Ichtyocrinus Conrad, 1842 (Crinoidea), in the Lower Devonian of Bohemia - 1975
The genus Edriocrinus Hall, 1859 from the Devonian of Bohemia (Crinoidea) - 1976
The family Ramacrinidae fam. n. (Crinoidea) in the Devonian of Bohemia - 1977
The Tithonian reef of Stramberk Limestone (Czechoslovakia, West Carpathians) - 1981
Aureocrinus gen. n. (Crinoidea, Inadunata) from the Lower Devonian, Dalejan of Bohemia - 1982
First find of ophiocistioids (Echinodermata) in the Bohemian Lower Devonian - 1987
Genus Koneprusia (Trilobita) from the Devonian of central Bohemia - 1987
Genres nouveaux des Scléractiniaires du Crétacé de la Bohême (Tchécoslovaquie) - 1989