Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas

Phyletic studies; part 1, Tiger sharks - 1978

Late Tertiary equids from the state of Hidalgo, Mexico - 1994

Bivalvos de la Formación Tuxpan (Mioceno Medio), Estado de Veracruz, México - 1994

Mollusk gastropods in a Lower Cretaceous rudist-bearing formation of Jalisco, west central Mexico - 1995

Toucasia hancockensis (Hippuritacea-Requienidae) in southwestern Mexico - 1995

Permian-Triassic boundary at El Antimonio, Sonora, Mexico - 1997

Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) bivalves from the Antimonio Formation, northwestern Sonora, Mexico - 1997

Stratigraphy and regional significance of Mississippian to Jurassic rocks in Sierra Santa Teresa, Sonora, Mexico - 1997

Late Triassic and Early Jurassic bivalves from Sonora, Mexico - 1997

Middle Triassic Ammonites from Sonora, Mexico - 1997

New caprinid rudist genera Guzzyella and Muellerriedia (Bivalvia - Hippuritacea) from the Albian (Cretaceous) of Central Mexico - 1998

First Paleogene selachifauna of the Middle American-Caribbean-Antillean region, La Mesa de Copoya, west-central Chiapas-geologic setting - 2000

Schizorhiza: a unique sawfish paradigm from the Difunta Group, Coahuila, Mexico - 2002

A titanosaurid sauropod from the Upper Cretaceous of Chihuahua, Mexico - 2003

Una especie nueva de Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae) del Plioceno del Estado de Hidalgo, México - 2003

Cerro del Pueblo Fm (Difunta Group, Upper Cretaceous), Parras Basin, southern Coahuila, Mexico: reference sections, age, and correlation - 2004

Towards a standard ammonite zonation for the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) of northern Mexico - 2005

Presencia de dinosaurios en la Barranca Los Bonetes en el sur de México (Región de Tiquicheo, Estado de Michoacán) y sus implicaciones cronoestratigráficas [Presence of dinosaurs in the Barranca Los Bonetes in southern Mexico (Tiquicheo region, Michoacán state) and their chronostratigraphic implications] - 2005

A new lithographic limestone deposit in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Group at El Rosario, county of Múzquiz, Coahuila, northeastern Mexico - 2005

Taxonomy, stratigraphic distribution and palaeobiogeography of the Early Cretaceous coral genus Holocystis - 2006

El Espinal, a new plattenkalk facies locality from the Lower Cretaceous Sierra Madre Formation, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico - 2006

Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) glyptodont and pampathere (Xenarthra, Cingulata) from Sonora, Mexico - 2007

Lower Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) ammonites from the basal strata of the La Peña Formation of Nuevo León State, northeast Mexico: biochronostratigraphic implications - 2008

A new fossiliferous site of Lower Liassic (Upper Sinemurian) marine sediments from the southern Sierra Madre Oriental (Puebla, Mexico): ammonite fauna, biostratigraphy, and description of Ectocentrites hillebrandti new species - 2008

Reevaluation of the holotype of Plesiosaurus (Polyptychodon) mexicanus, Wieland, 1910 from the Upper Jurassic of Mexico: a thalattosuchian, not a sauropterygian - 2008

Paleontología del Chaco Oriental. Una nueva localidad con mamíferos fósiles pleistocenos en el río Bermejo (Formosa, Argentina) - 2009

Foraminiferal turnover across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary at the Zumaya section, Spain: record of a bathyal gradual mass extinction - 2009

Los Glyptodontinae (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae) del Piso/Edad Chapadmalalense (Plioceno tardío): revisión y aportes a su conocimiento - 2010

Moluscos de la Formación Agueguexquite (Plioceno inferior) de Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, México - 2011

A ceratopsian horncore from the Olmos Formation (early Maastrichtian) near Múzquiz, Mexico - 2011

A Deinosuchus riograndensis (Eusuchia: Alligatoroidea) from Coahuila, North Mexico - 2011

Late Cretaceous nodosaurids (Ankylosauria: Ornithischia) from Mexico - 2011

Funginella? isfahanensis n. sp. from the upper Albian of Iran - 2011

Oligocene pteropods (Gastropoda: Thecosomata) from the Kishima Formation, Saga Prefecture, southwest Japan - 2011

Microfossils, paleoenvironments and biostratigraphy of the Mal Paso Formation (Cretaceous, upper Albian), State of Guerrero, Mexico - 2011

Gasterópodos y bivalvos cisuralianos (Pérmico inferior) de Otlamalacatla, Hidalgo, México - 2012

Nuevos braquiópodos prodúctidos (Rhynchonelliformea, Strophomenata) del Carbonífero de la región de Nochixtlán, Oaxaca - 2012

Variability and symmetry of a Jurassic nocturnal predatory cockroach (Blattida: Raphidiomimidae) - 2012

Corals from the Maastrichtian Ocozocoautla Formation (Chiapas, Mexico) – a closer look - 2012

Taxonomy and notes on the paleobiology of the late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) antilocaprids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Antilocapridae) from the state of Hidalgo, central Mexico - 2013

Corals from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian - Early Albian) of Puebla (Mexico) - Introduction and Family Stylinidae - 2013

Late Paleocene Architectonicidae (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from Baja California, Mexico - 2013

Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) cold-water idoceratids (Ammonoidea) from southern Coahuila, northeastern Mexico, associated with Boreal bivalves and belemnites - 2015