Les bryozoaires cheilostomes du Chattien de la région de Kassel (Hesse, Allemagne) - 1968
Introductions à l'étude des microstructures des tiges de crinoides - 1970
Suessia dissymetrica nov. sp., brachiopode du Lias moyen des Causses lozeriens (France) - 1971
Biostratigraphie des lentilles à pérégrinelles (brachiopodes) de l'Hauterivien de Rottier (Drôme, France) [Biostratigraphy of the Hauterivian Peregrinella beds (brachiopods) from Rottier (Drôme, France)] - 1972
Quelques Aspects de la Fossilisation des Tests Chez Les Brachiopodes et les Crinoides. Relation entre la Presence de Matiere Organique et le Developement D'Agregats Ferriferes - 1974
Notes on type specimen of European Miocene Talpidae and a tentative classification of Old World Tertiary Talpidae (Insectivora: Mammalia) - 1974
Les algues calcaires du Crétacé Supérieur des rides de Villagrains, Landiras et Roquefort, Creon (Aquitaine Centrale) - 1974
Pseudophillipsia azzouzi nov sp, trilobite griffithididé permien du Djebel Tebaga (Tunisie) - 1974
Reflexions sur le benthos devonien du Massif Armoricain replace dans le cadre de l'Europe occidentale - 1975
Les Bryozaires Barremo-Aptiens du Sud-Est de la France. Gisements et paleoecologie, biostratigraphie [Barremian and Aptian Bryozoa in southeastern France. Localities and paleoecology, biostratigraphy] - 1975
Révision des types de bryozoaires albiens et cénomaniens de la collection Michelin - 1975
Présence d'Espèces du genre Ferrissia Walker, 1903 (Gastropoda, Basommatophora) dans le Néogène du bassin rhodanien (France) - 1975
Orthida (Brachiopoda) de la formation de Postolonnec (Ordovicien), Finistere, France - 1976
Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from the Paleocene and Maastrichtian of Majunga basin Madagascar - 1976
Montousse 5 (Hautes Pyrenees), un nouveau remplissage de fissure a faune de vertebres du Pleistocene Inferieur - 1976
Découverte de deux ammonites appartenant au genre Semenovites dans les couches albiennes du Kuh-E-Vacha (Iran centra): conséquences paléontologiques, biostratigraphiques et biogéographiques - 1977
Decouverte des Algues Floridees du “Facies de Vimport” dans l'Albien des Monts Bakony (Hongrie) et donnees biostratigraphiques nouvelles sur le Mesocretace Hongrois - 1977
Une nouvelle algue corallinacee Neogoniolithon montainvillense n. sp., dans le Paleocene du Bassin Parisien - 1977
Critique of certain Eocene primate taxa - 1977
Étude comparée des genres Babinka Barrande et Coxiconcha Babin (Mollusques bivalves de l'Ordovicien) - 1977
Un gisement de bryozoaires aptiens dans le Gard [An Aptian bryozoan locality in the Gard] - 1977
Une espece nouvelle de Madreporaire dans le Jurassique superieur du Groenland et de l'Ecosse. Implications paleobiogeographiques - 1977
Analyse biostratigraphique et paléontologique de l'albien marin d'Estremadura (Portugal) - 1977
Les Crocodiliens fossiles du Jurassique moyen et superieur de Bourgogne. [The fossil crocodilians from the Middle and Upper Jurassic layers of Burgundy] - 1977
La Formation de Shemshak dans L'Elburz Oriental (Iran) Flore-Stratigraphie-Paleogeographie - 1977
Le genre Dionide Barrande, 1847 (Trilobite) dans l'Ordovicien du Massif Armoricain et du Portugal - 1978
Presence du genre Simoedosaurus (Reptilia, Choristodera) en Amerique du Nord - 1978
Un nouveau genre de madreporaire ahermatypique et un nouveau mode de gemmation: Cardiastraea cristata nov. gen., nov. sp. du Lias du Maroc [A new genus of ahermatypic Scleractinia and a new budding pattern: Cardiastraea cristata n. gen., n. sp. from the Liassic of Morocco] - 1978
Selenopeltis (Trilobita) from Brittany and its distribution in the Ordovician - 1978
Les hexactinellides (lyssakides et dictyonines) du Lias Marocain [Hexactinellida (Lyssakida and Dictyida) from the Liassic of Morocco] - 1978
Les Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) de la Milloque (bassin d'Aquitaine): Horizon repère de l'Oligocène supérieur - 1979
Additional Fish Records from the Judith River Formation (Campanian) of Montana - 1979
Sur quelques echinodermes (Cystoides et crinoides) de l' Ashgil d'Aragon (Espagne) - 1979
Une faune de petits mammiferes d'age Turolien moyen (Miocene superieur) a Cucuron (Vaucluse); donnees nouvelles sur le genre Stephanomys (Rodentia) et consequences stratigraphiques - 1979
Découverte du plus ancien palaeopheide (Reptilia, Serpentes) dans le Maestrichtien du Maroc [Discovery of the oldest palaeophid (Reptilia, Serpentes) in the Maastrichtian of Morocco] - 1979
A new crocodilian from the Jurassic of Thailand, <i>Sunosuchus thailandicus</i> n. sp. (Mesosuchia, Goniopholididae), and the palaeogeographical history of south-east Asia in the Mesozoic - 1980
Calceocrinids and a new ramacrinid (Crinoidea, Inadunata) from the Lower Devonian of Bohemia and Armorican Masssif - 1980
Heminautilus sanctaecrucis, nouvelle espèce de nautiloïde Cretace - 1980
Dipteronotus gibbosus (Actinopterygi, Chondrostei), nouveau Colobodontidae du Trias Superieur continental marocain [Dipteronotus gibbosus (Actinopterygi, Chondrostei), new Colobodontidae from the continental Moroccan Upper Triassic] - 1980
Mauritanichthys rugosus n. gen. et n. sp., Redfieldiidae (Actinopterygi, Chondrostei) du Trias Superieur continental marocain [Mauritanichthys rugosus n. gen. et n. sp., Redfieldiidae (Actinopterygi, Chondrostei) from the continental Moroccan Upper Triassic] - 1980
Structure de la paroi de Aremoricanium rigaudae Deunff, 1955 (acritarche, Ordovicien) - 1980
Armored dinosaurs (Ornithischia: Ankylosauria) from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of England - 1980
Une nouvelle forme insulaire d'effraie geante, Tyto balearica n. sp. (Aves, Strigiformes), du Plio-Pleistocene des Baleares - 1980
Partial skeleton of Dracopelta zbyszewskii n. gen. and n. sp., an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal - 1980
Telravaccinites collignoni n. gen., n. sp. et les autres rudistes du Santonien supérieur de l'Aude (France) - 1981
Le prétendu rhinocéros de Nouvelle Calédonie est un marsupial (Zygomaturus diahotensis nov. sp.): Solution d'une énigme et conséquences paléogéographiques - 1981
Les Crustacés Décapodes du Cénomanien de Navarra (Espagne): premiers resultats de l’étude des Galatheidae - 1981
Hesperogavialis cruxenti n.gen., n. sp., nouveau Gavialide (Crocodylia, Eusuchia) du Miocene Superieur (Huayquerien) d'Urumaco (Venezuela) - 1981
Le genre Postepithyris Makridin (Térébratulidés, brachiopodes) dans l`Oxfordien et le Kimméridgien francais - 1981
Cyclotosaurus cf. posthumus Fraas (Capitosauridae, Stereospondyli) from the Huai Hin Lat Formation (Upper Triassic), Northeastern Thailand, with a note on capitosaurid biogeography - 1981
Bradyodont (Chondrichthyes) Teeth from the Permian and Carboniferous of Northern Thailand - 1981
Les empreintes de pas de dinosauriens dans le Jurassique moyen du Haut Atlas central (Maroc): nouveaux gisements et precisions stratigraphiques - 1981
Mimomys occitanus de Villalba Alta et Arquillo 3 (Espagne) - 1981
The fin spine of a new Holocephalan from the Lower Jurassic of Lyme Regis, Dorset, England - 1981
Paranthodon africanus (Broom), a stegosaurian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of South Africa - 1981
Un primate nouveau du Paléocène supérieur de France - 1981
A brief review of Chinese synapsids - 1981
Nouvelles especes de madreporaires dans le Kimmeridgien Superieur du Jura (France) [New Upper Kimmeridgian scleractinian corals from the French Jura] - 1981
Le pretendu rhinoceros de Nouvelle Caledonie est un marsupial (Zigomaturus diahotensis nov. sp.) - 1981
Les Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) du Miocène terminal au Pleistoène supérieur d'Europe Occidentale comparés aux espèces actuelles: Tendances évolutives et relations phylogénétiques - 1982
Geology of the Deseadan (early Oligocene) age Estratos Salla in the Salla-Luribay basin, Bolivia, with description of new marsupialia - 1982
Phytosauria remains (Reptilia, Thecodontia) from the Upper Triassic of north-eastern Thailand - 1982
Le Crocodilien Diplocynodon (Eusuchia, Alligatoridae) dans la série du gypse d'Aix à Venelles (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) - 1982
Bioconstructions bajociennes à madréporaires et faciès associés dans l'Ile Crémieu (Jura du Sud; France) - 1982
First record of an Upper Triassic ceratodontid (Dipnoi, Ceratodontiformes) in Thailand and its paleogeographical significance - 1982
Pleistocene marine depositional environments from Mauritius island, Indian Ocean - 1982
Valdosaurus, a hypsilophodontid dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Europe and Africa - 1982
A sauropod dinosaur tooth from the Lower Cretaceous of Galve (province of Teruel, Spain) - 1982
Epistreptophyllum (Hexacorallaire Jurassique), genre colonialou solitaire? examen d'un materiel nouveau d'Israel - 1982
Origines du peuplement mammalien en Afrique du Nord durant le Miocène terminal - 1982
Late Cretaceous vertebrates, including mammals, from Tiupampa, Southcentral Bolivia - 1983
Poriceata ardescensis. Nouveau genre et nouvelle espece de bryozoaire cyclostome du Cretace inferieur d'Europe occidentale [Poriceata ardescensis. New genus and species of Lower Cretaceous cyclostome bryozoan from Western Europe] - 1983
Stegosaurian dinosaurs from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of England, the earliest record of the family Stegosauridae - 1983
A juvenile stegosaurian dinosaur, Omosaurus phillipsi SEELEY from the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) of England - 1983
Late Cretaceous mammals (Marsupalia) from Bolivia - 1983
On the origins of Hippopotamidae together with descriptions of two new species, a new genus and a new subfamily from the Miocene of Kenya - 1983
La paleoflore a filicales et coniferales de l'Oxfordien terminal de Charente (France). Stratigraphie et paleobotanique du gisement de Ravaud - 1983
Contributions to the systematics and the paleoecology of the family Acanthochaetetidae (Order Tabulospongida, class Sclerospongiae) - 1983
<i>Goniopholis phuwiangensis</i> nov. sp., a new mesosuchian crocodilian from the Mesozoic of northeastern Thailiand - 1983
A new Permian ophiuroid, Archaeophiomusium andinum nov sp from western Venezuela - 1983
A nodosaurid ankylosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Salas de los Infantes (province of Burgos, Spain) - 1983
Un faux Polymorphitiné: Dubariceras, nouveau genre d'Ammonitina du Carixien mésogéen - 1984
Biofacies a Cuneigervillia - Pteromya et biofacies a Eomiodon dans l'Hettangian du Quercy (Aquitaine Orientale) - 1984
Plio-Pleistocene mammals from Gidhniya village, Western Nepal - 1984
Donnees nouvelles sur la paleoflore de Colombie - 1984
New genera and species of coelacanths from the Bear Gulch limestone (Lower Carboniferous) of Montana (U.S.A.) - 1984
Paleontologie et paleoecologie de Parvirhynchia parvula (Deslongchamps), brachiopode recifal et perirecifal du Bajocien moyen [Paleontology and paleoecology of Parvirhynchia parvula (Deslongchamps), a Middle Bajocian reefal and perireefal brachiopod] - 1984
Implications Paleobiogeographiques de la decouverte d'une nouvelle localite Eocene a vertebres continentaux en Afrique Nord-Occidentale: El Kohol (Sud-Oranis, Algerie) - 1984
Découverte de nouveaux rongeurs dans la formation Miocène de Bou Hanifia (Algérie Occidentale) - 1984
Middle Triassic Parapopanoceratidae and Nathorstitidae (Ammonoidea) of Boreal Region: Internal Structure, Ontogeny and Phylogenetic Patterns - 1984
Les formations du Jurassique supérieur du Bou Rheddou au Nord de Tiaret (Bordure sud-tellienne, Algérie): âge et milieux de dépôt - 1984
Des serpents (Reptilia, Squamata) de type nord-américain dans le Miocène Français. Évolution parallèle ou dispersion - 1984
Le crocodilien longirostre Gavialosuchus dans le Miocene moyen de Polastron (Gers, France) - 1984
Découverte du genre Gymnura (Batomorphii, Myliobatiformes) dans le Thanétien des Ouled Abdoun, Maroc. Observations sur la denture de quelques espèces actuelles [Discovery of the genus Gymnura (Batomorphii, Myliobatiformes) in the Thanetian of the Ouled Abdoun, Morocco. Observations on the dentition of some modern species] - 1984
The prolacertid lepidosaurian Cosesaurus aviceps Ellenberger & Vallalta, a claimed "protoavian" from the Middle Triassic of Spain - 1984
Decouverte d'une nouvelle espece de Polytremacis (Octocorallia) dans le Turonien du Djebel Krannga (Tunisie centrale) [Discovery of a new species of Polytremacis in the Turonian of Djebel Krannga (central Tunisia)] - 1985
A new middle Eocene insectivore from the Mongolian People's Republic - 1985
Fishes from the Akkuyu Formation (Tithonian), western Taurus, Turkey - 1985
A new middle Eocene insectivore from the Mongolian People's Republic - 1985
Partial hindlimb of <i>Blikanasaurus cromptoni</i> n. gen. and n. sp., representing a new family of prosauropod dinosaurs from the Upper Triassic of South Africa - 1985
Notes on the Melanorosauridae, a family of large prosauropod dinosaurs (Saurischia: Sauropodomorpha) - 1985
Révision d'"Orthis" berthoisi Rouault, 1849 Orchid (Brachiopoda) de l'Ordovicien du Massif Armoricain - 1985
Le crocodilien Steneosaurus (Mesosuchia, Teleosauridae) dans le Jurassique Superieur Franc-Comtois (Jura, France) - 1985
The problem of dinosaur extinction. Contribution of the study of terminal Cretaceous eggshells from southeast France - 1985
Les bryozoaires de la formation d'age paléocène (danien probable) du Mont Aimé (Marne, Bassin Parisien) - 1986
Un Mésosuchien ziphodonte dans l'Éocène supérieurde La Livinière (Hérault, France) - 1986
La Paleoflore Autuno-Stephanienne de la région de Demnate (est de Marrakech-Maroc) - 1986
Acanthochaetetidae (Hadromerida, Demospongiae) fromthe Coniacian of Vera de Bidasoa (basque pyrenees, Northern Spain) - 1986
Chondrichthyan and actinopterygian remains from the Lower Permian Copacabana Formation of Bolivia - 1986
Hypsilophodontid dinosaurs from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia - 1986
Etude paleontologique du genre Sabinia (rudiste a canaux) des recifs du Campanien de Tunisie [Sabinia (pallial-canal rudists) from the Campanian reefs of Tunisia] - 1986
Révision de la fuane de mammifères du Miocène supérieur de Menacer (ex-Marceau), Algérie: Discussion sur l'âge du gisement - 1986
Découverte de vertébrés aquatiques présumés Paléocénes dans les Andes Septentrionales de Bolivie (Rio Suches, Sinclinorium de Putina) - 1987
Nautilidés d'âge Kimméridgien dans le Jura français: conséquences stratigraphiques et paléogéographiques - 1987
Thiolliericrinid crinoids from the Lower Cretaceous of Crimea - 1987
Nouveaux echinodermes des schistes et calcaires du Devonien inferieure du bassin de Laval (Massif Armoricain, France) - 1987
Growth patterns and evolutionary trends of Devonian crinoid columns - 1987
Phytosaur remains from the Cenger Formation of the Lycian Taurus (Western Turkey): stratigraphical implications - 1988
Une riche faune de Selaciens dans le Bassin a Phosphate de Kpogame-Hahotoe (Eocene moyen du Togo): Note preliminaire et precisions sur la structure et l'age du gisement - 1988
Le rhinoceros du Pleistocene moyen d'Atapuerca (Burgos, Espagne) - 1988
Graysonites (Mantelliceratinae Ammonitina) from the lowermost Cenomanian of Betic Cordillera (Spain) - 1988
Deux Dicladispa fossiles des gisements de diatomites Néogènes de Bes-Konak (Turquie) et de Murat (France) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Hispinae) - 1988
An Early Cretaceous faunal and floral continental assemblage: Las Hoyas fossil site (Cuenca, Spain) - 1988
Découverte d’un gisement albien dans les environs de Drap (Alpes-Maritimes, France) et description d’une riche ammonitofaune d’âge albien terminal - 1988
Amphimeandra, a new genus in the family Amphiastraeidae (Mesozoic Scleractinia) - 1988
The earliest known Salamanders (Amphibia, Caudata): A record from the Middle Jurassic of England - 1988
Skeletal structure growth and paleoecology of the patch reef-building polychaete worm Diplochaetetes mexicanus Wilson, 1986 from the Oligocene of Baja California (Mexico) - 1989
Les démosponges calcifiées des biohermes du Jurassique supérieur du sud Tunisien (Oxfordien de la région de Tataouine) - 1989
Vertebres fossiles du Miocene Superieur du Djebel Krechem el Artouma (Tunisie Centrale). Comparisons biostratigraphiques - 1989
Un nouveau Caprinae, Hemitragus cedrensis nov. sp. (Mammalia, Bovidae) des niveaux pléistocènes moyen de la grotte des Cèdres (Le plan d'Aups, Var). Intérêt biogéographique - 1989
Lower Cambrian bioconstructions in Northwestern Mexico (Sonora). Depositional setting, paleoecology and systematics of Archaeocyaths - 1989
Hipparion from the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon - 1989
Nouvelles formes de spongiaires dans l'Albien de la Sainte-Baume (Provence, France) [New forms of sponges in the Albian of Sainte-Baume (Provence, France)] - 1989
The Jordan theropod (Maastrichtian, Montana, U.S.A.) referred to the genus Aublysodon - 1989
Découverte de Vertébrés fossiles dans l'Oligocène inférieur du Dhofar (Sultanat d'Oman) - 1989
Coaptations chez les trilobites Placoparia (Ordovicien) et Acastoides (Dévonien): un exemple de convergence - 1990
Les calices du genre Tiaracrinus (Crinoidea, Inadunata) dans l'Emsien d'Algérie et du Massif Armoricain - 1990
Brachiopodes articules de la coupe de l'ile de Rosan (Crozon, Finistere); formation des tufs et calcaires de Rosan (Caradoc-Ashgill) - 1990
Russellmys denisae, un nouvel Apatémyidé (Mammalia) de Silveirinha, eocène inférieur du Portugal - 1990
Le premier squelette de plesiosaure de France sur le causse du Larzac (Toarcien, Jurassique Inférieur) - 1990
Nouvelles données sur le gisement à mammifères Mésozoïques du Haut-Atlas Marocain - 1990
Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs du Pliocene des Pyrenees-Orientales: consequences pour le genre Stephanomys (Schaub, 1938) - 1990
A sauropod dinosaur in the Portlandian of Haute-Marne (eastern France) - 1990
Rostres de Saurichthys (Saurichthyiformes, Saurichthyidae) en trois dimensions dans le Trias Moyen d'Israël - 1991
Dendropora explicita Michelin, 1846 et D. briceae nov. sp. (Tabulata) dans leur localite-type du Boulonnais. Presence du genre en Afghanistan - 1991
Marine sedimentation in the Valanginian-Hauterivian of northern Mozambique, with a description of Lower Cretaceous belemnites - 1991
Presence du grand pingouin, Pinguinus impennis (Aves, Charadriiformes) dans le Pleistocene du Portugal - 1991
Oxfordian hermatypic corals from central Saudi Arabia - 1991
No title - 1991
The postcranial skeleton of the choristodere Cteniogenys (Reptilia: Diapsida) from the Middle Jurassic of England - 1991
Bustylus cernaysi nov. gen., nov. sp., nouvel Adapisoriculidé (Mammalia, Eutheria) Paléocène d'Europe - 1991
Insectivores (Mammalia: Erinaceidae, Soricidae, Talpidae) from the Lufeng hominoid locality, Late Miocene of China - 1991
Anthracobune aijiensis nov. sp. (Mammalia: Proboscidea) from the Subathu Formation, Eocene from NW Himalaya, India - 1991
The oldest tabulate coral and the associated Archaeocyatha, Lower Cambrian, Flinders Ranges, South Australia - 1991
Tarascosaurus salluvicus nov. gen., nov. sp., dinosaure théropode du Crétacé supérieur du sud de la France [Tarascosaurus salluvicus nov. gen., nov. sp., a theropod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of southern France] - 1991
Le Silurien supérieur de Bear River (zone de Meguma, nouvelle écosse): faune, biostratigraphie et implications paléogéographiques - 1991
Brachiopodes et biostratigraphie de la Formation de Los Espejos, Siluro-Devonien de la Precordillere (NW Argentine) - 1992
Carcharhiniformes nouveaux (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii) de l'Ypresien du Bassin de Paris - 1992
Les ammonites du Niger (Afrique occidentale) et la transgression Transsaharienne au cours du Cénomanien-Turonien - 1992
Balanoidea (Crustacea, Cirripedia) du Miocene des Kerguelen - 1992
Extension of Dyspternine Pantolestidae (Mammalia, Cimolesta) in the Early Oligocene of Mongolia - 1992
A new association of small mammals from the lowermost Lower Miocene of Central Anatolia. - 1992
Renouvellement des ammonites en fosse Vocontienne a la limite Valanginien-Hauterivien [Ammonite turnover in the Vocontian trough at the Valanginian-Hauterivian boundary] - 1992
Hypomylos phelizoni nov. gen. nov. sp., une étape précoce de l'évolution de la molaire tribosphénique (Crétacé basal du Maroc) - 1992
A new choristodere (Reptilia, Diapsida) from the Oligocene of France: an example of the Lazarus effect - 1992
Apparition soudaine de Protolloydolithus (Trilobita, Trinucleidae) dans l'Ordovicien (Llandeilo) du Massif Armoricain; un essai d'interpretation - 1992
Un crâne d'Asiatosuchus germanicus du lutétien d'Issel (Aude). Bilan sur le genre Asiatosuchus en Europe - 1992
Ammonites and nannofossils from the Campanian of Nalzen (Ariége, France) - 1992
Astérides du Cénomanien de Charente-Maritime (SW France) - 1993
Naiathaelon okkidion nov. gen. nov. sp. (Teleostei, Elopomorpha) from the early Tithonian of Canjuers (Var, France) - 1993
The oldest mammals from the Betic Cordillera: the Oligocene of the internal Prebetic (Nerpio, Albacete, SE Spain) - 1993
Enigmatic Caudata (Amphibia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Gondwana - 1993
Bathonian and Valanginian fossils from Honduras - 1993
Tenisia gen. nov.: taxonomic revaluation of the asian Oligocene rhinocerotoid Eggysodon turgacum (Borissiak, 1915) (Mammalia, Perissodactlya, Hyracodontidae) - 1993
Revision der von Julien 1896 beschriebenen Trilobiten aus dem Unter-Karbon Frankreichs - 1993
Taphonomie des échinodermes des calcaires lithographiques de Canjuers (Tithonien inférieur, Var, France) - 1993
Upper Maastrichtian ammonites from the Marnes de Nay between Gan and Rébénacq (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), France - 1993
Nouvelles donnes sur les Condylarthres du Thanetien et de l'Ypresien du bassin d'Ouarzazate (Maroc) [New data about the Thanetian and Ypresian Condylarthres of Ouarzazate basin (Morocco)] - 1993
A review of Triassic labyrinthodont amphibians from China - 1993
Calcaires a archaeocyathes du Cambrien inferieur du nord de la Colombie Britannique (Canada), implications paleogeographiques et precisions sur l'extension du continent Americano-Koryakien [Lower Cambrian archaeocyath limestones of northern British Columbia (Canada), paleogeographic implications and precisions on the Americano-Koryakian continent extension] - 1993
Une Nouvelle faune à mammifères d'âge Éocène moyen (Lutétien supérieur) dans les phosphorites du Quercy. [A new middle Eocene (upper Lutetian) mammalian fauna from the Quercy phosphorite.] - 1993
Une nouvelle faune de bryozoaires de l'Hauterivien inférieur du Jura [A new bryozoan fauna from the lower Hauterivian of the Jura] - 1993
Micromammals from the Middle Miocene of the Granada Basin (Spain) - 1993
Systématique, stratigraphie et paléobiogéographie du genre Lovetchenia (Requieniidae) du Crétacé inférieur méditerranéen. [Taxonomy, stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of the Lovetehenia genus (Requieniidae) from the Mediterranean Early Cretaceous] - 1993
Une nouvelle faune de coralliaire jurassiques dans l'Atlas sahariens d'Algerie [A new Jurassic coral fauna from the Saharan Atlas of Algeria] - 1993
Galerix iberica sp. nov. (Erinaceidae, Insectivora, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene of the Iberian Peninsula. - 1993
Données préliminaires sur les chéloniens du Tithonien Inférieur des calcaires lithographiques de Canjeurs (Var, France) - 1994
A re-evaluation of the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) reptile Euposaurus (Reptilia: Lepidosauria) from Cerin, France - 1994
A new species of Platychoerops (Plesiadapiformes, Mammalia) from the latest Palaeocene of the Paris, London and Belgian Basins - 1994
Proposition de la region de Rich (Haut-Atlas central marocain) comme stratotype auxiliaire submediterranen pour la limite Aalenien Bajocien - 1994
A new species of permianellids (Brachiopoda): taxonomic and palaeoecologic significance - 1994
Permian rugose corals from south Gansu, northwest China - 1994
The Deseadan Land Mammal Age in Uruguay and the report of Scarrittia robusta nov. sp. (Leontiniidae, Notoungulata) in the Fray Bentos Formation (Oligocene - ? Lower Miocene) - 1994
Horn cores of Sivoreas (bovidae) from the Miocene of Pakistan and utility of their torsion as a taxonomic tool - 1994
Ostracodes et foraminifères du Crétace supérieur du synclinal d'El Koubbat, moyen Atlas, Maroc - 1994
Les Actiopterygiens juveniles du Cretace Inferieur du Montsec et de Las Hoyas (Espagne) - 1994
A new species of Sarcodon (Mammalia, Palaeoryctoidea) from the Lower Eocene of Kirgizia - 1994
Les scleractiniaires hydnophoroides du Cretace inferieur (Barremien-Aptien inferieur) de Provence (S.E. de la France), systematique, stratigraphie et paleobiogeographie [Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Early Aptian) hydnophoroid Scleractinia from Provence (S.E. France), systematic paleontology, stratigraphy and paleobiogeography] - 1994
Les micromammifères de l'Oligocène supérieur des calcaires de Hinojosa de Jarque (Montalban-Aliaga, Teruel, Espangne) - 1994
Nouvelles données sur les ammonites du Niger oriental (Ténéré, Afrique occidentale) dans le cadre de la transgression du Cénomanien-Turonien - 1994
Ancestral forms of Bohemian type Bivalvia from the lower Silurian of Siberia (Tungusskaja Syneclise, Russia) - 1995
Diversity of the dermal skeleton in Ordovician to Silurian vertebrate taxa from North America: Histology, skeletogenesis and relationships - 1995
Caradoc through early Ashgill brachiopods from the Central-Iberian Zone (central Spain) - 1995
Late Oligocene Amphictids (Mammalia: Carnivora) from la Milloque, Aquitaine Basin, France - 1995
Les bryozoaires de l'Hauterivien inférieur de Velloreille-lès-Choye, Haute-Saône. Une faune de transition entre Bassin de Paris et Jura. [The Bryozoa from the Lower Hauterivian of Velloreille-lès-Choye, Haute-Saône. A transitional fauna between the Paris Basin and the Jura.] - 1995
Spicule Pseudomorphs in Upper Triassic (Norian) Chaetetid Sponges from the Western Taurids (Antalya-Region, SW Turkey) - 1995
The "southern" Astroides calycularis in the Pleistocene of the northern Mediterranean - an indicator of climatic changes (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) - 1995
Interrelationships of late Neogene elephantoids: new evidence from the Middle Awash Valley, Afar, Ethiopia - 1995
A new ammonite fauna from the sub-Pyrenean Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) - 1995
Perleidus altolepis (Actinopterygii, Perleidiformes) from the Kalkschieferzone of Ca' del Frate (N. Italy) - 1995
The teeth of Symmorium reniforme Cope from the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow area (Russia) - 1995
Braquiopodos del Silurica temprano malvinocafrico (Formacion La Chilca), Precordillera Argentina - 1995
Le Dicerorhinus etruscus (Rhinocerotidae, Mammalia) du site pliocene superieur de Chilhac (Haute-Loire, France) - 1995
Un nuevo género de Tironuculidae (Bivalvia, Palaeotaxodonta) en Arenigiano del Noroeste Argentino - 1995
Ordovician megamorinid demosponges from San Juan Formation, Precordillera, western Argentina - 1996
La faune de bryozoaires de la transgression hauterivienne dans le Bassin de Paris [The bryozoan fauna of the Hauterivian transgression in the Paris Basin] - 1996
The "Encrinurus" variolaris plexus (Trilobita, Silurian): relationships of Llandovery species - 1996
Lower Aptian Ammonitina Pseudohaploceras liptoviense (Zeuschner) in the Cumburindio Formation (Southwestern Mexico) - 1996
Un nouvel équidé, Hipparion molayense nov. sp., dans le gisement turolien de Molayan en Afghanistan - 1996
Redescription of Redondasuchus reseri, a Late Triassic aetosaur (Reptilia: Archosauria) from New Mexico (USA), and the biochronology and phylogeny of aetosaurs - 1996
Un nouveau crinoïde Dimeocrinitidae (Camerata, Diplobathrida) de l'Ordovicien supérieur du Maroc: Rosfacrinus robustus nov. gen., nov. sp. - 1996
Les brachiopodes du Bathonien et du Callovien inférieur de Thakkhola (Népal central): paléontologie et biostratigraphie - 1996
Les Scléractiniaires jurassiques (Bajocien) d'Argentine (Bassin de Neuquén). Systématique - 1996
Paléoécologie et paléobiogéographie des faunes d'échinides du Cénomanien nord-aquitain (Charente-Maritime, France) - 1996
Les brachiopodes de l'avant-pays ouest-algerien lors de la phase transgressive maximale du Berriasien superieur; systematique, environnement, paleogeographie [The brachiopods of the Western-Algerian foreland during the maximum transgressive interval of Upper Berriasian age; systematics, environment and palaeogeography] - 1996
Reinterpretation and new denomination of Atacisaurus crassiproratus (Middle Eocene; Issel, France) as cf. Iberosuchus (Crocodylomorpha, Metasuchia) - 1996
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
A new Hirnantia fauna from Thailand and the biogeography of the latest Ordovician of south-east Asia - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Eremotherium sefvei nov. sp. (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Megatheriidae) from the Pleistocene of Ulloma, Bolivia - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
An Araripemys-like decorated pleurodire turtle in the Paleocene of northwestern Argentine - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
A new symmetrodont mammal from the Lower Jurassic Kota Formation, Pranhita-Godavari Valley, India - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Les ruminants de Pech Desse et de Pech du Fraysse (Quercy; MP28); évolution des ruminants de l'oligocène d'Europe - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Tithonian marine reptiles of the Western Neuquen Basin, Argentina. Facies and palaeoenvironments. [Reptiles marins tithoniens de l'Ouest du Bassin du Neuquen, Argentine. Facies et paldoenvironnements] - 1997
Natasiinae, a new subfamily of Tironuculidae (Bivalvia, Palaetaxodonta) from the Acoite Formation (Early-Middle Arenig), northwestern Argentina - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Précisions sur l'âge géologique et les relations phylétiques de Mustelictis olivieri nov. sp. (Carnivora, Mustelidae) - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Early Permian (Sakmarian) brachiopods from southeastern Oman - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Zaraalestes russelli, a new tupaiodontine erinaceid (Mammalia, Lipotyphla) from the Middle Eocene of Mongolia - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Systematic descriptions, in Early Permian (Sakmarian) brachiopods from southeastern Oman - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Les mosasaures (Squamata) du Cretace Superieur du Bassin Basco-Cantabrique - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Nouveaux rongeurs du Miocène continental du Jebel Rhassoul (Moyen Moulouya, Maroc). - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Une faune berriasienne de bryozoaires à Musièges (Jura méridional, Haute-Savoie) [A Berriasian bryozoan fauna from Musièges (Southern Jura, Haute-Savoie)] - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Late Cretaceous non-marine vertebrates from southern France: a review of recent finds - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Cytheropterine Ostracoda in view of the palaeoecology of the Palaeogene Port Willunga Formation, South Australia, and the palaeobathymetrical evolution of the Tasman Basin - 1997
Remarks on the morphological variability of Biradiolites angulosus D'Orbigny in a sector of the Trieste Karst (Italy) - 1998
Les scléractiniaires du Barrémien-Aptien inférieur de Provence (SE de la France) [The Barremian-Early Aptian Scleractinia from Provence (SE France)] - 1998
Senonian Rudist limestones in the Sorrento Peninsula sequences (southern Italy) - 1998
Rudist bearing upper Cretaceous metamorphic sequences of the Menderes Massif (Western Turkey) - 1998
Monopilarites a new rudist genus from the Upper Cenomanian of the Haushi-Huqf massif - 1998
Nouvelles espèces de Torreites du Campanien du Haushi-Huqf, Sultanat d'Oman - 1998
Eponges siliceuses du Devonien superieur de la Rade de Brest (France) [Siliceous sponges in the Upper Devonian of Rade de Brest (France)] - 1998
Antillocaprina trilobata nov. sp. and upper Cretaceous associated fauna from Chiapas, Southeast Mexico - 1998
Two new Lower Cretaceous rudists (Bivalvia-Hippuritacea) from the Huetamo Region; Southwestern Mexico - 1998
Rongeurs du Mio-Pliocene de Lissasfa (Casablanca, Maroc) - 1998
Etude statistique des espèces de Vaccinites (Hippuritacea, Hippuritidae) du Campanien du Sultanat d'Oman - 1998
Middle Eocene marsupials from Antofagasta de la Sierra, northwestern Argentina - 1998
Ctenodactyloid rodent assemblage from Kargil Formation, Ladakh Molasse Group - 1998
Late Triassic dinosaurs from the western United States - 1998
Late Hettangian-early Sinemurian (Jurassic) ammonite biochronology of the western Cordillera, United States - 1998
Taphonomy and palaeoecology of an assemblage of large mammals: hyaenid activity in the Lower Pleistocene site at Venta MIcena (Orce, Guadix-Baza basin, Granada, Spain) - 1998
Les Coralliophilidae, Gastropoda de l'Oligocene et du Miocene inferieur d' Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France): systematique et coraux hotes [The Coralliophilidae, Gastropoda from the Oligocene and Lower Miocene of Aquitaine (SW France): systematics and coral hosts] - 1998
Facies Succession, Biostratigraphy and Rudist Faunas of Coniacian to Santonian Platform Deposits in the Sant Cornelli Anticline (Southern Central Pyrenees) - 1998
Upper Ordovician graptolites from the Brabant Massif, Belgium - 1998
Middle Cambrian molluscs from the southern New England fold belt, New South Wales, Australia - 1998
The Lower Cretaceous (Upper Barremian-Lower Aptian) caprinid rudists from Northern Oman - 1998
Lower Cretaceous Rudist faunas of Southeast Spain: an overview - 1998
Lower Pliocene Decapod Crustaceans from the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula(Guadalquivir Basin, Sevilla, Spain) - 1998
Late Maastrichtian Rudists and microfossils in the Karst Region (NE Italy and Slovenia) - 1998
Reassessment of Spirographites ellipticus ASTRE, 1937 as a trace fossil of non marine Arthropods from the Late Cretaceous (Garumn facies) in the Catalonian Pre-Pyrenees (NE Spain) - 1998
Triassic lingulide brachiopods from the Iberian Range (Spain) - 1999
Marsupial skulls from the Deseadan (late Oligocene) of Bolivia and phylogenetic analysis of the Borhyaenoidea (Marsupialia, Mammalia) - 1999
A new family of Odonatoptera from the continental Upper Permian: The Lapeyriidae (Lodève Basin, France) - 1999
Saxonagrion minutus nov. gen. et sp., The oldest Damselfly from the Upper Permian of France (Odonatoptera, Panodonata, Saxonagrionidae nov. fam) - 1999
Echinodermes nouveaux du Cambrien supérieur de la Montagne Noire (France méridionale. [New Upper Cambrian Echinoderms from Montagne Noire (Southern France)] - 1999
Taxonomy and quantitative biochronology of Guadalupian brachiopods from the Khuff Formation, southeastern Oman - 1999
Brachiopod systematics, in Taxonomy and quantitative biochronology of Guadalupian brachiopods from the Khuff Formation, southeastern Oman - 1999
Les Scléractiniaires du Serravallien de Pessac (Nord-Aquitaine, France) : approche paléoécologique - 1999
Cahuzacopsammia meandrinoides nov. gen. et sp., Scléractiniaire dendrophylliidé de l'Oligocène supérieur d'Aquitaine (France) - 1999
Early radiation of the Neoselachian sharks in western Europe - 1999
Marsupial skulls from the Deseadan (late Oligocene) of Bolivia and phylogenetic analysis of
the Borhyaenoidea (Marsupialia, Mammalia) - 1999
De grandes empreintes de pas de dinosaures dans l'Hettangian de Peyre (Aveyron, France) [Large dinosaur footprints in the Hettangian of Peyre (Aveyron, France)] - 1999
Early Cretaceous lizards from the Okurodani Formation of Japan - 1999
Palaeophylloxera nov. gen., the first fossil specimen of the family Phylloxeridae (Hemiptera, Phylloxeroidea); lower Miocene of Spain - 1999
Diversité des coquilles "minces" d'oeufs fossiles du Crétacé supérieur du sud de la France [Diversity of fossil eggshell fragments from the Upper Cretaceous of southern France] - 2000
Early Cambrian Appalachian archaeocyaths: further age constraints from the fauna of New Jersey and Virginia, USA - 2000
Upper Cretaceous echinoids from James Ross Basin, Antarctica - 2000
Palaeobatrachid Frogs from the Earliest Miocene (Agenian) of France, with Description of a New Species - 2000
The middle Miocene mammalian site of Belometchetskaya, North Caucasus: an important biostratigraphic link between Europe and China - 2000
Enaliosuchus macrospondylus Koken, 1883 (Crocodylia, Metriorhynchidae) du Valanginien de Barret-le-Bas (Hautes Alpes, France): un cas unique de remontée des narines externes parmi les crocodiliens - 2000
Une faune rare de rhinocérotidés (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) dan le Miocène inférieur de Pellecahus (Gers, France) - 2000
Plagiolophus huerzeleri, une nouvelle espèce de Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) d'Oligocène inférieur (Rupélien, MP 23) à Murs (Vaucluse, France) - 2000
Un nouveau site à vertébrés continentaux de l'Éocène supérieur de Zambrana (Bassin de Maranda-Treviño, Alava, Pays basque) - 2000
A southern Tethyan brachiopod fauna from the Late Triassic of the United Arab Emirates - 2000
Tournaisian-Visean brachiopods from the Gancaohu area of southern Tienshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China - 2000
Permian brachiopods from the Selong Xishan Section, Xizang (Tibet), China. Part 1: Stratigraphy, Strophomenida, Productida and Rhynchonellida - 2000
Bashkirian to Moscovian (late Carboniferous) brachiopod faunas from the western Kunlun Mountains, northwest China - 2000
Coraux constructeurs du Bajocien inférieur de France. 1ère Partie - 2000
Coraux constructeurs du Bajocien inférieure de France. 2ème Partie - 2000
Rugose corals from the Hongguleleng Formation (Famennian), Northern Sinkiang (NW China) - 2000
Burrows and body fossil of decapod custaceans i the Calcari Grigi, Lower Jurassic, Treno Platform (Itly) - 2000
Ducks, rails, and limicoline waders (Aves: Anseriformes, Gruiformes, Charadriiformes) from the lowermost Oligocene of Belgium - 2001
Amphibians and reptiles from the Early Miocene of the Bardenas Reales
of Navarre (Ebro Basin, Iberian Peninsula) - 2001
New data on the Upper Miocene micromammals of the Betic Cordillera and their interest for marine-continental correlations - 2001
The jaguar - Panthera onca gombaszoegensis (Kretzoi, 1938) (Carnivora: Felidae) in the late Lower Pleistocene Akhalkalaki (South Georgia: Transcaucasia) and its evolutionary and ecological significance. - 2001
Surijoka lutevensis nov. sp.: The first Glosselytrodea (Insecta) from the Upper Permian of France (Lodeve Basin) - 2001
Une nouvelle espèce du genre Eusmilus (Carnivora: Nimravidae) de l'Oligocène (MP 22) d'Europe - 2001
Brachiopods of the redefined family Tritoechiidae from the Ordovician of Kazakhstan and South Urals - 2001
Two new fungus gnats (Insecta, Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain - 2001
Late Miocene rhinocerotids (Mammalia) from Yulafli (Corlu-Thrace/Turkey) - 2001
A new species of Pica (Aves: Corvidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of Mallorca, Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). - 2001
New ornithischian remains from the Upper Elliot Formation (Lower Jurassic) of Lesotho and stratigraphical dsitribution of southern African fabrosaurids - 2001
Permian brachiopods from the Selong Xishan Section, Xizang (Tibet), China. Part 2: Palaeobiogeographical and palaeoecological implications, Spiriferida, Athyridida and Terebratulida - 2001
Middle Jurassic Gastropods from the Central High Atlas, Morocco - 2001
A critical comment on ‘ankyroids’ (Echinodermata, Stylophora) - 2001
A new cryptoclidid plesiosaur from the Oxofrdian (Late Jurassic) of Cuba - 2002
Scinderella scopuliformis nov. gen., nov. sp. (Dasycladales, green algae) from the middle Triassic of Croatia - 2002
Eosialis, a new aldery genus in French Lowermost Eocene amber (Insecta, Megaloptera, Sialidae) - 2002
Small shelly fossils from the Lower Cambrian Lastours Formation, southern Montagne Noir, France - 2002
Eocene siliceous sponges from the Ebro Basin (Catalonia, Spain) - 2002
Discovery of the genus Iasvia Zalessky, 1934 in the Upper Permian of France (Lodève basin) (Orthoptera, Ensifera, Oedischiidae) - 2002
Preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the Protanisoptera (Insecta: Odonatoptera) - 2002
Rugose corals and associated carbonate microfossils from the Brigantian (Mississippian) of Catelsec (Montagne Noire, southern France) - 2002
Un squelette partiel de Prodeinotherium bavaricum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) du Miocène moyen de Unterzolling (Molasse d’eau douce supérieure, Allemagne) - 2002
Hypsosteiromys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from the Early Miocene of Patagonia (Argentina), the only Erethizontidae with a tendency to hypsodonty - 2002
Une nouvelle espèce de Podocnemis (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae) provenant du Néogène de la formation Solimões, Acre, Brésil - 2002
New skull of Lesothosaurus (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Upper Elliot Formation (Lower Jurassic) of southern Africa - 2002
Callistoe vincei, a new Proborhyaenidae (Borhyaenoidea, Metatheria, Mammalia) from the Early Eocene of Argentina - 2002
TAXONOMIC NAMES; Preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the Protanisoptera (Insecta: Odonatoptera) - 2002
Tremadoc (earliest Ordovician) brachiopods from Purmamarca and the Sierra de Mojotoro, Cordillera Oriental of northwestern Argentina - 2002
Sinemurian gastropods from Monte Cucco (Umbria-Marche Apennines, Central Italy) - 2002
First evidence of Late Carnian radiolarians from the Izmir–Ankara
suture complex, central Sakarya, Turkey: implications for the opening
age of the Izmir–Ankara branch of Neo-Tethys - 2002
The paleoenvironment of an early Middle Miocene Paratethys sequence in NE Austria with special emphasis on mollusks and foraminifera - 2002
Fossil representatives of the family Greenideidae (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) from the Miocene of Europe - 2002
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
New Martynoviidae from the Permian of Southern France (Lodève basin) (Insecta: Palaeoptera: Diaphanopterodea) - 2003
Ophiuroid remains from the Toarcian of Sainte-Verge (Deux-Sevres, France): paleobiological perspectives - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
A new species of Tococladidae Carpenter, 1966 from the Permian of France (Insecta: Archaeorthoptera) - 2003
Sunosuchus (Archosauria, Crocodyliformes) from the Toutunhe Formation (Middle Jurassic) of the Southern Junggar Basin (Xinjiang, NW-China) - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Murchisonia gourvenneci, new name for Muchisonia oehlerti Blodgett, Frýda and Racheboeuf, 1999 - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Ammonite biostratigraphy of the uppermost Hauterivian in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain) - 2003
A new libelluloid dragonfly (Insecta: Odonata: Italoansida) from the late Paleocene of Argentina - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Neoprincipia nov. gen., a new Mississippian red alga, and remarks on the Archaeolithophyllaceae (Rhodophyta) - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Middle and Upper Jurassic bivalve associations from the Iberian Range (Spain). Las asociaciones de bivalvos del Jurasico Medio y Superior en la Cordillera Iberica (Espana) - 2003
Ammonites generally classified in the Bouleiceratinae sub-family (Hildoceratidae, Toarcian): phylogenetic, biogeographic and systematic perspective - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
New material of Hispanotherium matritense (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) from Laogou of Hezheng County (Gansu, China), with special reference to the Chinese Middle Miocene elasmotheres - 2003
Mid-Tertiary elapid snakes (Squamata, Colubroidea) from Riversleigh, northern Australia: early steps in a continent-wide adaptive radiation - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Huemacaspis (Trilobita, Kerfornellinae) from the Late Ordovician of the Argentine Cordillera Oriental - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Revision d'un site paleontologique celebre: Saint-Prest (Chartres, France) - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Puycelci, a new vertebrate-bearing locality in the Aquitaine molassic basin. Density and continuity of the paleogene biochronologic record in the Quercy and Peripheral Basins - 2003
El Ordovícico Medio del Anti-Atlas marroquí: paleobiodiversidad, actualización bioestratigráfica y correlación - 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
Benthic foraminifers and paleoecology of a Holocene shelly concentration, Salado Basin, Argentina
- 2003
First discovery of the Miocene northern Atlantic sperm whale Orycterocetus in the Mediterranean - 2004
Jsowerbya, new genus of Muricidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Eocene of the Paris (France) and Hampshire (England) basins with a phylogenetic assessment of its Ocenebrine versus Ergalataxine affinities - 2004
The first dinosaur remains from the Upper Cretaceous of Hungary (Csehbánya Formation, Bakony Mts) - 2004
Upper Cambrian agnostoid trilobites from the Machari Formation,Yongwol, Korea - 2004
A new large barn owl (Aves, Strigiformes, Tytonidae) from the Middle Pleistocene of Sicily, Italy, and its taphonomical significance - 2004
A new species of Dyoros (Brachiopoda: Chonetoidea) from Nevada (United States) and stratigraphic implications for the Pennsylvanian and Permian Antler Overlap assemblage - 2004
Biostratigraphical precisions on the Early Serpukhovian (Late Mississippian), by means of a carbonate algal microflora (cyanobacteria, algae and pseudo-algae) from La Serre (Montagne Noire, France) - 2004
Systematics, palaeoecology, and evolutionary significance of Middle Toarcian Asteroidea (Echinodermata) from the 'Seuil du Poitou', Western France - 2004
The Pleistocene fauna (other than Primates) from Asbole, lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia, and its environmental and biochronological implications - 2004
Age and stratigraphic reassessment of the fossil-bearing Laguna Umayo red mudstone unit, SE Peru, from regional stratigraphy, fossil record, and paleomagnetism - 2004
The northern most Emsian crinoids known, a Devonian fauna from the Chuluun Formation, Shine Jinst area, southern Mongolia - 2004
Early Cambrian molluscs from Sierra de Córdoba (Spain) - 2004
Lower Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils of northern Sichuan and southern Shaanxi (China), and their biostratigraphic importance - 2004
First description of axymyiid fossils (Insecta: Diptera: Axymyiidae) - 2004
Anabarella australis (Mollusca, Helcionelloida) from the Lower Cambrian of Greenland - 2004
The Late Cretaceous brittle star Ophiosmilax? alternatus from Europe and northern Africa - 2004
Tetrapod association and palaeoenvironment of the Los Colorados Formation (Argentina): a significant sample from western Gondwana at the end of the Triassic - 2004
Guadalupian and Lopingian (Middle and Late Permian) deposits from Mexico and Guatemala, a review with new data - 2004
Potential Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) for a Cambrian stage boundary defined by the first appearance of the trilobite Ptychagnostus atavus, Drum Mountains, Utah, USA - 2004
Mio-Pliocene Mammals from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia - 2004
Mosasaurus beaugei Arambourg, 1952 (Squamata, Mosasauridae) from the Late Cretaceous phosphates of Morocco - 2004
Nouveaux repères biostratigraphiques à terebratulidés (Brachiopodes)
dans le Tithonien inférieur ouest-européen - 2004
Two new species of canaliculate rudists (Dictyoptychidae) from southeastern Turkey - 2005
Discovery of the oldest known Pterygota in the Lower Carboniferous of the Upper Silesian Basin in the Czech Republic (Insecta: Archaeorthoptera) - 2005
New cranial material of Shansirhinus (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) from the Lower Pliocene of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China - 2005
Lower Devonian vertebrates, arthropods and brachiopods from northern Vietnam - 2005
Description of Espielia columellata gen. and sp. nov. (Rugosa) from the Sierra del Castillo Unit (upper Visean, Cordoba, SW Spain) - 2005
Les pistes dinosauroïds du Trias moyen français: interprétation et réévaluation de la nomenclature [The French Middle Triassic dinosauroid trackways: interpretation and nomenclatural reevaluation] - 2005
Sobralispongia densespiculata, a new coralline sponge from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal - 2005
An amioid fish (Neopterygii, Amiiformes) from the Late Jurassic of the Iberian peninsula - 2005
A new species of Theriosuchus (Atoposauridae, Crocodylomorpha) from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Guimarota, Portugal - 2005
Lower Ovetian (Lower Cambrian) trilobites and biostratigraphy of the Pedroche Formation (Sierra de Córdoba, southern Spain) - 2005
Crossvallia unienwillia, a new Spheniscidae (Sphenisciformes, Aves) from the Late Paleocene of Antarctica - 2005
Falsocalcifolium nov. gen. and revision of the tribe Calcifolieae (Mississippian, incertae sedis algae) - 2005
Rodents, insectivores and chiropterans (Mammalia) from the late Aragonian of Can Missert (Middle Miocene, Vallès-Penedès Basin, Spain) - 2005
Jsowerbya, new genus of Muricidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Eocene of the Paris (France) and Hampshire (England) basins with a phylogenetic assessment of its Ocenebrine versus Ergalataxine affinities - 2005
Una nueva especie de Pachynolophus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) de Zambrana (Álava, Región Vasco-Cantábrica). Análisis filogenético de Pachynolophus y primera cita en el Eoceno superior de la Península Ibérica - 2005
The first find of chrysomelids (Insecta: Coleopetra: Chrysomeloidea) from Callovian–Oxfordian Daohugou biota of China - 2005
Phylogenetic analysis of the Cenozoic family Sieblosiidae (Insecta: Odonata), with description of new taxa from Russia, Italy and France - 2005
A new orthoceratoid cephalopod from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of east-central Iran - 2006
Marine reptiles (Thalattosuchia) from the Early Jurassic of Lombardy (northern Italy) - 2006
Variations morphologiques des Toxaster (Echinoida : Spatangoida) en regard des fluctuations spatiales (Arc de Castellane, SE France) et temporelles (Valanginien-Hauterivien) du milieu sédimentaire : expression d'un potentiel adaptatif restreint - 2006
Juvenile ornithopod (Dinosauria: Rhabdodontidae) remains from the Upper Cretaceous (lower Campanian, Gosau Group) of Muthmannsdorf (Lower Austria) - 2006
Pleistocene fish otoliths from the Mediterranean Basin: a synthesis - 2006
Zapalasaurus bonapartei, un nuevo saurópodo de La Formación La Amarga (Cretacico Inferior), noroeste de Patagonia, Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina [Zapalasaurus bonapartei, a new sauropod from the La Amarga Formation (Lower Cretaceous), northwestern Patagonia, Neuquén province, Argentina] - 2006
New material of Argochampsa krebsi (Crocodylia: Gavialoidea) from the Lower Paleocene of the Oulad Abdoun Basin (Morocco): phylogenetic implications - 2006
New and poorly known acrotretid brachiopods (Class Lingulata) from the Cedaria-Crepicephalus zone (late Middle Cambrian) of the Great Basin, USA - 2006
Coraux du Barrémien du Sud de la France (Ardèche et Drôme) - 2006
Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland - 2006
A specimen of Eocuculus Chandler, 1999 (Aves, ? Cuculidae) from the early Oligocene of France - 2006
Biostratigraphic control of the latest-Ordovician glaciogenic unconformity in Alnif (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco), based on brachiopods - 2006
Latest Miocene Dasyatidae (Neoselachii, Batomorphii) from the Alvalade Basin, Portugal - 2006
Trace and soft body fossils from the Pedroche Formation (Ovetian, Lower Cambrian of the Sierra de Córdoba, S Spain) and their relation to the Pedroche event - 2006
Vent and mound rugose coral associations from the Middle Devonian of Hamar Laghdad (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) - 2006
A new basal tapiromorph (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) from the middle Eocene of Myanmar - 2006
Merychippus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Equidae) from the Middle Miocene of state of Oaxaca, southeastern Mexico - 2006
Vertebrate fossils from the Adamantina Formation (Late Cretaceous), Prata paleontological district, Minas Gerais state, Brazil - 2006
Ceratosphinctes (Ammonitina, Kimmeridgian) in Mexico: from rare but typical inhabitant of west-Tethyan epioceanic and epicontinental waters to a geographically widespread ammonite genus - 2006
Lodetiella magnifica nov. gen. and nov. sp. (Insecta: Palaeodictyoptera; Permian), an extreme situation in wing morphology of palaeopterous insects - 2007
"Cambrian" demosponges in the Ordovician of Morocco: Insights into the early evolutionary history of sponges - 2007
Tertiary crocodylians from Puerto Rico: Evidence for Late Tertiary endemic crocodylians in the West Indies? - 2007
The appendicular skeleton of Suuwasseaemilieae (Sauropoda: Flagellicaudata) from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Montana (USA) - 2007
Brachiopods and other fossils from the Permo-Triassic boundary beds of the Antalya Nappes (SW Taurus, Turkey) - 2007
New records of Mathoceras Casey (Deshayesitidae, Ammonoidea) from the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) of Mexico and Hungary: Biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic implications - 2007
A new Planthopper (Insecta: Hemiptera: Nogodinidae) from Chiapas amber, middle Miocene of Mexico - 2007
Biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Late Miocene of central Argentina: Evidence from rodents and taphonomy - 2008
Nouveaux astérides cénomaniens et turoniens de Charente-Maritime (SO France) - 2008
Oligo-Miocene ringtail possums of the genus Paljara
(Pseudocheiridae: Marsupialia) from Queensland, Australia - 2008
Middle Permian ostracods from Tak Fa limestone, Phetchabun Province, central Thailand - 2008
Upper Cambrian polymerid trilobites from the Machari Formation, Yongwol, Korea - 2008
Ordovician (Caradoc) Gastropoda of the Katkoyeh Formation, Kerman Province, Iran - 2008
Phylogenetic relationships of the Mesozoic paraneopteran family Archipsyllidae (Insecta: Psocodea) - 2008
On the Procompsognathus postcranium (Late Triassic, Germany) - 2008
Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods around the Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary at the Meishan sections C and D, Changxing, south China - 2008
Theropod dinosaur teeth from the lowermost Cretaceous Rabekke Formation on Bornholm, Denmark - 2008
Vertebrate taphonomy in loess-palaeosol deposits: A case study from the late Miocene of Central Argentina - 2008
Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) larger benthic Foraminifera from Santiago Coatepec, SE Puebla, Mexico - 2008
Polen y esporas de la Formación La Irene (Maastrichtiano), sudoeste de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina: primeros resultados - 2008
First report of Gogia (Eocrinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Early-Middle Cambrian of Sonora (Mexico), with biostratigraphical and palaeoecological comments - 2009
Extinction pattern of marine Ostracoda aross the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary in the Cordillera Ibérica, NE Spain: Causes and consequences - 2009
Evidence of fungal activity in silicified gymnosperm wood from the Eocene of southern Patagonia (Argeyesina) - 2009
The ammonite genera Fagesia and Neoptychites (family Vascoceratidae) in the Iberian Trough, Spain - 2009
Upper Cretaceous rudist biostratigraphy of the Bey Daglari Carbonate Platform, Western Taurides, SW Turkey - 2009
New hybodont shark assemblage from the Early Cretaceous of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin - 2009
Chulpasia and Thylacotinga, late Paleocene-earliest Eocene trans-Antarctic Gondwanan bunodont marsupials: New data from Australia - 2009
New fossil insects (Diaphanopterodea: Martynoviidae) from the Lower Permian of the Boskovice Basin, southern Moravia - 2009
Tettigarctidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China - 2009
Diaceratherium massiliae nov. sp. des argiles oligocènes de Saint-André et Saint-Henri à Marseille et de Les Milles près d’Aix-en-Provence (SE de la France), premier grand Rhinocerotidae brachypode européen - 2009
Una nueva especie de Neuryurus Ameghino (Mammalia, Glyptodontidae) en el Pleistoceno tardío de la Mesopotamia de Argentina - 2009
Palaeobiogeographical provenance, taphonomy, and mode of life of Aturia cubaensis (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) from Cainozoic deposits of Chile - 2009
Rhabdomesid and cystoporid bryozoans from the Permian of Deh-e Mohammad, Shotori Mountains (northeastern Iran) - 2009
Middle and Late Triassic radiolarians from northern Tibet: implications for the Bayan Har Basin evolution - 2009
Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) brachiopods in Asturias (northern Spain): stratigraphic distribution, critical events and palaeobiogeography - 2009
Paroniceratinae (Ammonoidea, Hildoceratidae) del Toarciense en las Cordilleras Ibérica y Cantábrica (España) - 2009
Discosorids and Oncocerids (Cephalopoda) of the Middle Ordovician Kunda and Aseri Regional Stages of Baltoscandia and the early evolution of these groups - 2009
New triconodontids (Mammalia) from the Lower Cretaceous Shahai and Fuxin formations, northeastern China - 2009
Redescription of Rayososaurus agrioensis Bonaparte (Sauropoda, Diplodocoidea), a rebbachisaurid from the early Late Cretaceous of Neuquén - 2010
Revision of the antillocaprinid rudist bivalve Antillosarcolites Chubb with a description of a new genus: Implications for evolution of Antillocaprinidae - 2010
Middle–late Asselian (Early Permian) fusulinid fauna from the post-Variscan cover in NW Anatolia (Turkey): Biostratigraphy and geological implications - 2010
Vertebrate microremains from the Early Cretaceous of southern Tunisia - 2010
Systematic Paleontology, in Middle–late Asselian (Early Permian) fusulinid fauna from the post-Variscan cover in NW Anatolia (Turkey): Biostratigraphy and geological implications - 2010
Squamate reptiles from the middle Eocene of Lissieu (France). A landmark in the middle Eocene of Europe - 2010
Oligocene ferns from the Rancahué Formation (Aluminé, Neuquén, Argentina): Cuyenopteris patagoniensis nov. gen., nov. sp. (Polypodiales: Blechnaceae/Dryopteridaceae) and Alsophilocaulis calveloi Menéndez emend. Vera (Cyatheales: Cyatheaceae) - 2010
New species of Palaeobolbomyia Kovalev and Ussatchovia Kovalev (Diptera, Brachycera, Rhagionidae) from the Callovian-Oxfordian (Jurassic) Daohugou biota of China: Biostratigraphic and paleoecologic implications - 2010
Comptoniaster adamsi nov. sp. (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from the middle Cretaceous of Texas and its phylogenetic position - 2010
First fossil Calopterygoidea (Odonata: Zygoptera) from Southeastern Asia: A new genus and species from the Paleogene of China - 2010
On the postcanine dentition of Pascualgnathus polanskii Bonaparte (Cynodontia, Traversodontidae) from the Middle Triassic of Argentina - 2010
Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoids from Tulong, south Tibet - 2010
Histology and growth pattern of the pachy-osteosclerotic premaxillae of the fossil beaked whale Aporotus recurvirostris (Mammalia, Cetacea, Odontoceti) - 2011
New genus names, in Les ammonites du Pliensbachien du jebel Bou Rharraf (Haut Atlas oriental, Maroc) - 2011
First complete skull of an octodontoid (Rodentia, Caviomorpha) from the Early Miocene of South America and its bearing in the early evolution of Octodontoidea - 2011
New Early Jurassic brachiopods from the Western Tethys (Eastern Subbetic, Spain) and their systematic and paleobiogeographic affinities - 2011
Tafonomia y contexto paleoambiental de los restos de un cetaceo del Mioceno medio de Tarragona (NE Espana) - 2011
An unusually diverse mollusc fauna from the earliest Triassic of South China and its implications for benthic recovery after the end-Permian biotic crisis - 2011
New skull of Schizodelphis sulcatus Gervais, 1861 (Mammalia, Odontoceti, Eurhinodelphinidae) from the Lower Miocene of Pignan (Hérault, France) and its implications for systematics of Eurhinodelphinidae - 2011
Systematics, biostratigraphy and evolutionary pattern of the Oligo-Miocene marine mammals from the Maltese Islands - 2011
Two new species of Palaeoarthroteles Kovalev and Mostovski (Diptera, Rhagionidae) from the Callovian-Oxfordian (Jurassic) Daohugou biota of China - 2011
A high resolution stratigraphic framework for the remarkable fossil cetacean assemblage of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, Peru - 2011
Early Miocene cricetids (Rodentia) from the Junggar basin (Xinjiang, China) and their biochronological implications - 2011
The Megalonychidae (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) from the late Miocene of Entre Ríos Province, Argentina, with remarks on their systematics and biogeography - 2011
Les ammonites du Pliensbachien du jebel Bou Rharraf (Haut Atlas oriental, Maroc) - 2011
Preliminary taphonomic approach to ‘‘Lo Hueco’’ palaeontological site (Upper Cretaceous, Cuenca, Spain) - 2012
A large new collection of Palaeostylops from the Paleocene of the Flaming Cliffs area (Ulan-Nur Basin, Gobi Desert, Mongolia), and an evaluation of the phylogenetic affinities of Arctostylopidae (Mammalia, Gliriformes) - 2012
Oldest record of the Great White Shark (Lamnidae, Carcharodon; Miocene) in the Southern Atlantic - 2012
Juvenile and adult teeth of the titanosaurian dinosaur Lirainosaurus (Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of Iberia - 2012
Ecological succession evidence in an Upper Jurassic coral reef system (Izwarn section, High Atlas, Morocco) - 2012
The Triassic dicynodont Vinceria (Therapsida, Anomodontia) from Argentina and a discussion on basal Kannemeyeriiformes - 2012
A new species of Chubutomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from the late Oligocene of Patagonia and its implications on the early evolutionary history of Cavioidea sensu stricto - 2012
The genus Arthropterygius Maxwell (Ichthyosauria: Ophthalmosauridae) in the Late Jurassic of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina - 2012
A new genus of Bothremydidae (Chelonii, Pleurodira) in the Cretaceous of southwestern Europe - 2012
Early perisphinctid ammonites from the early/late Bajocian boundary interval (Middle Jurassic) from Lokut, Hungary - 2012
The oldest known Lophopidae planthopper (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from the European Palaeocene - 2012
Cancrinella and Costatumulus (Brachiopoda) from the Permian of South Mongolia and South China: their morphology, biostratigraphy and distribution - 2012
New gomphaeschnids and progobiaeshnids from the Yixian Formation in Liaoning Province (China) illustrate the tremendous Upper Mesozoic diversity of the aeshnopteran dragonflies - 2012
New archaeocyaths from the early Cambrian of Shaanxi and Guizhou provinces, South China - 2013
Fossil crocodylid remains from Scontrone (Tortonian, Southern Italy) and the late Neogene Mediterranean biogeography of crocodylians - 2013
Serpulids and other calcareous tube-dwelling encrusting polychaetes from the Early Cretaceous Agrio Formation (Neuquen Basin, Argentina) - 2013
Scolecophidia (Serpentes) of the late Oligocene and early Miocene, North America, and a fossil history overview - 2013
Revision of the Antillocaprinidae Mac Gillavry (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) and their position within the Caprinoidea d’Orbigny - 2013
Palaeoecological and sedimentological characteristics of the Lower Tortonian scleractinian reef corals of Gavdos Island, southern Greece - 2013
Sinopaninae and Arfianinae (Hyaenodontida, Mammalia) from the Early Eocene of Europe and Asia; evidence for dispersal in Laurasia around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and for an unnoticed faunal turnover in Europe - 2013
The oldest known chironomids of the tribe Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) indicate plesiomorphic character states - 2014
Early Jurassic (latest Toarcian) brachiopods from the northeastern margin of the Western Tethys (Central Iran) and their paleobiogeographical significance - 2014
An exceptional cheloniid turtle, Osonachelus decorata nov. gen., nov. sp., from the Eocene (Bartonian) of Catalonia (Spain) - 2014
A new Miocene local fauna from the Sierra Madre Oriental at San Luis Potosí, Central-East Mexico, and its paleontologic significance - 2014
Taxonomic names, in The oldest known chironomids of the tribe Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) indicate plesiomorphic character states - 2014
First report of the giant snake Gigantophis (Madtsoiidae) from the Paleocene of Pakistan: Paleobiogeographic implications - 2014
First record of a Chironomidae pupa in amber - 2015
Two new mammal localities within the Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation of West Siberia, Russia - 2015
An unusual onychochilid mollusc from the Ordovician (Tremadocian) Fezouata Formation, Morocco - 2015
Upper Albian chelonioid turtles from Poland - 2015
Discovery of the first lacewings (Neuroptera: Permithonidae) from the Guadalupian of the Lodève Basin (southern France) - 2015
First reported Late Ordovician trilobites from the High Zagros Ranges, Iran: A biogeographical link between Gondwanan Chinese and Mediterranean faunas - 2015
Ammonites of the subfamily Mayaitinae Spath, 1928 from the Oxfordian of Kachchh, Western India - 2015
A new genus of Lophiodontidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) from the early Eocene of La Borie (Southern France) and the origin of the genus Lophiodon Cuvier, 1822 - 2015
Fossil amphibians and reptiles from Plakias, Crete: A glimpse into the earliest late Miocene herpetofaunas of southeastern Europe - 2016
Testudines - 2016
A juvenile eurysternid turtle (Testudines: Eurysternidae) from the upper Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of Nusplingen (SW Germany) - 2016