic) of the Yorkshire coast - 1984

Graptolite biostratigraphy of early land plantsfrom Victoria, Australia - 1984

Crinoid arms from Salthill Quarry, Clitheroe, Lancashire - 1985

Palaeobotany and petrology of a Middle Jurassic ironstone bed at Wrack Hills, North Yorkshire - 1985

A new specimen of Steneosaurus (Mesosuchia, Crocodilia) from the Toarcian of the Yorkshire coast - 1987

A biofacies analysis of the Gastroceras cumbriense marine band (Namurian) of the central Pennines - 1987

Structure and phylogenetic significance of Trachyteuthis (Coleoidea) from the Kimmeridge Clay of England - 1988

Pridoli graptolites from the Humevale Formation at Ghin Ghin and Cheviot, Victoria, Australia - 1990

Tooth structure and phylogeny of the Upper Permian echinoid Miocidaris keyserlingi - 1990

New bryozoan taxa from the Upper Permian Zechstein reef in NE England - 1990

The origin and significance of the distribution of shelly macrofauna in Late Dinantian carbonate mud mounds of Derbyshire - 1990

Gastropods from the Upper Permian Zechstein (Cycle 1) reef of north-east England - 1991

Catalogue of type, figured and referred fossils in the Geological Department of the Manchester Museum - 1992

A new specimen of Protorosaurus (Reptilia: Diapsida) from the Marl Slate (late Permian) of Britain - 1993

Pelmatozoan (crinoid?) columnals from the Hirnantian (Ordovician, Ashgill) of Keisley, Cumbria, UK - 1995

A new specimen of the Carboniferous trigonotarbid arachnid Maiocercus celticus (Pocock 1902) from Lancashire, UK - 1996

A new elythid spiriferide brachiopod from the Lower Carboniferous (Asbian) reef facies of the British Isles - 1997

An epibiont and the functional morphology of the column of a platycrinitid crinoid - 1999

Lower Carboniferous sponges from the Craven Reef Belt of North Yorkshire - 2000

Ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs from the Lower Spilsby Sandstone Member (Upper Jurassic), north Lincolnshire - 2003

A marine reptile fauna from the Early Jurassic Saltford Shale (Blue Lias Formation) of Central England - 2007

Chadian (Tournaisian – Viséan, Carboniferous) ammonoids from the Milldale Limestone Formation of the southern Peak District, England - 2009

A redescription of Plesiosaurus propinquus Tate & Blake, 1876 (Reptilia, Plesiosauria), from the Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) of Yorkshire, England - 2009

The Serpukhovian and Bashkirian (Carboniferous, Namurian and basal Westphalian) faunas of northern England - 2011

A critical graptolite correlation into the Lower Ordovician of Gondwana - 2011

Phylogeny and adaptive radiation of the Neograptina (Graptoloida) during the Hirnantian Mass Extinction and Silurian recovery - 2011