Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte

Aussichtsreiche Fundgegenden für künftige Sauriergrabungen [Promising find areas for future dinosaur discoveries] - 1944

Ein neuer Fund von Lodanella mira Kayser in Unterdevon des Siegerlandes. - 1948

Neue Fährtenfunde aus der Fränkischen Trias [New track discoveries in the Franconian Triassic] - 1950

Bemerkungen zu einem fremdartigen neuen Ceratopsiden [Remarks on an unusual new ceratopsid] - 1950

Die systematische Stellung des Ornithopoden Dysalotosaurus aus den Tendaguru-Schichten [The systematic position of the ornithopod Dysalotosaurus from the Tendaguru Beds] - 1950

Über Hexacrinus und Bactrocrinus - 1950

Der Genotypus Acanthocrinus longispina F. A. Roemer (Rhodocrinitidae, Camerata, Crinoidea) - 1950

#N/A! - 1950

Über die crinoidengattung Timorocidaris - 1951

Über die sogenannten "Deckplättchen" gotlandischer Cyathocrinidae - 1952

Eine Villafranchiano-Fauna von der Erpfinger Hohle (Schwabische Alb) - 1953

Biohistorisches über die Echinodermen in allgeneinen und über die Nebenformen der Crinoiden - 1955

Eine Fährte von Coelurosaurichnus aus dem obersten Rätolias von Sassendorf (Oberfranken) [A track of Coelurosaurichnus from the upper Rhaetian of Sassendorf (Upper Franconia)] - 1955

Beschreibung einiger tertiärer Korallen von Java [Description of some Tertiary corals from Java] - 1955

Die Anal struktur von Ammonicrinus Springer nebst Bemerkungen über Aberrauzen und Anomalien bei Krinoiden - 1955

Bemerkungen uber altapalaozoische Crinoiden aus Argentinien - 1957

Zwei neue Arten von Coelurosaurichnus aus dem Keuper Frankens [Two new species of Coelurosaurichnus from the Frankish Keuper] - 1958

Patteiskya bouckaerti nov. gen. et sp., Insekt aus dem Namur des Ruhrkarbons - 1958

Ein neuer Microsaurier aus dem deutschen Rotliegenden [A new microsaur from the German Rotliegenden] - 1959

Zur Grenzziehung Torton/Sarmat im Gebiet von Cluj-Turda (Siebenbuergen, Rumaenien) auf Grund mikro- und makrofaunistischer Untersuchungen - 1961

Die plio-pleistozänen Wirbeltierfaunen von Hajná ka und Ivanovce (Slowakei), SSR. III. Lagomorpha - 1961

Fossilieninhalt und Mikrofazies des Dachsteinkalkes (Ober-Trias) im Begunjscica-Gebirge, S-Karawanken (NW-Slovenien, Jugoslavien) - 1961

Krinoiden aus dem epizonalen Kristallin der Saualpe, Karnten - 1966

Neue Vertebratenfunde in der Wüste Gobi - 1966

Die ältesten sicheren Holothuroideenreste (Ordoviz) - 1968

Untersuchungen am Korallen-Riffkomplex von Laisacker bei Neuburg a.D. (unteres Untertithon, Bayern) - 1971

Fossil-Lagerstätten Nr. 14: Riff-ferne Sedimentation unterdevonischer Krinoidenkalke im Kantabrischen Gebirge (Spanien) [Off-reef Sedimentation of Lower Devonian Crinoid Limestones in the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain] - 1971

Ökologie und Biostratonomie von Ophiopinna elegans (Ophiuroidea) aus dem Untercallovium von La Voulte (Südfranckreich) - 1972

The depositional environment of three starfish beds - 1972

Zur systematischen Stellung von 'Jansofelis vaufreyi' Bonifay, 1971 und 'Felis lunellensis' Bonifay, 1971 aus dem Pleistozan Sudfrankreichs (Carnivora, Felidae) - 1972

Legalisierung des Taxon Haldanodon (Mammalia, Docodonta) - 1972

Permian flora from the Ga'ara region (western Iraq) - 1973

Galerix und Lanthanotherium (Erinaceidae, Insectivora) aus dem Pannon des Wiener Beckens. - 1973

Mitteldevonische Vulkanite im südanatolischen Taurus (Beiträge zur Biostratigraphie des anatolischen Paläozoikums, 1) - 1974

Ein neuer ordovizischer Holothuriensklerit aus Öjlemyrgeschieben der Insel Gotland - 1975

On the first appearance of Permonautilus from the Foldvik Creek Formation (Upper Permian) of east Greenland - 1975

Panorpa rhenana nom. nov., eine Skorpionfliege aus dem Oligozän (Insecta: Mecoptera) - 1976

Weitere Bivalvia aus dem Korallenkalk von Laisacker bei Neuburg a. d. Donau (Unteres Tithonian, Bayern) - 1976

Numidiaphyllidae - eine neue Familie der Rugosa aus dem Ober-Perm von Sud-Tunis - 1976

The Middle Jurassic selachian fish Breviacanthus n. g - 1976

Un Embrithopode nouveau (Mammalia) dans le Paleogene de la depression de Hateg (Roumanie) et la geologie de la region. - 1976

Upper Carboniferous crinoids of northeast Spain - 1976

Biostratigraphische Bedeutung und mikrofloristische Assoziation von Cyclusphaera psilata n. sp., einer Leitform aus der Unterkreide des Neuquén-Beckens (Argentinien) - 1976

Orthophlebia liassica (Mantell), O. communis (Westwod), O. westwoodi Handlirsch and O. confusa nom. nov. (Insecta, Mecoptera) - Lösung einer nomenklatorischen Verwirrung - 1977

Neubearbeitung der Seesterns Pentaceros jurassicus aus dem Solnhofener Plattenkalken - 1977

Selective preservation of mollusc shells in a Permian beach environment, Sydney Basin, Australia - 1977

Tooth enameloid as a taxonomic criterion: 1. A new euselachian shark from the Rhaetic-Liassic boundary - 1977

Mecoptera from the Lower Eocene Mo-clay of the Limfjord area (Denmark) - 1977

A dyrosaurid (Crocodylia, Mesosuchia) from the Upper Eocene of Burma - 1978

A large chondrichthyan spine, Physonemus mirabilis, from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas, U.S.A. - 1978

A revision of Lecanocrinus (Crinoidea: Flexibilia) and a new North American Devonian lecanocrinid - 1978

New Sphinctozoan sponges from the North Hungarian Triassic - 1978

Tooth enameloid as a taxonomic criterion 2. Is "Dalatias" barnstonensis Sykes, 1971 (Triassic, England) a squalomorphic shark? - 1978

A new marine fish and placodont reptile fauna of Ladinian age from southwestern Turkey - 1979

Placoid scales from the Permian of Japan - 1979

A new euselachian shark from the Upper Triassic of Germany - 1980

Priodontognathus phillipsii (Seeley), an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic (or possibly Lower Cretaceous) of England - 1980

Dolichochampsa minima, n. g. n. sp., a representative of a new family of eusuchian crocodiles from the Late Cretaceous of northern Argentina - 1980

Neue Daten zur Biostratigraphie des permotriadischen Autochthons der Insel Kreta (Griechenland) - 1980

Additional specimens of Saurichthys madagascariensis Piveteau, from the Eotrias of Madagascar - 1980

Zur lithofaziellen Entwicklung, Fauna (Trilobiten, Tentaculiten) und Biostratigraphie des Palaeozoikums (Silur-Devon) von Beni Afeur (Kleine Kabylei, Tell-Atlas, Algerien) - 1980

New tetrapods with bicuspid teeth from the Fort Sill Locality (Lower Permian, Oklahoma) - 1980

Vectisuchus leptognathus, n. g. n. sp., a slender-snouted goniopholid crocodilian from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight - 1980

Ein neues, Ammonoiden-fuehrendes Profil an der Devon-Karbon-Grenze im Sauerland (Rhein. Schiefergebirge) - 1981

The palaeoecology of some algal-gastropod bioherms in the Lower Carboniferous of south Wales - 1981

Comments on the selachian genus Doratodus Schmid (1861) (Upper Triassic, Germany) - 1981

Orientierung der a-Achsen im Kalzit von Crinoiden-Stielgliedern und Armen - 1982

Unterpermische Seeigel aus Kreta (Griechenland) [Lower Permian echinoids from Crete Island (Greece)] - 1982

Hulsanpes perlei n. g. n. sp. (Deinonychosauria, Saurischia, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Barun Goyot Formation of Mongolia - 1982

Cimbrochrysa moleriensis n. g. n. sp. und Hypochrysa hercyniensis n. sp., zwei fossile Chrysopidae-Arten (Insecta: Planipennia) aus dem europäischen Tertiär - 1982

A neoselachian shark tooth from the Lower Triassic of the Kocaeli (=Bithynian) Peninsula, Turkey - 1982

Life and death of the Lower Carboniferous crinoid Parazeacrinites konincki (Bather) - 1982

<i>Aggiosaurus nicaeensis</i> Ambayrac, 1913, from the Upper Jurassic of south-eastern France: a marine crocodilian, not a dinosaur - 1982

Teeth of a new selachian from the Upper Triassic of England - 1982

Isalorhynchus genovefae, n. g. n. sp. (Reptilia, Rhynchocephalia), un nouveau Rhynchosaure du Trias de Madagascar - 1983

Sarcolestes leedsi Lydekker, an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of England - 1983

Stenotosaurus gracilis, ein neuer Capitosauride (Stegocephalia) aus den Unteren Röttonen Oberfrankens - 1983

A Lower Cambrian aglaspid from Poland - 1983

On the occurrence of Crocodylus pigotti in the Miocene of Saudi Arabia, with remarks on the origin of the Nile crocodile - 1984

A new fossil spider family from the Jurassic of Transbaikalia (Araneae: Chelicerata) - 1984

Evidence of phyllocarid remains from Silurian-Devonian boundary beds in southwestern Sardinia - 1984

Dinosaurier-Fährten (Gigantosauropus asturiensis n. g. n. sp.; Hispanosauropus hauboldi n. g. n. sp.) im Jura Asturiens bei La Griega und Ribadesella (Spanien) - 1984

Odenwaldia heidelbergensis, a new benthosuchid stegocephalian from the Middle Buntsandstein of the Odenwald, Germany - 1984

New species of brackish water Bivalvia from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal - 1985

On the identity of Trematopsis seltini (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Lower Permian of Texas - 1985

Natrix longivertebrata from the European Neogene, a snake with one of the longest known stratigraphic ranges - 1986

A Late Triassic (Carnian) fish skeleton (family Birgeriidae) from Slovenia, NW Yugoslavia - 1986

Beobachtungen zur Trias am Südostende der Tethys - Papua/Neuguinea, Australien, Neuseeland [Observations on the Triassic of the southwestern margin of the Tethys - Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand] - 1986

The diet of Metriorhynchus, a Mesozoic marine crocodile - 1986

Fossiliferous dolomites in the Upper Werra Anhydrite (Zechstein of the Puck Bay area, northern Poland - 1986

Mitteljurassische Korallen aus Nordchile - 1986

Baryphracta deponiae n. g. n. sp. (Reptilia, Crocodylia), ein neues Krokodil aus der Grube Messel bey Darmstadt (Hessen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland) - 1987

Ainigmacrinus calyconodalis n.gen. n.sp., eine ungewöhnliche Seelilie aus der Obertrias der Dolomiten [Ainigmacrinus calyconodalis n.gen. n.sp., an unusual crinoid from the Upper Triassic of the Dolomites] - 1988

Bioherme im Unteren Muschelkalk (Trias) Südosthessens - 1988

New material of Cteniogenys (Reptilia: Diapsida; Jurassic) and a reassessment of the phylogenetic position of the genus - 1989

A new pterosaur record from a lower Jurassic fissure deposit in South Wales. - 1989

Biostratigraphy of the Late Paleozoic succession in Gabal Ekma, southwestern Sinai, Egypt - 1989

Senonian Elasmobranch teeth from Israel, biostratigraphic an paleoenvironmental implications - 1989

New fossil Hemiptera (Heteroptera and Coleorrhyncha) from the Mesozoic of Mongolia - 1989

Dinilysia patagonica (Reptilia, Serpentes): matériel vertébral additionnel du Crétacé supérieur d’Argentine. Etude complémentaire des vertèbres, variations intraspécifiques et intraolumnaires - 1989

New remains of the enigmatic dinosaur <i>Spinosaurus</i> from the Cretaceous of Morocco and the affinities between <i>Spinosaurus</i> and <i>Baryonyx</i> - 1989

Pterosaur remains from the Upper Triassic of Britain - 1990

A scorpion from the Upper Devonian of Hubei Province, China (Arachnida, Scorpionida) - 1990

Insekten aus dem Permo-Silesium der Bohrung Weiterstadt 1 (Blattodea, Protorthoptera; Oberrheinische Tiefebene, SW-Deutschland) - 1990

A new pterosaur bone from the Kimmeridgian lithographic limestones of Cerin (France) - 1990

Der Schuppenpanzer von Habroichthys minimus, einem ungewöhnlichen Strahlenflosser (Actinopterygii; Peltopleuriformes) aus der Mittleren Trias der Südalpen - 1990

Late Carboniferous solitary rugose corals from the western side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt - 1991

A labyrinthodont jaw fragment from the marine Triassic of the Alps - 1991

First evidence of Multituberculata (Mammalia) in the Mesozoic of Africa - 1991

Locustopsis africanus n. sp. (Saltatoria, Caelifera) from the Lower Cretaceous of SW Egypt - 1991

A new Haplobunodontidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Eocene of Turkey - 1991

Calcimicrobial-archaeocyathan buildups at the instable northwestern platform margin of the Lower Cambrian Gonnesa Formation, SW-Sardinia (Italy). - 1992

Mikromorphe Gastropoden aus dem rheinisch-westfälichen Steinkohlenrevier (Oberkarbon) - 1992

Zum Alter und zur geographischen Verbreitung von Theelia tubercula Kristan-Tollmann (Holothurien-Sklerit) - 1992

The Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the Elphinstone Group, western part of the Musandam Peninsula, United Arab Emirates - 1992

“Coluber” kargii von Meyer, 1845 (Serpentes: Viperidae), from the Miocene of Öhningen (Germany) - 1992

Albian-Cenomanian miospores from the subsurface of the North Western Desert, Egypt - 1992

Dixa cimbrica n. sp., ein Vertreter der Dixidae (Diptera, Nematocera) aus der oberpaleozänen/untereozänen Fur-Formation (Moler) Jütlands (Dänemark) - 1992

Remarks on the Cretaceous theropod dinosaurs Spinosaurus and Baryonyx - 1992

Description of the first Rhaetian nautiloid (Grypoceras rhaeticum n. sp.) from the Kossen Beds of the Fonsjoch near Achensee (Austria) - 1992

Une mandibule de Pliosaurus brachyspondylus (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) dans le Kimméridgien du Boulonnais (France) - 1993

New spilapterid insect from the Breathitt Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian, Westphalian B) of eastern Kentucky, USA - 1993

A new myriacanthid holocephalan (Chondrichthyes) from the Early Jurassic of Luxembourg - 1993

The most recent Melanorosauridae (Saurischia, Prosauropoda), Lower Jurassic of Lesotho, with remarks on the prosauropod phylogeny - 1993

Insekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän/unt. Eozän? 8. Zwei neue Vertreter der Chrysopidae (Neuroptera) - 1993

Dermal scutes of Sarcolestes, an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of England - 1994

Subioblatta undulata n. sp., une nouvelle blatte (Subioblattidae Schneider) du Buntsandstein supérieur (Anisien) des Vosges (France). Morphologie, systématique et affinités - 1994

A snake from the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian) of Spain: the oldest known snake - 1994

Ischyrochampsa meridionalis n. g. n. sp., un crocodilien d’affinité gondwanienne dans le Crétacé supérieur du Sud de la France - 1995

Biochronological significance of aetosaurs and phytosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauromorpha) in the Triassic Zarzaitine Series of Algeria - 1995

A new specimen of Morganucodon oehleri (Mammalia, Triconodonta) from the Liassic Lower Lufeng Formation of Yunnan, China - 1995

Colour patterning preserved in Lower Cretaceous birds and insects: the Crato Formation of N. E. Brazil - 1995

Ein neuer ober-karbonischer Insekten-Flügel aus Süd-Limburg (Palaeodictyoptera: Breyeriidae, Westfalium, Niederlande) - 1996

Maastrichtian scleractinian corals from the Western flank of the Oman Mountains, U.A.E. and their paleoecological significance - 1996

Ein unter-karbonisches Insekt aus dem Raum Bitterfeld/Delitzsch (Pterygota, Arnsbergium, Deutschland) - 1996

Rigattoptera ornellasae n. g. n. sp., a new fossil insect from the Carboniferous of Argentina - 1996

An early Campanian vertebrate fauna from the Villeveyrac Basin (Hérault, southern France) - 1996

Valloisella lievinensis n. g. n. sp.: nouveau xiphosure carbonifère du Nord de la France - 1996

An unusual anthracotheriid artiodactyl from the late Eocene of Thailand - 1996

Shark remains from the Late Carboniferous of the Amazon basin, Brazil - 1996

Notes on Dinosauria from the Upper Cretaceous of Portugal - 1996

Supposed prosauropod dinosaurs from Middle Triassic of England referred to Parasuchia and Dinosauriformes - 1996

A large pterodactyloid from the Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic) of Garden Park, Colorado - 1996

The first European allosauroid dinosaur (Lower Cretaceous, Wealden Group, England) - 1996

Shell structure of a dinosaur egg from the Maastrichtian of Ariyalur (southern India) - 1996

The giant rhinoceros Paraceratherium from the late Oligocene at Aktau Mountain, southeastern Kazakhstan, and its biochronological significance - 1996

A new dragonfly from the Crato Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian) of N.E. Brazil - 1996

The first dinosaur from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - 1996

Agamid lizards (Reptilia, Sauria, Agamidae) from the early Eocene of Kyrgyzstan - 1996

Giant pterosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight - 1996

Babinipleura, a new slit bearing archaeogastropod (Vetigastopoda) from the Early Devonian of Bohemia and the Early Carboniferous of Belgium - 1996

A new late Maastrichtian hadrosaurid dinosaur record from northeast Belgium - 1997

Erster Nachweis eines gepanzerten Dinosauriers (Reptilia, Ornithischia, Thyreophora) aus der Unterkreide (Berrias) von Gronau in Westfalen - 1997

Holothurian sclerites from the Upper Cretaceous (Lower Turonian) of the Jarash area, north Jordan - 1997

Rioultina deisteriensis (Struckmann) from the Heersumer Schichten (Brachiopoda, Thecideidina, Middle Oxfordian, northwestern Germany) - 1997

Eligmus jordanensis, a new pelecypod species from the Upper Bathonian surface section at the King Talal's Dam area in central Jordan - 1997

Drei neue Radiolarienarten in der Canoptum-Vergesellschaftung aus dem Unterjura des Kanoashi-Komplexes [Three new radiolarian species in the Canoptum assemblage from the Lower Jurassic of the Kanoashi complex, Southwest Japan] - 1997

On some new late Bathonian paracenoceratids (Nautiloidea) from Kutch, India and their evolutionary and biostratigraphic implications - 1997

The affinities of <i>Melanorosaurus</i> – a Late Triassic prosauropod dinosaur from South Africa - 1997

A first find of net-winged midges (Blephariceridae, Diptera) in the Mesozoic - 1997

The Lower Cretaceous dinosaur Iguanodon cf. fittoni Lydekker 1889 (Ornithischia) from Salas de los Infantes (province Burgos, Spain) - 1997

The first stegosaurian dinosaur (Ornithischia: Thyreophora) from the Upper Jurassic of Switzerland - 1998

The occurrence of Aetosaurus in the Chinle Formation (Late Triassic, USA) and its biostratigraphic significance - 1998

New shark remains from the British Rhaetian (latest Triassic) 1. The earliest basking shark - 1998

New shark remains from the British Rhaetian (latest Triassic) 2. Hybodonts and palaeospinacids - 1998

Orthophlebia lithographica - die erste Mecoptere aus dem Solnhofener Plattenkalk (Insecta: Mecoptera, Jura) - 1998

A lizard from the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil - 1998

First occurrence of Aetosaurus (Reptilia: Archosauria) in the Upper Triassic Chinle Group (USA) and its biochronological significance - 1998

A reassessment of the taxonomic affinities of the enigmatic tetrapod Anisodontosaurus greeri Welles 1947 from the Middle Triassic of western North America - 1998

A new pycnodont (Pisces, Actincopterygii) from the Jurassic of Chile - 1998

Ornaticosta tchekardensis n. sp., the first representative of the Liomopteridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda (Ural) - 1999

Der -verzögerte - Ersatz eines Homonyms: Marginaster Haude, 1995 - 1999

Cynodont teeth from the Upper Triassic of New Mexico, USA - 1999

Fossil Neuroptera from the Lower Cretaceous of Baisa, east Siberia. Part 6. Mesithonidae (Insecta) - 1999

A new aquatic insect larva (Plecopteroidea) from the Lower Permian of the Urals - 1999

Eine neue Notoptere aus dem unteren Perm des Urals (Insecta: Grylloblattida, Lemmatophoridae) - 1999

Studies on Cenozoic crocodiles: 3. Gavialosuchus cf. gaudensis (Eusuchia: Tomistomidae) from the Lower Miocene of south Germany - 1999

An unusual new fossil click-beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from the Middle Eocene of the Grube Messel (Germany) - 1999

Eine weitere neue Breyeriiden-Art (Insecta: Palaeodictyoptera) aus dem Ober-Karbon von Osnabrück (Deutschland) - 2000

A small, unusual theropod (Dinosauria) femur from the Wealden Group (Lower Cretaceous) of the Isle of Wight, England - 2000

Goniasmidae and Orthonemidae: two new families of the Palaeozoic Caenogastropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda) - 2000

Insect remains (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae; Coleoptera) from the Upper Jurassic ("Kimmeridgian") of Nettelstedt (Wiehengebirge, NW Germany) - 2000

Kinnaridae and Derbidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) from the Dominican amber - 2000

A new thecideidinid species (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida) from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) of northwestern Germany - 2000

A new polignathid conodont species from the Upper Devonian (Lower Frasnian) of the East European Platform - 2000

Two new phytosaur species (Archosauria, Crurotarsi) from the Upper Triassic of southwest Germany - 2000

Redescription of Prohirmoneura jurassica Handlirsch 1906 (Diptera: Nemestrinidae) from the Lower Tithonian lithographic limestone of Eichstätt (Bavaria) - 2000

Stratigraphy and facies analysis of the Miocene sequence at Gabal Hammam Sayidna Musa and Wadi Abura, southern Sinai, Egypt. - 2000

Observations on Karoo vertebrates. Part 1. The taxonomic status of Rhachiocephalus usiliensis (von Huene, 1942)(Therapsida, Dicynodontia) from the Upper Permian Kawinga Formation of Tanzania - 2000

Holothurian sclerites from the Early Late Cretaceous, south of Al-Mastabah area (North Jordan) - 2001

The first thyreophoran dinosaur from Southeast Asia: a stegosaur vertebra from the Late Jurassic Phu Kradung Formation of Thailand - 2001

The second record of the African theropod Elaphrosaurus (Dinosauria, Ceratosauria) from the Western Hemisphere - 2001

Prosauropod dinosaur Sellosaurus gracilis (Upper Triassic, Germany): third sacral vertebra as either a dorsosacral or a caudosacral - 2001

Metriorhynchid crcodiles (Crocodyliformes) from the Oxfordian of Western Cuba - 2001

Inoceramids, Didymotis and ammonites from the Nkalagu Formation type locakity (late Turonian to Coniacian, southern Nigeria):biostratigraphy and palaeoecologic implications) - 2001

Dobbertinia reticulata Handlirsch 1920 from the Lower Jurassic of Dobbertin (Mecklenburg/Germany) - the oldest representative of Sialidae (Megaloptera) - 2001

Theropod dinosaurs and the Early Jurassic age of the Moenave Formation, Arizona-Utah, USA - 2001

A new representative of the Lemmatophoridae (Insecta, Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of the Ural (Russia) - 2001

The aetosaur Stagonolepis from the Upper Triassic of Brazil and its biochronological significance - 2001

A rich cynodont fauna of Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria Formation (Middle-Late Triassic), southern Brazil - 2001

The new family Nerrhenidae (Neritimorpha, Gastropoda) from the Givetian of Germany - 2001

Palaeomantis laeta n. sp., the third representative of the genus Palaeomantis (Insecta: Miomoptera, Palaeomanteidae) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda (Ural) - 2002

Procolophon brasiliensis n. sp., a new procolophonid reptile from the Lower Triassic of southern Brazil - 2002

Gillocystis (Echinodermata) aus dem Unter-Karbon Afganistans - 2002

Some calcareous algae from the Zechstein - 2002

Studies on Cenozoic crocodiles: 10. First evidence of a tomistomid crocodilian (Eusuchia: Tomistomidae) from the Middle Eocene (Geiseltalian, MP 11) of Grube Messel, Germany - 2002

First occurrence of thalattosuchian crocodiles in the Middle and Upper Jurassic of Tunisia - 2002

A new species of Tasbacka (Testudines: Cryptodira: Cheloniidae) from the Paleocene of the Ouled Abdoun phosphate basin, Morocco - 2002

A new miomopteran (Insecta: Miomoptera) from the Lower Permian of the Urals - 2002

New Euryptilonids (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Euryptilonidae) from the Lower Permian of the Urals (Russia) - 2002

A Devonian member of the subclass Heterostropha (Gastropoda) with valvatoid shell shape - 2002

Observations on Karoo and Gondwana vertebrates. Part 4: The taxonomic status of the Late Permian rhachiocephalid Platycyclops crassus Broom, 1948 (Therapsida: Dicynodontia) from the South African Karoo - 2002

A new sinemydid turtle (Reptilia: Testudines) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Junggar Basin (NW-China) - 2003

New dragonflies from the Lower Miocene (Ottnangian/Karpatian) of the Cypris Shale in western Bohemia (Odonata: Libellulidae) - 2003

Lower Cretaceous spiders (Arthropoda: Arachnida: Araneae) from Spain - 2003

Micro-reticulation and internal composition of the elements of the apparatus of "Polygnathus" rossicus Zhuravlev (Conodonta, Late Devonian, Frasnian) - 2003

Cenomanian echinoids from Southern Jordan - 2003

Comatulid crinoid from Late Jurassic reefal deposits of NW Germany (Lower Saxony Basin) - 2003

A new crocodilian from the upper Cretaceous of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico - 2003

A new basal sinemydid turtle (Reptilia: Testudines) from the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of the Junggar Basin (NW China) - 2004

New information and specimens of Wuguia hutubeiensis (Reptilia: Testudines) from the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of the southern Junggar Basin (NW China) - 2004

The first lace bug (Insecta: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the lower Oligocene deposits near Céreste, France - 2004

Sasakiela, a new Early Carboniferous porcelliid genus (Porcellioidea, Gastropoda) with an unusual shell ontogeny - 2004

A review of coelophysoids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Jurassic of Europe, with comments on the late history of the Coelophysoidea - 2004

New information on the braincase and mandible of Coahomasuchus (Archosauria: Aetosauria) from the Otischalkian (Carnian) of Texas - 2004

The taxonomic status of Chrysochampsa, an Eocene crocodylian from North Dakota, USA and the paleobiogeography of Allognathosuchus - 2004

A Cenomanian coral assemblage from southern India - 2004

A new archosaur from the upper Moenkopi Formation (Middle Triassic) of Arizona and its implications for rauisuchian phylogeny and diversification - 2005

Archosaur (possibly theropod) teeth from the Norian (Late Triassic) of Lombardy (Northern Italy) - 2005

A large sauropod titanosaur from Peirópolis, Bauru Group, Brazil - 2006

Two new microconchid (Tentaculita Boucek, 1964) genera from the Early Palaeozoic of Baltoscandia and England - 2006

Cambrian-Ordovician sponges and spicule assemblages from northwest Argentina: new data from the siliciclastic platforms of western Gondwana - 2006

A supposed heterodontosaurid tooth from the Rhaetian of Switzerland and a reassessment of the European Late Triassic record of Ornithischia (Dinosauria) - 2006

Fossil snakeflies from the Early Cretaceous of southern Korea (Raphidioptera: Mesoraphidiidae) - 2006

The stratigraphic position of the ammonite bearing limestone bank of the Marvany-banya quarry (Zirc, Bakony Mts, Hungary) and the age of the Borzavar Limestone Formation - 2006

Nothosaurus yangyuanensis n. sp. (Reptlia, Sauropterygia, Nothosauridae) from the middle Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, southwestern China - 2006

New data about microfacies and stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic Aj-Petri carbonate buildup (SW Crimea Mountains, S Ukraine) - 2006

Termite of the early Eocene amber of France (Isoptera: Mastotermitidae, Kalotermitidae) - 2006