Palaeontologische Zeitschrift

Iguanodon-Fährten auf Brioni [Iguanodon footprints from Brioni] - 1925

Über Saurier-Fährten aus dem Etjo-Sandstein von Südwestafrika [On dinosaur tracks from the Etjo Sandstone of South-West Africa] - 1926

Ein neues Zeugnis uralten Lebens - 1927

Uber einige seltene und neue Brachiopoden aus dem Unterperm des norlichen Kaukasus - 1928

Platycleis pongraczi n. sp. (Orthopt.) aus dem Untermiozän von Radoboj in Kroatien - 1929

Zur Systematik der Nord-Düna-Pareiasauridae - 1930

Die Cephalopoden-Fauna der Lyckholm-Stufe des Ostbaltikums - 1930

Skorpionenreste aus dem tertiären Sprudelsinter von Böttingen (Schwäbische Alb) - 1931

Ein neuartiger Stegocephalen-Fund aus dem oberhessischen Buntsandstein - 1932

Die Stammesgeschichte der Käfer. Uher die Beziehungen der Form der Organe zu ihrer Funktion I - 1933

Die Insektenfauna des Mainzer Hydrobienkalks - 1938

Drei neue Insekten aus dem Mesozoikum von Bayern - 1938

Lebensbild des Wirbeltiervorkommens im Keuper von Ebrach [Current picture of vertebrate occurrences in the Keuper of Ebrach] - 1938

Skelettreste von Ophiuren aus dem deutschen Lias, ihre systematische Zugerhörigkeit und Bedeutung als Mikrofossilien - 1939

Ein neuer rhachitomer Stegocephale aus dem unteren Rotliegenden [A new rhachitomous stegocephalian from the lower Rotliegenden] - 1939

Beiträge zur Keuperfauna von Halberstadt [Contributions to the Keuper fauna of Halberstadt] - 1939

Über einen neuen Nautilus aus dem mittleren Malm - 1939

Ein liassischer Scorpionide - 1951

Zwei neue Anomodontier mit Molaren und Crista masseterica aus den Karroo-Schichten Südafrikas [Two new anomodonts with molars and a masseteric crest from the Karroo Beds of South Africa] - 1952

Herbstiala herbsti n. g., n. sp. (Herbstialidae n. fam., Protocicadida), das erste Insekt aus dem Erkelenzer Karbon (Westfal A) - 1952

The last toothed Productellinae in Europe (Brachiopoda, Upper Devonian) - 1957

Rhaetische Triconodonten aus Glamorgan, ihre Stellung zwischen den Klassen Reptilia und Mammalia nnd ihre Bedeutung für die REICHERT'sche Theorie - 1958

Conodonten aus dem Rheinischen Unterdevon (Gedinnium) des Remscheider Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) - 1960

Conodonten aus dem Rheinischen Unterdevon (Gedinnium) des Remscheider Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) - 1960

Differentiation of species in Gonioloboceras - 1962

Zur Arthropoden-Fauna des Karbons und Perms 16. Frankenholzia culmanni n. g. n. sp. (Ins., Palaeodict.) aus dem Westfal D der Grube Frankenholz-Saar - 1962

Zur Arthropoden-Fauna des Karbons und Perms. 13. Neue Funde von Miomopteren (Insecta) aus dem Stefan A des Saarkarbons - 1962

Ein weiterer Schädel von Macrocnemus bassanii Nopcsa aus der anisischen Stufe der Trias des Monte San Giorgio (Kt. Tessin, Schweiz) - 1962

Schädelknochen von Ceratodus AGASSIZ aus dem Stubensandstein (Trias, Mittl. Keuper 4) Württembergs und ihre Bedeutung - 1963

Zur Arthropoden-Fauna des Karbons und Perms. 20. Neue Arachniden-Funde (Anthracom.) aus dem Westfal A des Aachener Karbons - 1964

Einige Funde der arabo-madagassischen Ammoniten-Gattung Bouleiceras im Unterjura der Iberischen Halbinsel - 1965

Zur Arthropoden-Fauna des Karbons und Perms. 21. Protereisma rossenrayensis n. sp., ein Ephemeropteren-Fund (Insecta) aus dem niederrheinischen Zechstein - 1965

Holothurien-Sklerite aus dem Dachsteinkalk (Ober-Trias) der nördlichen Kalkalpen - 1966

Goniatiten mit Radula und Kieferapparat in der Itararé-Formation von Uruguay - 1967

Erste Funde von Graptolithen (? Palaeodictyota, Dendroidea) im Ober-Devon des Bergischen Landes (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) - 1967

De Jura-Krokodilier Machimosaurus H. v. Meyer - 1967

Über die beiden Bernstein-Flöhe (Insecta, Siphonaptera) - 1968

Nachweis eines rudimentären Coronoids im Unterkiefer der Pantotheria (Mammalia) [Proof of a rudimentary coronoid in the lower jaw of Pantotheria (Mammalia)] - 1969

Ein Panthotheria-Molar mit dreispitzigem Talonid aus dem Kimmeridge von Portugal [A Pantotheria molar with a three-cusped talonid from the Kimmeridgian of Portugal] - 1969

Stenopelix valdensis H. v. Meyer, der kleine Dinosaurier des norddeutschen Wealden [Stenopelix valdensis H. v. Meyer, the small dinosaur from the north German Wealden] - 1969

Unter- und mittelkambrische Porifera (Chancelloriida und Hexactinellida) - 1969

Deltidial spines in the Triassic brachiopod Bittnerula - 1970

Phragmoteuthis ? ticinensis n. sp., ein Coleoidea-Rest aus der Grenzbitumenzone (Mittlere Trias) des Monte San Giorgio (Kt. Tessin, Schweiz) - 1970

Ein angeblicher Weberknecht (Arachnida, Opiliones) aus dem Rotliegenden von Thüringen - 1971

Ein neuer Archaeopteryx-Fund [A new Archaeopteryx find] - 1973

Hydrallmania graptolithiformis n sp, eine durch biomuration erhaltene Sertulariidae (Hydroz) aus der Masstricher Tuffkreide - 1973

Taxonomische Probleme um das Genus Miopetaurista Kretzoi, 1962 (Fam. Sciuridae). - 1975

A new Lower Jurassic ammonite genus Kohaticeras from the Shinawari Formation, Kohat Tribal Belt, Pakistan - 1975

Rotasaccus dentifer n. g. n. sp. ein devonischer Ophiocistoide (Echinodermata) mit holothuroiden Wandskleriten und echinoidem Kauapparat - 1976

Zur systematischen Stellung von Austropanorpa (Insecta, Mecoptera) aus dem Alttertiär Australiens - 1977

Zur Gattungsunterscheidung und Rekonstruktion der triadischen Schwebcrinoiden - 1977

The genus Platythyris (Brachiopoda) and its relationship to the Pygopidae - 1978

Ein Teuthiden-Rest aus dem Obernor (Kössener-Schichten) der Lahnewies-Neidernachmulde bei Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bayern) - 1978

Neubeschreibung yon Coelacanthus granulatus Agassiz (Actinistia, Pisces) aus dem Kupferschiefer yon Richelsdorf (Perm, W.-Deutschland) - 1978

Ein neuer Palaeodictyopteren-Fund aus dem westdeutschen Namurium - 1978

Tanchintongia - eine aberrante permische bivalve in Europa - 1978

Présence du Crocodilien Phosphatosaurus (Mesosuchia, Dyrosauridae) dans le Paléocène du Niger et du Mali - 1979

Ein neuer Insektenfund aus dem Westfalium von Ibbenbüren (Westdeutschland) - 1980

Avian-like tibiotarsi of pterodactyloids (Reptilia: Pterosauria) from the Upper Jurassic of East Africa - 1980

Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) des Eichkogels bei Mödling (Niederösterreich). - 1981

Occurrence of the Upper Triassic bivalve Monotis in Iran - 1981

Phylogenie und Verbreitungsgeschichte der Eomeropidae (Insecta: Mecoptera). Ein Beispiel für die Anwendung der phylogenetischen Systematik in der Paläontologie - 1981

Somaspidion hammapheron n. gen, n. sp. - ein Arachnide aus dem Oberkarbon der subvaristischen Saumsenke NW Deutschlands - 1982

Hopleacanthus richelsdorfensis n g n sp, ein Euselachier aus dem permischen Kupferschiefer von Hessen (W-Deutschland) - 1982

Ostracoden (O. Myodocopida) mit Weichkorper-Erhaltung aus der Unter-Trias von Spitzbergen - 1983

A pterosaurian notarium from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil - 1983

Ophiuren (Echinodermata) des hohen Oberdevons in nördlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge - 1983

Parallelophoridae - isolierte Analfelder eozäner Schaben (Insecta: Blattodea) - 1984

Revision von Stylothalamia columnaris (Le Maitre) 1935 (Sphinctozoa, Porifera) aus dem Lias von Marokko - 1984

Un Choristodera (Eosuchia?) insolite du Crétacé Inférieur de Mongolie - 1984

Zur systematischen Stellung mesozoischer und tertiärer Mecopteren einschließlich Eoses triassica Tindale (angeblich Lepidoptera) (Insecta, Holometabola) - 1984

Erster Nachweis eines Hadrosauriers (Ornithischia) aus dem unteren Garumnium (Maastrichtium) des Beckens von Tremp (Provinz Lérida, Spanien) [First proof of hadrosaurs (Ornithischia) from the lower Garumnian (Maastrichtian) of the Tremp basin (Lérida province, Spain)] - 1984

Über Protechioceras Spath und Tmaegophioceras Spath (Arnmonoidea) aus dem Sinemurium Ungarns - 1984

Pentacrinites quenstedti (Oppel) aus dem oberen Untertoarcium (Lias Epsilon) von Ohmden bei Holzmaden (SW-Deutschland) - 1984

Eine neue Eintagsfliege Misthodotes stapfi n. sp. aus dem Rotliegenden des Nahe-Gebietes (Ephemeroptera: Permoplectoptera: Misthodotidae) - 1984

Eine fossile Stielaugenfliege aus dem Unter-Oligozän von Ceresté, Frankreich (Diptera: Diopsidae) [A fossil stalk-eyed fly from the Lower Oligocene of Ceresté, France (Diptera: Diopsidae)] - 1985

Eine fossile Stechmücke aus dem Unter-Oligozän von Céreste, Frankreich (Diptera: Culicidae) - 1985

A new mongolian species of the Lower Cambrian genus Camenella and the problems of scleritome-based taxonomy of the Tommotiidae - 1986

Neue Funde von Encrinus greppini De Loriol 1877 aus dem Oberen Muschelkalk von Südbaden und der Nordschweiz - 1986

Bemerkungen zu einem Neufund von Weigeltisaurus jaekeli (Weigelt) im nordhessischen Kupferschiefer. [Notes on a new discovery of Weigeltisurus jaekeli (Weigelt) in the Copper Shale of Northern Hesse] - 1986

Wirbeltierreste aus dem Mittleren Muschelkalk (Trias) von Göttingen, West-Deutschland - 1986

Grabwespen der Gattung Passaloecus aus fossilen Harzen (Hymenoptera, Sphecoidea, Pemphredoninae). Passaloecus microceras n. sp., Baltischer Bernstein, oberes Eozän. Passaloecus munax n. sp., Bitterfelder Bernstein, unteres Miozän - 1986

Ein Flugsaurier-Rest aus dem Posidonienschiefer (Unter-Toarcium) von Schandelah bei Braunschweig - 1986

Ein Dibranchiat aus dem mainfränkischen Oberen Muschelkalk: Triadoteuthis parvula Müller - 1987

A Pennsylvanian aeduelliform (Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii) from North America with comments on aeduelliform interrelationships - 1987

On Lower and Upper Jurassic dibranchiate cephalopods from Germany and England - 1987

Ischnochiton marloffsteinensis n. sp., eine Polyplacophore aus dem fränkischen Lias - 1988

First record of Paleocene nautiloids from Cuba - 1988

The Paroxyclaenidae (Mammalia) and a new form from the early Eocene of Palette, France - 1988

A probable thecate hydroid from the Upper Cretaceous of southern England preserved by bioimmuration - 1988

Two micromorphic bivalves from the Silurian of Gotland - 1989

Colospongia ramosa n. sp. ("Sphinctozoa", Porifera) aus karnischen Riffkalken der Westkarpaten (Ungarn) und den Pantokratorkalken der Insel Hydra (Griechenland) - 1989

Muensterichthys buergeri n. g. n. sp., ein neuer Palaeoniscoide (Actinopterygii, Pisces) aus dem permischen Kupferschiefer von Richelsdorf (Hessen, West-Deutschland) - 1989

Some problematical sharks teeth (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii) from the Early and Middle Jurassic of Germany - 1989

Re-evaluation of "Typothorax" meadei, a Late Triassic aetosaur from the United States - 1990

The Madagascan ammonite Neogauthiericeras Collignon, 1969 from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Texas - 1990

Über Nothosauria (Sauropterygia, Reptilia) - ein Diskussionsbeitrag - 1990

Ein Elasmosaurierzahn aus der oberen Kreide des St. Pietersberges bei Maastricht, Siid-Limburg, Niederlande - 1990

Proetide triolobites from the Cystoid Limestone (Ashgill) of NW Spain, and the suprageneric classification of related forms - 1990

Fischreste fish remains (Selachii, Actinopterygii) from an erratic Wealden Clay deposit of Lobber Ort (Monchgut/Ruger/DDR) - 1990

Revision of the fossil Cylindrotomidae (Diptera, Nematocera) from Florissant and White River, USA - 1991

Über triassische "Loxonematoidea" und ihre Beziehungen zu rezenten und paläozoischen Schnecken - 1991

Ein neues captorhinomorphes Reptil aus dem thüringischen Rotliegend (Unter-Perm; Ost-Deutschland) - 1991

Cylindrotomidae (Diptera, Tipulomorpha) from the Paleogene of Bolshaya Svetlovodnaya (eastern asiatic USSR) - 1991

Palaeoecology of coralline sponge-coral meadows from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal - 1991

Toxorhina (Ceratocheilus) caucasiensis, a new species from the Middle Miocene of Stavropol (northern Caucasus, USSR) (Diptera, Limoniidae) - 1991

Neue Infromationen zu Menaspis armata Ewald - 1992

A new species of Palaeospinax (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii) from the Lower Jurassic Posidonia Shale of southern Germany - 1992

Paleoecology of a low-diversity Silurian community from the Tofta Beds of Gotland - 1992

Platyceratidae from the Triassic St. Cassian Formation and the evolutionary history of the Neritomorpha (Gastropoda) - 1992

Evolution de l'oeil et hétérochronie chez les Trilobites ordoviciens Ormathops DELO 1935 et Toletanaspis RABANO 1989 (Dalmanitidae, Zeliszkellinae) - 1992

Paratritemnodon indicus (Creodonta, Mammalia) from the early Middle Eocene Subathu Formation, NW Himalaya, India - 1992

Silurische Halysitidae (Coelenterata, Tabulata) von Bithynien (Nordwest-Türkei) und biofazielle Beziehungen der Gondwanischen Halysitinae und Cateniporinae [Silurian Halysitidae (Coelenterata, Tabulata) of Bithynia, northwestern Turkey, and biofacies relationships of Gondwanan Halysitinae and Cateniporinae] - 1992

The first occurrence of the aetosaur Paratypothorax andressi (Reptilia, Aetosauria) in the western United States and its biochronological significance - 1992

Ein dendroider Graptolith (Ophigraptus hercyniae n. g. n. sp.) von der Unter-Mitteldevon-Grenze im Harz (Deutschland) - 1992

Parabittacus analis Handlirsch 1939 und Parabittacus lingula (Bode 1953), Neorthophlebiiden (Insecta: Mecoptera) aus dem Oberen Lias von Deutschland - 1993

Dobbertiniopteryx capniomimus gen. et sp. nov. - die erste Steinfliege (Insecta: Plecoptera) aus dem europäischen Jura - 1993

Gut contents of Parasaurus (Pareiasauria) and Protorosaurus (Archosauromorpha) from the Kupferschiefer (Upper Permian) of Hessen, Germany - 1993

A new hydroid from the Upper Cretaceous of Mississippi - 1993

Raphidiodea aus dem Lias und die Phylogenie der Kamelhalsfliegen (Insecta: Holometabola) - 1994

Tanyderidae and Psychodidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Lower Jurassic of northeastern Germany - 1994

Siphonal and cameral deposits in Allumettoceras and the position of the Tripteroceratidae (Nautiloidea) - 1994

Filelloides cretacea ng nsp, ein durch Bioimmuration überlieferter Vertreter der Ordnung Hydroida (Hydrozoa) aus der Maastrichter Tuffkreide (Obermaastrichtium) - 1994

Palparites deichmuelleri Handlirsch from the Tithonian Solnhofen Plattenkalk belongs to the Kalligrammatidae (Insecta: Neuroptera) - 1994

The mosasaur "Angolasaurus" bocagei (Reptilia: Mosasauridae) from the Turonian of Angola re-interpreted as the earliest member of the genus Platecarpus - 1994

First record of mosasaurs from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of Zaire - 1994

Neue Rudisten (Radiolitidae) aus der Oberkreide Böotiens Mittelgriechenland [New rudists (radiolitidae) from the upper Cretaceous of Boeotia, central Greece] - 1994

Neue Arten der Gattung Macropunctum (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elateridae) aus der Olschieferfazies der mitteleozänen Messelformation der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt - 1994

Revision of Mesorhyphus Handlirsch, Eoplecia Handlirsch and Heterorhyphus Bode (Diptera: Anisopodomorpha, Bibionomorpha) from the Upper Liassic of Germany - 1995

The Baltic nautiloids Cyrtoceras ellipticum Lossen 1860, C. priscum Eichwald 1861, and Orthoceras damesi Krause 1877 - 1995

Der älteste Vertreter der Meropeidae (Mecoptera, Insecta) - 1995

Eine neue Bethylidae der Gattung Lytopsenella Kieffer 1911 aus dem Baltischen Bernstein (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) - 1995

Beiträge zur Kenntnis fossiler Trauermücken aus Sächsischem Bernstein. Teil II. Drei neue Sciariden aus Tertiär-Harzen des Bitterfelder Braunkohlereviers (Insecta, Diptera, Sciaridae) - 1995

Taxonomy, ecology, and palaeobiogeography of Gervilleioperna (Gervilleiognoma) aurita n. subgen, n. sp. (Bivalvia) from the Middle Jurassic of northern Chile - 1996

Zur systematischen Position von Schesslitziella haupti Kuhn 1952 (Insecta: Phasmatodea) aus dem Oberen Lias von Nordfranken (Deutschland) - 1996

Janassa korni (Weigelt) - Neubeschreibung eines petalodonten Elasmobranchiers aus dem Kupferschiefer und Zechsteinkalk (Perm) von Eisleben (Sachsen-Anhalt) - 1996

A redescription of the trigonotarbid arachnid Pocononia whitei (Ewing 1930) - 1996

A new amphibian (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Late Pennsylvanian (Middle Stephanian) of central New Mexico, USA - 1996

Taxonomic and biochronological significance of specimens of the Triassic dicynodont Dinodontosaurus Romer 1943 in the Tübingen collection - 1996

Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Paranourosorex lineage, Neogene of Eurasia (Mammalia: Soricidae: Anourosoricini) - 1996

A remarkable assemblage of terrestrial tetrapods from the Zechstein (Upper Permian: Tatarian) near Korbach (northwestern Hesse) - 1996

Redescription of the largest trigonotarbid arachnid - Kreischeria wiedei Geinitz 1882 from the Upper Carboniferous of Zwickau, Germany - 1997

A new late Olenekian (Triassic) ammonoid of low palaeolatitude affinity from Arctic Asia (Eastern Taimyr) - 1997

On the Emsian (Lower Devonian) arthropods of the Rhenish Schiefergebirge: 1. Xenarachne, an enigmatic arachnid from Willwerath, Germany - 1997

On some Albian ammonites from northeastern Sinai (Egypt) - 1997

Middle Jurassic Porifera from Kachchh, western India - 1997

Okolpania favorabilis n. sp. (Planipennia; Neuroptera: Permithonidae) aus dem unteren Perm des Urals - 1997

La plus ancienne sauterelle Tettigoniidae, Orthoptera (Trias, NE France): mimetisme ou exaptation? - 1997

Ein weiteres Exemplar von Lethe ? corbieri Nel 1993 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) aus dem Unter-Oligozän von Céreste (Süd-Frankreich) - 1998

New finds of Omphalosaurus and a review of Triassic ichthyosaur paleobiogeography - 1998

Neue Mecopteren aus dem oberen Jura von Karatau (Kasachstan) (Insecta, Mecoptera: "Orthophlebiidae") - 1998

Hexapylocapsa anachoreta n.gen., n.sp., type of a new monocyrtid nassellarian family (Radiolaria)with double-shelled caphalis - 1998

Revision der Gattung Orthacanthus Agassiz 1843 (Chondrichthyes: Xenacanthida) [Revision of the genus Orthacanthus Agassiz 1843 (Chondrichthyes: Xenacanthida)] - 1998

New species of Electribius Crowson 1973 (Coleoptera: Artematopodidae) from Baltic amber - 1998

Tshekhosara improvida n. gen., n. sp. (Insecta; Grylloblattida: Megakhosaridae) aus dem unteren Perm des Urals - 1998

A skull of Cyamodus kuhnschnyderi Nosotti & Pinna 1993, from the Muschelkalk of Wassonne (Alsace, France) - 1999

Eurotamandua and Palaeanodonta: Convergent or related? - 1999

Pterosaur remains from the Cretaceous of Morocco - 1999

The scleractinian genus Hydnophora (revision of Tertiary species) - 1999

New traversodontid (Therapsida: Cynodontia) teeth from the Upper Triassic of Habay-la-Vieille (southern Belgium) - 1999

The Pugnellidae, a new stromboidean family (Gastropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous - 1999

Variation of cranial characters in Cymatosaurus 'gracilis' Schrammen 1899 (Reptilia, Sauropterygia), and its implications for systematics - 1999

New Early Cretaceous hymenopterous insects (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from Sierra del Montsec (Spain) - 2000

Ichthyosauria: their diversity, distribution and phylogeny - 2000

Moltenia rieki n. gen., n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Xyelidae?), a tentative sawfly from the Molteno Formation (Upper Triassic), South Africa - 2000

Gobiatherium (Mammalia: Dinocerata) from the middle Eocene of Asia: Taxonomy and biochronological significance - 2001

Further fossil cephalopods from Jamaica - 2001

First record of Coloborhynchus (Pterosauria) from the Santana Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Chapada do Araripe, Brazil - 2001

Multituberculaten-Zähne aus der Unter-Kreide (Barremium) von Pié Pajarón (Prov. Cuenca, Spanien) - 2001

Gobiatherium (Mammalia: Dinocerata) from the middle Eocene of Asia: Taxonomy and biochronological significance - 2001

Multituberculaten-Zfihne aus dem Ober-Jura von Porto das Barcas (Portugal) - 2001

The status and phylogenetic relationships of "Zanclodon" arenaceous: the earliest known phytosaur? - 2001

Vendia and Other Precambrian ‘Arthropods - 2001

Les Subioblattidae (Blattodea, Insecta) du Trias d'Asie Centrale - 2001

Permophricodothyris Pavlova, 1965 (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida) from the Permian of south China: its morphology, biostratigraphy and distribution - 2002

Tachypteron franzeni n. gen., n. sp., earliest emballonurid bat from the Middle Eocene of Messel (Mammalia, Chiroptera) - 2002

Milnererpeton, a replacement name for the temnospondyl amphibian Milneria - 2002

Radiolarien aus dem Grenzbereich Hettangium/Sinemurium von Nordperu [Radiolarians from the Hettangian/Sinemurian boundary of northern Peru] - 2002

The oldest Jurassic cyathophorid coral (Scleractinia) from siliciclastic environments of the Kachchh Basin, western India - 2002

New crested specimens of the Late Cretaceous pterosaur Nyctosaurus - 2003

Eine neue Poriferen-Fauna aus dem Septarienton (Oligozän, Rupelium) von Bad Freienwalde (NE-Deutschland) und der erste fossil erhaltene Vertreter der nicht-rigiden Hexactinelliden-Gattung Asconema [A new Poriferan fauna from the Septarienton (Oligocene, Rupelian) of Bad Freienwalde (NE Germany) and the first fossil representative of the non-rigid hexactinellid genus Asconema - 2003

An enigmatic, solifuge-like fossil arachnid from the Lower Carboniferous of Kamienna Góra (Intra-Sudetic basin), Poland - 2003

Eine Neubeschreibung der Gattung Eoeugnathus Brough, 1939 (Actinopterygii; Halecomorphi) aus der alpinen Mitteltrais Graubündes (Schweiz) - 2003

A redescription of some poorly known Rotliegend arachnids from the Lower Permian (Asselian) of the Ilfeld and Thuringian Forest Basins, Germany - 2003

The Cenomanian Gastropoda of the Kassenberg quarry in Mülheim (Germany, Late Cretaceous) - 2004

The Liassic ichthyosaur Stenopterygius cf. quadriscissus from the Lower Toarcian of Dobbertin (northeastern Germany) and some considerations on Lower Toarcian marine reptile palaeobiogeography - 2004

Fossil water striders from the Middle Eocene fossil sites of Eckfeld and Messel, Germany (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha) - 2004

Solenoporaceen aus den obertriassischen (Nor) Riffkalken des Taurusgebirges (Antalya-Gebiet, Südtürkei) [Upper Triassic (Norian) solenoporaceans from the reef limestones of the Taurus Mountains (Antalya, southern Turkey)] - 2005

The Ephemeridea (Insecta) from the Gres a Voltzia (early Middle Triassic) of the Vosges (NE France) - 2005

Systematic Paleontology, in The Ephemeridea (Insecta) from the Gres a Voltzia (early Middle Triassic) of the Vosges (NE France) - 2005

Well-preserved mollusks from the Lower Keuper (Ladinian) of Hohenlohe (southwest Germany) - 2005

Temnospondyl amphibians from the Jurassic of the Southern Junggar Basin (NW China) - 2005

A giant crocodylomorph from the Upper Triassic of New Mexico - 2005

Oxfordian perisphinctid ammonites from Chacay Melehue, Argentina - 2006

Oxfordian perisphinctid ammonites from Chacay Melehue, Argentina - 2006

Taxonomie und Systematik der Hippocardioidea Pojeta & Runnegar 1976 [n. superfam.] (Mollusca; Rostroconchia) - 2006

The first fossil Paussine (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Mexican amber - 2006

A traversodont cynodont from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) - 2006

Neue Erkenntnisse zu mikromorphen Gastropoden aus Sötenich (Givetium, Mittle-Devon) - 2007

Enigmatic new mammals from the late Eocene of Egypt - 2007

Tuberosciponoceras: a new dimorphic ammonoid genus from the Upper Albian of Patagonia, Argentina - 2007

Larval shells of Late Palaeozoic naticopsis gastropods (Neritopsoidea: Neritimorpha) with a discussion of the early neritimorph evolution - 2007

A new notion on the heteropterofauna (Insecta: Hemiptera, Heteroptera) from the Pliocene of Willershausen (N Germany) - 2007

Furculae in the Late Triassic theropod dinosaur Coelophysis bauri - 2007

The Inoceramus limpet Gigantocapulus problematicus (Nagao and Otatume, 1938) in New Zealand (Late Cretaceous Gastropoda or Monoplacophora, Gigantocapulidae n. fam.) - 2007

New information on the anatomy of the Late Permian gliding reptile Coelurosauravus - 2007

Recognition of the Paleocne gastropod "Solariella" alabamensis (Aldrich, 1886) as a member of lower heterobranchs (Mathildidae), with decription of Toulminella n. gen. - 2007

An atypical fauna in the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate of Germany - 2007

Lower Permian Bryozoa from Ellesmere Island (Canada) - 2007

Paleogeographic significance of Early Permian crinoids and blastoids from Oman - 2007

A cystoporate bryozoan species from the Zechstein (Late Permian) - 2007

A revision of Poposaurus gracilis (Archosauria: Suchia) based on two new specimens from the Late Triassic of the southwestern U.S.A. - 2007

Gastropoden aus dem oberen Toarcium/unteren Aalenium (Jura) von Norddeutschland [Gastropods from the Upper Toarcian/Lower Aalenian (Jurassic) from northern Germany] - 2007

A new solitary coral genus of the suborder Heterocoeniina (Scleractinia) from the Aptian (Cretaceous) of Spain - 2008

On a theropod scapula (Upper Cretaceous) from the Marília Formation, Bauru Group, Brazil - 2008

The Lower Devonian scorpion Waeringoscorpio and the respirstory nature of its filamentous structures, with the description of a new species from the Westerwald area, Germany - 2008

A new cajaro catfish (Siluriformes : Pimelodidae : Phractocephalus) from the Late Miocene of southwestern Amazonia and its relationship to Phractocephalus nassi of the Urumaco Formation - 2008

Dinosaur remains from the La Quinta Formation (Lower or Middle Jurassic) of the Venezuelan Andes - 2008

The Paleozoic and Mesozoic vertebrate record of Venezuela: an overview, summary of previous discoveries and report of a mosasaur from the La Luna Formation (Cretaceous) - 2008

Early Jurassic (Upper Pliensbachian) gastropods from the Herforder Liasmulde (Bielefeld, Northwest Germany) - 2008

Cetacean remains from the Neogene of northwestern Venezuela - 2008

Two new Triassic sphinctozoan sponge species from near Kantang, Trnag Province, southern Thailand - 2008

Early Tithonian Saturnalidae (Radiolaria) from the Solnhofen area (Southern Frankonian Alb, southern Germany) - 2008

Thuringopteryx-eine "permische" Eintagsfliege im Buntsandstein (Insecta, Pterygota - 2008

Chaniella a new lower Tremadocian (Ordovician) brachiopod from northwestern Argentina and its phylogenetic relationships within basal rhynchonelliforms - 2009

Re-evaluation of the Devonian family Helianthasteridae Gregory, 1899 (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) - 2009

First record of Pojetaia runnegari Jell, 1980 and Fordilla Barrande, 1881 from the Middle East (Taurus Mountains, Turkey) and critical review of Cambrian bivalves - 2009

Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Geirud Formation (Upper Devonian/Lower Carboniferous) of central Alborz (Iran) - 2009

Toarctocera (Gastropoda, Aporrhaidae): a new genus from the Jurassic (Toarcian/Aalenian) of south Germany and the early evolutionary history of the family Aporrhaidae - 2009

Oligocene and Early Miocene gastropods from Kutch (NW India) document an early biogeographic switch from Western Tethys to Indo-Pacific - 2009

The first occurrence of a lingulid brachiopod from the Cretaceous of Sergipe, Brazil, with a restudy of ‘Lingula’ bagualensis Wilckens, 1905 from southern Patagonia - 2009

New remains of Hungarosaurus tormai (Ankylosauria, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hungary: skeletal reconstruction and body mass estimation - 2009

Noriphyllia, a new Tethyan Late Triassic coral genus - 2009

The first fossil record of Polyrhachis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the Upper Miocene of Crete (Greece) - 2009

The Upper Cretaceous belemnite Praeactinocamax plenus (Blainville, 1827) from Lower Saxony (Upper Cenomanian, northwest Germany) and its distribution pattern in Europe - 2009

A new Triassic decapod, Platykotta akaina, from the Arabian shelf of the northern United Arab Emirates: earliest occurrence of the Anomura - 2010

Eptingiacea and Saturnaliacea (Radiolaria) from the middle Carnian of Turkey and some late Ladinian to early Norian samples from Oman and Alaska - 2010

Trigonotarbid arachnids from the Lower Devonian (Lower Emsian) of Alken an der Mosel (Rhineland-Palatinate, SW Germany) - 2010

Glyphiteuthis rhinophora n. sp., a trachyteuthidid (Coleoidea, Cephalopoda) from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Mexico - 2010

The Middle Miocene mole Desmanodon crocheti sp. nov. (Talpidae, Mammalia): the last representative of the genus in the North Alpine foreland basin - 2010

The oldest stylophoran echinoderm: a new Ceratocystis from the middle Cambrian of Germany - 2010

Mid-Holocene skua remains from King George Island, Antarctica - 2010

The oldest synallactid sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Aspidochirotida) - 2010

The position of the claws in Noasauridae (Dinosauria: Abelisauroidea) and its implication for abelisauroid manus evolution - 2010

Leonispirifer leonensis gen. et sp. nov., a rare delthyridoid spiriferid brachiopod from northern Spain (Brachiopoda, Lower Devonian) - 2010

Selachian teeth from Campanian sediments (Upper Cretaceous) of the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin (NW Germany) - 2010

Rugose corals from the Upper Visean (Carboniferous) of the Jerada Massif (NE Morocco): taxonomy, biostratigraphy, facies and palaeobiogeography - 2010

First record of Miocene crustaceans from Hormozgan Province, southern Iran - 2010

Middle Givetian echinoderms from the Schlade Valley (Rhenish Massif, Germany): habitats, taxonomy and ecostratigraphy - 2010

Shell structure of helically coiled microconchids from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) of Germany - 2010

New specimens of the avian taxa Eurotrochilus (Trochilidae) and Palaeotodus (Todidae) from the early Oligocene of Germany - 2010

New record of a sauropod in the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition of the Iberian Peninsular (Spain): palaeobiogeographical implications - 2010

An abelisaurid humerus from the Upper Cretaceous of India - 2010

New information about Irajatherium hernandezi Martinelli, Bonaparte, Schultz & Rubert 2005 (Eucynodontia, Tritheledontidae) from the upper triassic (Caturrita Formation, Parana Basin) of Brazil - 2011

Two ants (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the late Pliocene of Willershausen, Germany, with a nomenclatural note on the genus Camponotites - 2011

New early Jurassic decapod crustacean from Patagonia (Chubut Province), Argentina - 2011

Camponotites steinbachi name, in Two ants (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the late Pliocene of Willershausen, Germany, with a nomenclatural note on the genus Camponotites - 2011

Trigonotarbid arachnids from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian) of Bürdenbach (Lahrbach Valley, Westerwald area, Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany) - 2011

Strophomenidae, Leptostrophiidae, Strophodontidae and Shaleriidae (Brachiopoda, Strophomenida) from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden - 2011

Ephemeroptera names, in Insects from the Buntsandstein of Lower Franconia and Thuringia - 2011

Operculate cyclostome bryozoans (Eleidae) from the Bohemian Cretaceous - 2011

A new kinosternoid from the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota and Montana and the origin of the Dermatemys mawii lineage - 2011

Frasnian bryozoans (Late Devonian) from the Khoshyeilagh Section, Alborz Mountains (northern Iran) - 2011

Reassessment of the Middle Triassic rauisuchian archosaurs Ticinosuchus ferox and Stagonosuchus nyassicus - 2011

A small ichthyosaur from the Clearwater Formation (Alberta, Canada) and a discussion of the taxonomic utility of the pectoral girdle - 2011

An earliest Givetian "Lilliput effect" in the Parana Basin, and the collapse of the Malvinokaffric shelly fauna - 2011

A new sea cow record from the lower Oligocene of western Germany: new indications on the skeletal morphology of Halitherium schinzii (Mammalia: Sirenia) - 2011

Reassessing Devonotarbus, a phalangiotarbid arachnid from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian and Emsian) of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (SW Germany) - 2012

A new ‘‘microsaur’’ (Amphibia; Lepospondyli) from the Rotliegend of the Saar–Palatinate region (Carboniferous/Permian transition; West Germany) - 2012

A Middle Miocene endemic freshwater mollusc assemblage from an intramontane Alpine lake (Aflenz Basin, Eastern Alps, Austria) - 2012

Oysters and oyster-like bivalves from the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk of the Germanic Basin - 2012

A carpometacarpus from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia sheds light on the Ornithurine bird radiation - 2012

First report of Namurian insects (Palaeodictyoptera; Megasecoptera; "basal Neoptera") from the Küchenberg near Fröndenberg/Ruhr (Germany) - 2012

The bipolar bivalve Oxytoma (Palmoxytoma) cygnipes (Young and Bird, 1822) in the Upper Pliensbachian of Germany - 2012

Insects from the Buntsandstein of Lower Franconia and Thuringia - 2012

New information on body size and cranial display structures of Pterodactylus antiquus, with a revision of the genus - 2013

The forgotten remains of a leptocleidid plesiosaur (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauroidea) from the Early Cretaceous of Gronau (Münsterland, Westphalia, Germany) - 2013

Squamate finding in "Lo Hueco" (Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian, Cuenca Province, Spain): the second non-marine pythonomorph lizard - 2013

An offshore fish assemblage (Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii) from the Late Jurassic of NE Spain - 2013

Isolated theropod teeth from the Kem Kem Beds (Early Cenomanian) near Taouz, Morocco - 2013

First fossil horsefly (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Miocene Mexican amber - 2013

Trepostome bryozoans from the Zahorany Formation (Upper Ordovician) of Lodenice, Prague Basin, Czech Republic - 2014

Family Dibrachicystidae (Echinodermata: Rhombifera) from the “Middle” Cambrian of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic - 2014

A new fossil species of Phlebotominae sand fly from Miocene amber of Chiapas, Mexico (Diptera: Psychodidae) - 2014

New bethylid and chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Canadian Late Cretaceous amber - 2014

Diversity, palaeoecology and systematics of a marine fossil assemblage from the Late Triassic Cassian Formation at Settsass Scharte, N Italy - 2014

Redescription and phylogenetic relationships of Megachirella wachtleri Renesto et Posenato, 2003 (Reptilia, Diapsida) - 2014

Postcranial morphology of a basal Pistosauroidea (Sauropterygia) from the Lower Muschelkalk of Winterswijk, The Netherlands - 2014

Arachnids from the Carboniferous of Russia and Ukraine, and the Permian of Kazakhstan - 2014

An Eryops-like interclavicle from the Early Permian of the Saar-Nahe Basin, and a discussion of temnospondyl interclavicle characters - 2014

A new trap-jaw ant species of the genus Odontomachus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) from the Early Miocene (Burdigalian) of the Czech Republic - 2014

Brachiopods from the Silberberg Formation (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene) of Atzendorf, Central Germany - 2015

Talexirhynchia, a new rhynchonellid genus from the Jurassic Ethiopian Province of Jordan - 2015

Mollistephaninae and Frebolditinae, new subfamilies of Middle Jurassic stephanoceratid Ammonoidea - 2015

Taxonomic names, in New flatbug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) records from the Middle Eocene Messel Maar, Germany - 2015

Evidence of theropod dinosaurs from a Lower Cretaceous karst filling in the northern Sauerland (Rhenish Massif, Germany) - 2015

Giant rodents from the Neotropics: diversity and dental variation of late Miocene neoepiblemid remains from Urumaco, Venezuela - 2015

A new durophagous scincomorphan lizard genus from the Late Cretaceous Iharkut locality (Hungary, Bakony Mts) - 2015

On rediscovered types of Santonian cheilostome bryozoans described by Ehrhard Voigt (1924, 1930) from the Subhercynian Cretaceous Basin and its surroundings - 2015

A Late Cretaceous eutherian mammals from southwestern France - 2015

Sea scorpions (Chelicerata, Eurypterida) from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian) of the Lahrbach Valley/Westerwald area (SW Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate) - 2015

Early Toarcian (Jurassic) belemnites from northeastern Gondwana (South Riffian ridges, Morocco) - 2015

New flatbug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) records from the Middle Eocene Messel Maar, Germany - 2015

Systematics and evolutionary implications of Early Jurassic belemnites from the Peri-Mediterranean Tethys - 2015

The eomyid rodents (Mammalia) from the Oligocene and Miocene of the Valley of Lakes (Central Mongolia) - 2015

New insights into the anatomy and systematic of 'Papoulemys' laurenti, a representative of Neochelys (Chelonii, Podocnemididae) from the early Eocene of the south of France - 2015

Stem therian mammal Amphibetulimus from the Middle Jurassic of Siberia - 2015

Palaeoecology of new fossil associations from the Cipit boulders, St. Cassian Formation (Ladinian–Carnian, Middle–Upper Triassic; Dolomites, NE Italy) - 2016

First Middle Jurassic record of Saurichthyidae (Actinopterygii) - 2016

Huncalotis, an enigmatic new pectinoid genus (Bivalvia, Late Jurassic) from South America - 2016

Mass occurrence of the enigmatic gastropod Elmira in the Late Cretaceous Sada Limestone seep deposit in southwestern Shikoku, Japan - 2016

Early Miocene continental gastropods from new localities of the Molasse Basin in southern Germany - 2016

Late Cretaceous crinoids (Echinodermata) from the southwestern margin of the Holy Cross Mts. (southern Poland) and phylogenetic relationships among bourgueticrinids - 2016

New callipurbeckiid genus (Ginglymodi: Semionotiformes) from the Tithonian (Late Jurassic) of Canjuers, France - 2016

The sponge genus Ephydatia from the high-latitude middle Eocene: environmental and evolutionary significance - 2016

A new rhynchosaur from south Brazil (Santa Maria Formation) and rhynchosaur diversity patterns across the Middle-Late Triassic boundary - 2016